POLICE BEAT The following incidents reported to the University ()ffi> e of Public Safety and the Eugene polio? department fan 9-10 • A University student report ed a theft on the 1400 block of Orchard Street Jan 9 Ac t ording to police reports she had left her laundry at the place where she was washing it and returned to find all of her clothes stolen The stolen items amounted to $130. • The Phi Delta Theta frater nity was cited for furnishing alcohol to minors Inn 9 According to polit e reports, the fraternity hail a party Jan 9 yvhere a large number of minors were given lieer to drink Along yyitli the Phi Delta Theta chap ter, four members of the fraterni ty were cited. • A theft was reported from the 1300 block of hast 13th Avenue Jan. 12 At cording to police reports, a VCR and remote were stolen, together worth $355. • A $475 bicycle was reported stolen from the 1000 block of Patterson Street Jan. 12. • A $70 bicycle was reported stolen from the 1500 block of Kincaid Street Jnn. 12. • A student reported a theft from a vehicle on the 1200 block of hast 19th Avenue According to police reports, a VCR and a briefcase were stolen The loss amounted to $400. • A student reported a theft from a vehicle on the 700 him k of East 15th Avenue. According to police reports, $200 worth of property was taken, including a calculator, a briefcase and sun glasses. • Two people were cited lor minor in possession of alcohol, and one person yvas cited lor furnishing liquor to minors at a party on the 1100 block of Mill Street Jan 12 • A > -' Ati a- ;V ' stolen on the 1000 blot i. of Almaden Street (an 1 3 • AS stolen on the 1300 block of Franklin boulevard Jan 1 t • A $100 vat mini t leaner was reported stolen front a dorm on the 1300 blot.k of Hast 13th Avenue Jan 14 • A student was tiled fur fourth-degree assault after a Tight o< t timid outside Rennies latnd ing Jan 15 At t ording to poliiat reports the victim was a stu dent • A 24 veltr-old student reported a parking meter anti its |>ost stolen from the 1200 blot k of Alder Street Jan in Act ord mg to polit e reports, the stolen Items were worth $150. • Arson was reported from the Bean Complex Jan in According to police reports, a woman found four areas w here sheets of paper were burnt on the walls The damage was esti mated to lie $100 • A 37-vear-old transient was cited for littering on the 1300 block of High Street Jan. 17. • A 32 voar-old man was cit ed for furnishing alt ohol to an intoxicated person on the 200 block of hast 13th Avenue Jan 17 According (o police reports, the suspect went into a store ami bought a beer for his drunk friend, who was waiting outside • A .VI-voar-old University professor reported a theft from his vehicle on the 1500 block of University Street Jan 17 According to police reports, the victim had parked his iar out side of hsslinger Hall, and while he was gone, somebody fort iblv removed his $400 in-dash stereo The passenger door had been left unlocked ET ALS MU riNCiS AM (MU. Funded Program* (ioum il will men! today at * |> m m FMt* ( edar Khuh.v A and H For more information, call 141>Ot»22 or J4b t’«I4 Student I'mon/HiUel will me»*t lor • Knimmut Center 1414 Kincaid St followed by Kabtoiat Miabbat. a vegetarian potior k al 7 to for more information, call 141 6920 MISO t l.ANEOUS ( areer Planning ami Placement Service w iH ngn up »ucimild bidder* fur mU'fvnrv*» with Meter A Frank North Wwlwn Mutual Life l Word s*« uritim and Men k Fluirutn tfeadth Division today through Monday m 224 Man I.etbtan * (.«% 1 aw Student Aunt tattoo will tpcmsor a talk by Angela !k»wt»r on Sat urdav Ian 22 at 11 a m in Hoorn I2t« e* <>f e\rnt\ wif/i a donaIn >n -i adorn turn < /nirifr will not he iu t epted . -. 1 / Bellevue Computer, Inc. Dead of Winter Specials: 386DX-40 with ISA IDE • Au. derated Video » s12 K • 14" V9 Monitor • V5" HI) Floppy • Mini-Tower • 4V1H KAM • 170 MH HD • DOS f> 2 • Focus Keyboard $1049 486SLC-66 with ISA IDE •Accelerated Video w 1 MB •14" 19 Monitor •Dual Floppies • Windows 3.1 •Focus Keyboard •4MB RAM •250 MB HD •DOS* .2 •Mini Tower •Mouse w pad $1375 Bellevue Computer, Inc. 1010 Oak SI. Eugene, OR 97401 (503) 342-3509 voice 1 (503)342-3701 fax 1 Open 9-5:30 Mon.-SaL • All prices subject to change L. WeVe lost two of our student Board of Directors members. Chanira Reang and Seth Waker due to moves Because of this, the UO Bookstore is now taking applications to fill their positions Positions Available; • One Junior Position for currently registered, full time junior student to serve on our board thru June. 1995 • One Senior Position for currently registered, full time senor student to serve on our board thru June 1994. Bookstore board members represent students, faculty and staff of the UO, and help guide bookstore policy Members at tend a monthly meeting, and receive a monthly stipend. Applications will be accepted upstairs in the administrative office through Wednesday January 26th. 346-4331 UNIVERSITY LONELY? FIND A PET TO KEEP YOU COMPANY IN THE ODE CLASSIFIEDS. ORIENTAL MARKET Close to U of O on 13th Ave. • 1 aryc relation of Asian foods (lapancsc. Korean. Chinese, Southeast Asun, cti.) • DcImous Korean deli loods iiklading Kimchi Jihl sushi • Asun sides) tape rentals • Parking lot as a liable nest sloor to store i We sue rebate tor toll parking' n.s; I I 'fit \\t ' -K f• lloin S tv fill I k ill I k»\|'i(.ll) Hours Mon Vn GREENBALL OREGON MEN'S BASKETBALL STUDENT TICKETS: $2.00 WITH CURRENT UO I.D. OREGON DUCKS \ *v\ ICTON HU! SAT., JAl 7:0! McARTHtiR COURT MAC COURT STUDENT TICKET OFFICE OPEN MON.-FRI. 10AM-4PM We’ll ask you to do unusual things Well, not exactly dancing liall naked but many other interesting tasks Be a Resident Assistant limversity 1 lousing is looking for actise. enthusiastic people who would like 10 till the Resident Assistant positions in the residence halls tor the '94-‘9S academic year Compensation: Room and board plus $(>()() per year Eligibility: Must have Junior standing by tall term 1994 and have a cumulative (»I‘A ot 2.S or higher You must also attend one ot the following orientation sessions: Wednesday, Jan. 19th. 7 pm Riley Hall (11th & Patterson). Thursday. Jan. 20t(i 7 pm Ramey Room (Hamilton Cafeteria). Tuesday, Jan. 25th 7 pm Gold Room (Carson Hall). Application deadline: Tuesday, Feb. 1st. 5 pm for more information contact: University Housing or call 546-4277 By the way, if ^ou like dancing half naked, dont hesitate to come.