210 HELP WANTED Qualified Tutor* .»•*>, *Cr l*t and /frKf yWtr Playact Mi,si nave A c* B» t ou^se nouf* Contact A^adan'C i M(rv.Ag $*n Student Ctartcai Assistant STUOfNT WTTX COMPUTER SKILLS NEEOCO .v S.o S A-* you debated an"' ■• as* tumfW school and second jobs App* «va>i|JC**«> >n 364 Oregon Hafl (x 6 32 116} and are due by noon. Wort. Jar 26 University Housing is now hiring Resident Assistants 'or the '-994 95 academic year Resident Assistant* are responsible tor student govern ment. hail programming, policy on forcement and other duties m a res* dence haH ol 30-70 residents Appfcce t»ons and additional information may bo obtained at the Housing Office m Wa> ton Compie* Resident Assistants (RAs) must be full time students at the U of O who w-H be of junior standing by •all term 1994 Compensation includes room and board tor a single room, and $600 The deadline tor completed ap plication* is Tuesday. February 1st. 1994 at 5 pm to the University Housing Office An AAEO employer comm.tied to cultural diversity and >n compliance with the ADA Coordinator urgently needed lor U of O Big Brother B*g &ster program Must be wor% study Qualified (10 fwVwfc) Academ*c credit also available CaHMerne 747-6632 Office Assistant needed immediately •n fast paced. busy office Must be reti able, friendly and fle»«bte E xpenence a plus Applications available at Academ c teeming Services 68 PlC 346 3226 Recycling position Campus Recyci «ng seeking a student for recycling op orations Seeking motivated, energetic student with interest .n recycling a plus (workstudy preferred). Contact Karyn at 346-1629 220 HOUSES FOR RENT I Block South of C*mpu* 2 Bedroom (l V Jl‘<* with loft) m 4 unit comple* At 1462 E 19th • 3 $470 3436000 R Block* South ot Campu* IN GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD 3 BDHM wrnaw carpal, ymyt $ pamt Fireplace. great view ol golf cour*« Appliance* md wa»horidrye< $825 Now an an 2660 Baker St 343 6000 710 E 22nd 2 bedroom rtouia Hardwood floori. garage Partly lurni»n«d $700 11R7 W tth Smaf I betkocm Apt Very ckHn $326 You are welcome to Pop by our office lor a tree kal ol preaeril and tuture vacancaa* Shown by appointment Me pat* SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES MR-1130_346 W 10TH 280 MEETINGS so MEETINGS Associated Chinese Students & Scholars Presents: I Chinese J Cultural Night HnjAUgtirs of Prx*#r*rrt • Oirnru ('uHifir • IVfflMItUIUf Chtnnt kung Fu TmHm Chmrv Fathiof) show Flhnk ( hirwvr Oiamtnft CUvtkaJ Chinr\t (hunting Stcigtng H-tillrf ilnlrrnMkmti C o«tl#$| Wtnrwri \nd Other frraluro I • t hi net Party—CHchrainm of Vw S rar I time i.W pm. Saturday, January 22. ' Dinner Time ^ 'ft-' MJ pm It act KMl Ballroom Ticket StO Orneral (%* »»»h vtudent ID* S' t hiUlrm under |0> ^ Tlcktti a'f anHtebU At (hr t Ml M*tn4*ik [hi mu mt\t the firtt nm< M \S\ wondtrful prnt*uuu>n' I 225 APTS DUPLEXES CHARMMG A CUTE New Duple*. 2 BORM. 1 itf bath Ooi# to campus. can be furnished {> rve by 1990 E 15th $/5Q7mo Cell Rich (503) 346 7302 after 6 00 pm __ Cute 2 bedroom duple* Dose to campus (1157 Mill) $496 346-8563 Available now Decision this wee* EUGENE MANOR 1060 ferry 464 744! 2 Bedroom $666/mo An utilities A cable included Huge 1 Bedroom Apt 3 blocks to campus, large bedroom, fireplace. on Min laundry, parking Available 2/1 $38^mo cats OK lease thru June 4866635 Now Renting 6 brand new University Family Housing Apartment units avail able for occupancy in the east campus neighborhood F «eeeds energy effi ciency standards Wonderful neighbor hood Sma# community setting Re served parking Only 3 blocks from campus Rent costs are available through the University Mous ing Apartments clerk at 3464280 EO/AA/ADA institution committed to cultural dveryty Room aval table in beautiful historic house toss than i block from campus $2752mo. ail uMties paid Can Kathy at 344-3269 or 461-0199 Also 1 bedroom available w/lree cable TV. on busline $480, 343 4294 2 Bedoom. Ferry St Bridge area On busline, 1 1/2 mAes trom campus Water, cable TV pa*d $660 466 1362 or 344 6910 Specious 2 Bdrm duple* aval now 1439 Hdyard $616/mo Von Kle*n Prop arty Management 130t ferry 486 7776 Specious 2 BDRM APT i t*> from campus Dishwasher garbage cktposaf. ubuties rx iuded Cafl now 666 3372 Student Cooperative Association Rooms open tor Winter and Spring terms Rent. uW«t*es and ail meals >n eluded m price Single $996/lerm Dou We $/48rterm Campbell Dub 1670 Alder 663 6572 Take over my teese at Codegan l w»« yve you $150 Ca* 3426703 t BORM APT Near campus 967 M*yard Apt #6 behrtd Iz/y't ok F rankkn $336. mo Can Rachel at 343 7864 lor nto Furnished 1 Bedrooms. 326 E fdth $42iVmo 1762 Ferry. $396rmo Un furnished 2 bedoom. 1210 Coburg Rd S45Gmo No Pets 466 2823 _ 1 BEDROOM • $379 10 blocks to campus laundry, parking, near Safeway Unfurnished, no pets Lease thru August 2046 WAamette 346-7987 1 M2 Blocks from Campus Studo. on site laundry taukfaes. free water A sewer. 320mo 343 7093 2 BORM B—ament APT. Near cam pus Ail utikhes and cable md Garage Soma furniture 1340 E 20th Am $66Qrno C* Ken or Steve 344-1036 2-w QUADS CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E im-Walk loUO Private Room puvcl l sundry From $34S CM hoy m3 MS99 CtOM to Campul Ava»k»t*« Nov $i>?Vmo No pets. No tmofcnQ Rea* t slate /4i ;*V)4 New Year's Special lit moot* |1W Specious, cteon. modern good toca lion One* rt Out- 486 t 9G?9 Quad tor Sublease i b*oc+ from cam pus 1360 Axler Si $?39mw AS ut* tree paid 34 S 5949 _ Take over my lease ‘ b* from cam pus {Woman} A variable t«t> 8 $i99frno tail ottfttiee paid) Can 484 4406 245 ROOMS Room for rent tor qu*et 'em aw? $206 . security UtititHM, cable. laundry park ing tncluded 1910 Grant 461 2936 t room avail Z 1 Non-Furn $«KXVmo 1st & last. $'00 (**> Snare uteiteabte *»th four Appro* 4mi from IX) 'xwr Shopping on tX/lhne Toby 344 3166 2 roomi for rant. $t80$2lQ Fur mined, busTvke mute Mouse pmn ieges f orwgp itudonta eefcome 74/6120 I Get hoo*#d/>fYl»w> ODE ck»sMl#dt _todoyt_ 250 DORM CONTRACTS A Dorm Contract and 170 an C* r&j*% C*s *46 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Mata roommat* to a6*ra tv* • % > 6 tAa fo campwa. ^ • STV^v Avttti f«fc ! t*#' Son' MOu V Hiximmsle wanlart • afur* , Ctaan * Ut*m Apt ». • v* -TyarJ A artramafy n*cr* room ACWrwp PlkKl ijffeJ %<:$•!> ftoommat* wantfKl for hOoMI m*a« from tJO SdOQnvrtjqp •••«. 'uta* -*«-n -iJ >f Sundry .KjM* 462i t room for mat* tn 2 DOftM how** VtS^o ©rut 1 V .•': •■• HanN ''*■•'•' *.1 ©**»tt Bjy If Art »*V6 MAJ* 2 Famat# roommate* naadad * # f <• > tAi! 4 tkjrm how*# 2W«C ■ wt' • x'fltft 285 CLUB SPORTS AH aroman tnt«rp*ted tn playing la cro**a .■-•..•* u ? Mi* 1906 29#/ ■" saraft W’> VC6 OMtnaraf Maatj Tufl'mtay iar* -'*■■ ft t£)i*‘,n tkw «*parwenc« nmcmatart 295 ARTS 1 ENTERTAINMENT -^ Li ircwcli Mv ConcubimJ kmiii itibwimx 1 L BARAKA J PirOAZED AND COWFUSEOJ TV UAUAVl'l. ■OMft Mil ff OI/TT jHI®^ ^*136 6.11th ^ ONOAVMOHT « ItM MOV* SI ^JtkHZXT HONDA Yl •:30" & I 11:00 t3.00 THI FAR MM By GARY IARSON YERNICK by Charles Marier one LAtr coMffcrfr on 1H«» CUTlRf EflioOf. VHH«e OoCS THE peP^Rr^enr &«t off Tiu.ino Ml vmhAT p C»Mtv1 should Bt r, I /AtAM, If I WAUTCP TO A* A UKwouf WTtCUCTUAl STA*P OF Liecft/ti wrmr,i woui.0 er TRWTfP |M So/Af oBSCUAf . CouftC Mews Faptr o*. XACfHUfc.* So.-Tcu. How IV*1 OCA MXMU $•*5 IT TAKf TO SlIUW Li^HTPoie Zfj ^IWA U«|M 293 ARTS i ENTERTAINMENT ttian FRIDAY. JANUARY 2 I 70c * «oo pm JtANLUC GOOAJtD'S WEEKEND SUNDAY, JANUARY 23 700 * 900 P1“l f IlM* fMOWN IN 1 80 PLt • ADMISSION * OO MUPIMII WMH «P II OOftlNINAirUllIC WOW HALL 8lh & Lincoln "TotutfJU Salu-uLnf, ja** 22 Ul l i;n Hi li mill f,.S'. 2”-if, 300 FOOD 4 DRiNK K-a JANUARY SPECIAL Hot Fudge Sundaes Prince Puckler's Ice Cream I'JihvV Amm ons Mm» hi till. ScM Sun lI ! 861 Willamette OPEN M i• 11i J' <■ - it-M *!jf0 $©■ %mi ttw suhMti * 346-4343 315 COUNSELING PROBLEMS? Call Ih* U of O Crisis Lina l?n«* ,»? *^ r»s»§ coon anti iat&raln Sam Me*' I n 24 houfk *«»«* «**!* J46 44*irt 330 SERVICES FREE PREGNANCY TESTS I ugen« P*«yr«ncy Support C«nl«w I Milt 14 !> 0400 W«* *d«nt<<|i 607 MSI CROSSWORD By Eugene SheJJer ACROSS 1 Md March honor** • Gift wrap f*atur* • You can't •land to hav* on* 12 Chihua hua chum 1J Thurman ol "M*nry A Jun** 14 Spring •t**n* birthplac* 15 Calvin a Hobtw*. • 9 IS Potential *t**l IS Club i*ito* 20 Eat m *tyt* 21 Yon mad*n 23 Moray, tor on* 24 Slash** 25 Madonna t •> 27 Aidant bv*r 21 Ca**ar t nonpraisar 31 Str**t waS 3S Fam*d operatic soprano 37 Oa hr* 3* Maoorti ted 41 Succor 43 U radar Hand 44 Ona'a parlor manca 45 Third party arranga matx 47 Nonaanaa 45 Coltegiata flora S3 Gaoiogi cal pa rod S3 Tha old Waal 7 44 African tarram SS Spot M Kf imMn • concarn S7 0var DOWN 1 Pa/chad 2 Pa nodaar acctdant ••a 3 Colo/ «"Tha Morning Watch" wfiar 3 Laadar ol I ha Mai Tonaa • Elvta homa town 7 A/ad Solution tlm« M mint Vtatorday* him* 1-*1 ttt s ass a sissst ■ Slaning 10 Unam moualy 11 Gluwr't tupply 17 Uiiar tool tthnaaa It Avialor Markham 21 Hoi tub 22Clw*l mom 24 Tha anp Abaanlaa Karn tiald Zilch Vary aacilad Manual man PfOtH Cilia Tray conlantt Rogar o> Outlay Saawaad Impatua Jacobi ham 40 Mere wava — 40 Diplomat abbr 50 Dutch communa 51 Normal abbr