'Oregon Dai lx Emerald ports Halftime lead crumbles as Ducks bow to Cougars By Dave Charbonneau Gregor■ Orvty EmmakJ fudging by Oregon's past two games, the Ducks have (hit first half mastered The question is, just how big of a lead do they need at halftime to be safe7 Saturday against Oregon State a 16 point halftime lead was more than ample. Thursday night against Washington State, the Cougars quickly erased a seven point halftime deficit ami rolled over Oregon 9f> H.r> at McArthur Court. "We were getting after it in the first half,'' Oregon point guard Kenya Wilkins said "Then, we came out in the second half like we had already won the game We did the same thing at the end of the Oregon State game We started watching basketball instead of playing basketball '' And the Ducks (1-3 in the I’m 10. 5-8 overall) watched quite a performance as Washington State guard Tony Harris and forward Fred Ferguson went inside and out on Oregon, combining for .12 of the Cougars' 50 second half points Oregon also watched Washington State hit four three-pointers in the first three minutes of the second half to cut the Ducks' 52-45 halftime lead to 00-50 After Oregon built the lead hack up to three on an Orlando Williams three pointer, the Cougars scored 10 straight points to take a 75-fiH lead with eight minutes left in the game and it was all downhill the rest of the way for the Ducks Ferguson, who came into the second half with three fouls already hanging over his head, dominated the inside in the s4t - Turn to DUCKS. 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