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U 683-8945 SEARCHING FOR A JOB IN THE REAL WORLD: NON-ACADEMIC JOB SEARCH STRATEGIES FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS Fret? workshop for graduate students to learn about: • Conducting n successful job search campaign • Targeting and Researching Positions and Organizations • Marketing Your Skills and Strengths • Career Planning and Placement Servires and Resources With Beth Swank, U of 0 Career Counselor WHEN: WEDNESDAY JAN. 19, 12:00 1 00 PM WHERE: EMU • CEDAR ROOM A TWe Family Center Is open ■f-V\(s quarter. Located in Rm. 23 EMU ‘Rm.o.'itnu Serving FaciAf-y & Sf-aff of U of 0, - Oregon Daily Emerald Sports Hockey winless in opening games By Mark McTyre for fft*? Ot*V f mtftgticJ The Oregon hockey team opened its season this weekend on an unexpected low note when the Ducks lost one game and tied another against vis iting Washington In the first game of the two game set. the Din ks' offense played the t\ pe of game it was expei ted to play a fast-paced offense with a lot of scoring opportunities Oregon tried, but nothing was going in the hack of the net At the fl 37 mark of the first period, the Huskies took advantage of the opportunities given by Ore gon goalie Kit.hard Dens more Washington s Dave Alter fired a shot at Densrnore. who was unable to hold onto the put k. and Huskies forward Man.us Notoro slapped the rebound into the bat k of the net. Oregon's offense t ontinued to struggle, missing opportunities for rebound goals and one-timers Within four minutes of the Huskies' first goal. the\ scored again at the -4:51 mark to take a 2-0 lead at the end of the first period The frustrations of being down 2-0 showed just lA sis onds in' 'he second period, as the Ducks' Steve Melkerson squared off against Washington 's Itrett Farizzell in a hosing mate h up against the hoards, resulting in game mist onduct penalties for both players With the flame still burning inside the Ducks, they scored at the H .10 mark Freshman standout Dreg Schuttenhelm whistled n slap shot off the Huskies goalie, which was then rebounded by Sean Schoppe for the goal Trailing only 21. it looked as if the Ducks were picking up steam for a comeback i barge Dens more ended the comeback for his own team ns he allowed a goal with just one set ond remaining in the second (Hiriod. Oregon did si ore once more in the game hut it wouldn't Is- enough as Washington field on for a 1 2 victory "Our defense had lapses and needed to help out the goalie more." Oregon head coach Paul Ruthur ford said. "Also, the forwards needed to come back and help For our first game we gave a solid effort and keyed in on hockey. In the second game, the Ducks had a new goalie (Tom Bahts) between the pipes as they went right to work on the Huskies. Mark Adams, who sc ored the last goal of the first game for Oregon, continued where he left off. At the 11:5# mark of the first period. Adams teamed up with forward Brian Clendenin on a two-on-one situation, and the tandem worked the give and go perfectly with Adams on the scoring end. With I r)fi left in the first period, the Ducks brought n trio down the ice Jeff Cintel and Schut tenhelm assisted Sohoppe to put the Ducks up 2 0 after one period The Huskies came speeding hack as they held Oregon to no goals and scored two of their own. The Huskies' first goal shouldn't have counted, as it was an illegal two-line pass, which led to a breakawav goal bv Kric Matteau The sec ond goal was given up at the hands of the goalie when Bahls fell for a fake and Farizzeil only had to flip it over Bahls for the goal. With the score tied 2-2, the Ducks again went wild on the offensive end. Adams scored the best goal of the season so far when he got out into the open and received a pass from Schuttenhelm before faking right and then hackhanding the puck to the left. Oregon added its fourth goal when there was mayhem in front of the Huskies net and Melk erson scored Just when it seemed the Ducks were going to pic k up their first win of the season, the Huskies started to capitalize on the mistakes made by Bahls Washington scored a power play goal at the 5:53 mark ns Bahls went down and couldn't recov er in time to get to the puck. Going into the final minute of the game it seemed Oregon had it won Then with 10 seconds until victorv, Washington received a fac e-off in the Ducks' zone. The Huskies won the face-off. Notaro passed the puck out to the point where Herb Aht en fired a howitzer past Bahls for the goal. Normally there would have been an overtime period, hut because of other scheduled events at the arena, the game ended in a tie. r The All-Day Warm-Up Special House Coffee & Muffin Warm up with your choice of one of our fresh-baked muffins and a 12 oz. cup of Coffee Corner fine roasted coffee FALL CREEK It A K 1~. II V H Cafe Eugene s Finest Classic Bakery Since 1980 881 East 13th Avenue, next to the UO Bookstore 484-1662 Open Monday-Friday 7 30-7, Saturday 8-6 Sunday 10-4 Special good through Sunday. January 30,1M4 » rs O o o r fWUNDERLAKC 5CV»EO GAMES Stfl STREET PUBLIC MARKET ijmm 683-8464 \ . ’ VIDEO ADVENTURE T L VALLIY MVf R PL A2A j ^mvrT-^ Weekend Special s54.00 300 FREE MILES 72 Hours Friday to Monday A-WAV 683-0874 PLEASE RECYCLE! PESSZ Mfiyfiter this paper? )