The Economics of the Citibank Classic Visa card. How no annual fee, student discounts and Price Protection create upward grow th. \ \anety ot factors haw been suggested as contributing to the economic grow th of students. including (I) more lottery winners between the ages ot 18 and 22. (2) a 37% increase on earnings from bottle and can returns. (3) more students doubling earnings in the lightning round of game shows, and (4) the Citibank ( lassie \ isa * can) It s tins last one. however, that affects most students. * The Citibank Classic Visa card oilers immediate savings to student card members. You can now receive the Citibank ( lassie card with No \nniial fee. Mxi can :■# lit J " B —-TIC “ IS V »*•« tt pumnr Mu fn.iiK f • M*ew *ui uriKjpfH Nr> uu>r <*r *• > ^'t’ nwWu N’f*'r Jnu •"*r iu' ^**/ fct*T Nw harp*'"’ 1'tiUi rrnJf'iK <4 Hit* Hr *•>»W **i»r Of’pru'n/• •» <*«- JVU' capitalize on a S20 Virfarc Discount tor domestic flights. a low variable interest rate of 154%, as well as sav tngs on mail order purchases, sports equipment, music and magazines One might even have enough sav mgs to reinvest in a CD or two (the musical kind, of course)." ()n the wav to the avoid store, or anv store tor that matter, take stivk of the 1 scrv ices concerned with purchases made on the ( itibank C lassie card. Citibank Price Protection assures one of the best prices. Sec the same item advertised in print for less, within 60 days, and Citibank will refund the difference up to $150.' Buyers Security* can cover these investments agaiast accidental damage, lire or theft (ordinarily causes lor Cireat Depressions) for 90 days from the date of purchase.' And Citibank Lifetime Warranty* can extend the warranty tor the expected service life of eligible products up to 12 years4 * But perhaps the features which oiler the best protection are your eyes, your nose, your mouth, etc.—all featured on The Photocard, the credit card with your photo on it. Carrying it can help prevent fraud or any hostile takeover of your card. (Iasiders speculate that it makes quite a good student ID, too.) Even it one's card is stolen, or perhaps lost. The Lost W allet* Service can replace your card usually w ithin 24 hours. * So never panic. As we all know, panic, such as in the (ireat Panics of 1817.1857 and 1929 can cause a dow nswing in a market But with 24-hour Customer Service, there's no reason tor it. A question about your account is only an 800 number away. (Panic of the sort experienced the night before Finals is something else again.) 1! Needless to say, building a credit history w ith the support ol such serv ices can only be a boost You're investing in futures—that future house, that luture car, etc And knowing the ( itibank ( lassie Visa card is there in your wallet should presently give you a sense of security, rare in today s—how shall we say?—fickle market. * lo apply, call. Students don't need a job or a cosigner. And call if you'd simply like your photo added to your regular ( itibank ( lassie \ isa card Heres the number: 1-800-CTI IBANK, extension 19. (1-800-248-4226). * I he Law of Student SuppK and Demand slates. "It a credit caul satisfies more ol a students unlimited wants and needs, while reducing the Risk factor in respect to limited and often scarce resources—with the greatest supply of services and savings possible—then students will demand said credit card.” So, demand away—call. OTIBANKO CLASSIC M IJU\ •♦128 0012 345b T840 T57 MtOWlQM 0ft/9J 0J/ll/f5 CV LINDA MALICIR -=: 92 Nut just Visa. Citibank Visa. Oder cxp.roh/XVM Minimum ticket purchase pneetsSKX) Rebates arc tort itibank student c ard members on tickets issued th ISI I I'ghlymlv I he Annual Perccnta* Kale lor purchases is IS4%asof I2/Vtand nui surecjuartcrls I he Annuall Pcrcenta* Rale lor cash advances » ^8% II a finance charge ,s imposed. the minimum is M>cents I here is an additional financecharite tor each cash advance transaction equal U. .rfthe amount of caeTcash advance transaction however it will not be less than S200or greater than SlOOt! (. cruin conditions and eschiuom appb IVase trier to sour Summarv of Additional Program Information Buyers Security is underwritten by I he Zurich International l K I united *( ertain restrictions ami limitations apptv Underwritten by the New Hampshire Insurance ( ompans Service life especlancy varies by product and IS at least the minimum based on retail mdustrv data Details of covet** are as a liable in your Summary of Additional Program Intormatuin Monarc h Vues* are published bs Monarch Press a div ision of Simon & Schuster, a Paramount ( ommumcations ( ompans Used by permission “uT^^r ChiVnkTmdUcanTare issued by ( it,bank .South Dakcuai N A IW4 ( .South Dakota). N. A Member H)K Monarch Notes' Version: I he Citibank Classic V isa card vs ill be there tor you vsith no annual fee, a k»vs rate and special student discounts so sour oss n economy will be more like a boom than a bust Call I-HOO fll IB\NK,ext 19(1-800-248-4226).