Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 18, 1994, Page 10, Image 10

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Emerald Sports
Oregon Daily
Parker emerges in Civil War victory
By Steve Mims
lX-iity I -*H?
In its 29<i nuili.hups. lin* Civil
War has seen a lot superstars
come and go. and Saturday's
game tnav have l>een the birth of
a new one
Darryl Parker emerged as a
force for Oregon Saturday,
st oring lr> points and grabbing
It) rebounds, to go along with
four steals and two assists that
lead the Din ks to a 74-M will
over ()regon State
In addition to those numbers,
Parker played sue It great defense
on Oregon State's Stephana
Hrown that Heaver head coach
limmv Anderson said afterwards
he may have to svviti li Hrown
awuv from the point guard spot
All of this w as a distint t change
from a month ago when Hrown.
ft-fool-0, 211 pounds, took
advantage of his size to bully
Oregon's Kenya Wilkins, 5foot
10. ltit) pounds, around lor ii
points and six assists in the
Beavers' 79-75 win over Oregon
at the par West ( lassu in
Saturday Oregon head com h
Jerry Omen put Parker on Hrown
from the start, and it paid off
immediatolv. as Brown had six
points, hut mom importantly, six
turnovers in the first half Hrown
Finished with eight turnovers and
made only five of 1 7 shots from
the field
"Wo wanted to control and
contain (Hrown)," said Parker, a
r. fool-5 junior "We felt it we did
that, we could control the game
I played physical and aggressive
and used my quit kness
Parker said he also had added
mi unlive to shut down Brown,
whom he played with on on all
Turn to CIVIL WAR, Pago 1?
MO MG AN SMI T H'f Of tf>« Emerald
Oregon freshman Jamar Curry goes up high for a block in Oregon's 74-64 win over Oregon State Saturday.
Seems like old times at McArthur Court
I was probably the biggest
win for Jerry Green's basket
JLball team in the year and a
half he's been here
Saturday afternoon, the Dm ks
dominated the Beavers like they
haven't in years
In the past, it was the Dunks
who came into the game with
their tails between their legs
Saturday, the Beavers were the
ones getting knocked around
and outplayed,
Darryl Barker, Oregon's start
ing forward, did a number on
Oregon State guard Stephana
Brown. Barker stuck to him no
matter where he was on the
court, forcing Brown to take stu
pid shots and make six
turnovers in the first half alone.
At one point, Brown threw the
ball out of bounds and then
tiegan throwing a tantrum on the
sidelines when Oregon State
coach Jimmy Anderson took
him out of the game
Saturday s game was some
thing Oregon fans haven't seen
for a while. The Ducks actually
had the gall and the confidence
to taunt the Heavers and it
wasn't a football game.
Granted, the Beavers ore a ter
rible team this season. But hey.
the Heavers have beaten the
Ducks in football when they
wore no good and then threw a
postgame celebration that made
it look like they had just defeat
ed Florida State in the Orange
If there's anything I hope to
see come out of that game, it is
that those in attendance Satur
day had a good time and gained
a little respect for the Oregon
basketball program, which has
lacked respect for the past three
I like seeing people get rowdv.
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_Training. Open l ate, (ilvr I s A Look!
like lilt- seven or eight guys
behind me who stood the whole
game Kventually, the "adults”
sitting behind tlu-m complained
to security, and a security guard
cruised through the stands and
told the delinquents to sit down.
When one guy nearly got
tossed from the game for
mouthing off to the security
guard, his buddies started
yelling. “This guy's getting
thrown out for cheering. No
more cheering," the guy yelled
to the rest of the fans. "We're not
allowed to cheer for the rest of
the game."
After the guard finally left, the
guys got right back on their feet.
So much is always made
about McArthur Court anil the
stories of past glory and past
rowdiness However, most of the
students here now have never
seen the fit at its best
The last time Mat: Court
roared was my first year here
when the Terrell Brandon-led
Ducks knocked off top-five Ari
zona in 1*191.
In that game, the crowd got so
loud stomping on the ground
and shook the Pit so much that
the hoops began to sway back
and forth. This became most
obvious when a Wildcat player
took to the free-throw line with
less than two minutes left and
his team trailing by a few.
He got to the line, and the
t rowd started going nuts. The
hoop started to sway, and Ari
zona coach l.ute Olson tried to
point it out to the refs, but the
crowd was so loud the refs
couldn’t hear him. Of course,
Arizona missed the free throw,
Oregon won, and the crowd
charged the court, turning Mac
Court into one huge party.
Some of you may have been
there for that game, but must of
you weren’t. If you were there
Saturday, you got a glimpse of
lust how great it can bo to watch
a game at Mai Court
Just ignore the whiners
behind you
Dave Charbonneau is a spurts
reporter for the Emerald
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jExpmr;. 3/18/94