CALL 346-4343 BEFORE 1 pm. TOD A Y TO PUT US TO WORK FOR YOU TOMORROW’ To pioco on *d In in* f m*f*ld Cl***ili*<>* (imply III out on* ol our loftn* locatad *1 in* UO Bookalof* o» *1 our m*(n offtc* on th* lid iiooi ol in* EMU bonding, Sun* 100 Or l**l If** lo **nd u* Wa Alto accapl a B RagnM/ar Ak»« N Scrawl* t ara S Pub**c Rotation a Taj B Pfedge Anna $ Pft»iantftropy (barrio t * KAPPAS .. XII Amy M and Joftn 0 Congratuiaftont on You# t rvgagemant Good t uc.a1 W<’ k>va you* V Your Stator* mj ♦«* Thank* k>/ !hn WtfcJnosday l>nnar' V XU_ 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS XU Proudly preaenta ouf near member* A/«M H fmrfy 0 Ann«Marte C JarwM C Jennder C OphiAa C jan.a* f Kathleen M Krt*y H AtegtM H E‘** H Ke»y J «Ot)*n M Stacy M Kr.«t»n O Carter 5 Amy S T *«any t J*8 T Katherine Y JWMCa / W« l OV You’ a Your Softer*' GETTING PINNED SOON? C«# Wt#y by the scoop on pitting your very own punr og photographer Wa*y Kempt A Associate* i44 ft 750 ('♦» W* CongraMahons Amy and Daw* on you* Paining* V¥» wish you the beat o* tut*' I *!•» .._. W GREEKS Raordert »* back Rom F a? 1993 LAST CHANCE to order b*k>r« the negabvet go k> the sand M Watty Kempe 344-6/SO Kviftty, Sarah and Bonney Congr aMatftartt on you» new £*ac Potwhont* ▼ yOor ***!«* S a* __ALPHA PHI_ IX The rote* wme a*wte T he mock ptfin*ng wa.% tun The ceremony «r» v> touching tt made our mmcJVM fun* let's do it *•»>.* ■ *mj WINTER RUSH Djfliicr, Iwurs & more 1.4I! JcH or [)(>| at M4 6/8‘) f he Oregon Colony of the PI Kappa Alpha Eralemtty t» proud 10 announce that on January ?9 1994 4 w'H tie «e-chartered as Gamma PI Chapter’ Gonqratutehon* charter members' 105 PERSONALS Enlhu«*»»(k:«M* S«i*mg Own* ol COW-SPOTTED CAR With Horne, udder. A Moo noise Q*t Heatha# at CX)t 346 SSt *_ Handsome, Wue-eyed blonde. So Cal Boa Man. 42. kves as the batch, Spartan body, highly educated. am: ce**M. »ote* national If aver, sophisbcat «d but *r,k1 loves. rock *n roR to dance, good fnends adventure, quality things and con»panonsh*p, no cfMdrtsn Seek.a b*onde Wueeyed. cottage sdut (OR. WA CA ) woman 23-30. no chMran ffapve* married. ba&ubM mtudetaul. on fC>ya kte. adventure, Ravel, education, people, the beach sports, live theater commitment that wants a career and a family w*th someone capable of com frwttmg No baggage, no fat chckt Send recent photo to 1300 Bristol Street North w*«? ?00 Newport ( A 3?6fe0 U of O Singles. 1 600-44? /OBOeit ft 7 ToAfr** 106 PERSONALS Older man aaaka young woman tor »ng farm un«on Prefer from*on# wNo wm*% to n*v* and to hmmJ * jump** Me Oos* to nalur* l m#i to GUWRENCf^OWGON UORf OON I DU or Bos 377i f jgnrxs 97403 SPRING BREAK SA-MAZA TLAN4 8 day* A 7 ncgffe- TOO F '**» Dnnhs* Cm 4 dstafe W* Ml out* Cofega T om % 1 <00 7&3 ?4ft4 11 ‘ LOST s FOUND Found: 1 Booh* 1/1?. noon, on bore* SI North Owarufy ol But Offfa r,1»m Bl Boo*Uor« loot A f ound LOST PraacripOon glaaaaa «rtn hot* b/ac* tram** i»?9 at Scandal* w: lltiwi CawJy 344 ?<09 Loot: SHvor Star Carring with tu< guo-w ( rr-tiv (>fe«AA*»* tx*> ground T*»m p*p«rVFui '#»*/*■•# ** *• I M ' v ;;»'/<* i' ON CAMPUS' Dfe»-A-Typ<*t 445-1010 10% Discount on A* student Mnncm Typing Iomt Prmfcng PtooAng Flying Ftngars Typing S*rvlc* Whor# to go to g#t 4 right* tupag* and up _ 4H4 9038 JO THE TYPINO PRO Term Pap*r»/TN*a**/t>%fr*rtatlon• Od 6&3 €056 Anytim* IF YOU'RE WRITING EVEN ONE PAPER THIS TERM. YOU NEED US AJ wrWng WyU* mna aubwci* mHoonw 343-2747 *Gu*r«n**fe Em» ( P»oy*d«* TERM PAPERS, THESES, ctceicra, etcetera, etcetera! Synergy Word Processing & Design ••• 686*5796 *•• fail A accumtr reasonable rain r>ick-U£^and delivery Type-Rite Typing - Transcription - Editing Fim pK*up & 1 VHrvory Cm Stephan*# 342/970 ns typing services rmWEDfTVtO f pcfrupASa*—ry GaR Rondi Ml .'v)}Vw«wl»lK**» m«M INI BMffIK iwkM u«mi i» mj jW*w>s Ar U) «<«« n«f IWI AIRBRUSH ALL BRAND NEW EQUIPMENT Smart oc>mpre=wfcDv. A*ft*u»h. RayuUtfc* & Mo—a Asking $1 75060 4H4 5/54 For Drop-Dead-Gorgeous Earrings Check out the Qumh Bead1 454.9038_ for —tit' Almost r>#w 6OP-190'Son y compact <*SC pUlyr* component. S&G and Supra Modem <& PC. at S&G Ca* 344 1201 For Sale Ham Day Bad Whie A Braes S’20 Cart r vanmga 485 44tv1 Hide-»• way couch, $75 Smart sofed oak deak. $40 Paho v* $25 Drwng ta£*» w-2 cha»rs $25 485 246/ fcmaia Kayak $250060. Thuve bloB mounts. $46 aa Dreearw $30 Hollywood take rack. $25 Co*or TV. $40 StanOng Ian, $15 342 3595 Maytag Kwmort Wathar A Dryer $75—ch _ _$43^729 — Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU HfA£ f, AH Itflt&ST N6 ‘PCAR GUTS DOXXUOOK UK iOJfSU\fSIN R£At ift * J.F, ww K.r THAT 19 AGOOO QU& TKN, Z-. _ J f. UKB MOST OfTlKTA/NMOfr fWXMim&,teGt7AU)TCF mS 9VOAi W»W OS 7/0, MP SffOAi & ncvb KBePUS UXXJH6 OUK ,—. MneesT' v SOWHATPOWt- KAUV LOOK uk£ hhthx/t ccmcrm 6MPWCS* M£±L. r>» p&recnY honb&t. . IT'S NOT A PR£TTf96HT PimfdNi THOUGH. 4 YERNICK by Charles Marier OM7... So Ht t Pu-cn WHS SPlKCP with ’nt,n/vnn‘, wf« via OR* 7 ON ‘fwlRMNCy Softuf S.*..HHMT ?, -jt %SL I. ^5c»e»iy-f*e firsts, one rvrenwicx, \ G*T YeU * TAl* or [(H'P 6*T +0* »UJ»J SHQ'JCl^) | fOM-fctf.' Two STRiPi /\*lt |M *lK«lY IN TfeoBlt WfTH iw‘ara*»tY CoHN'SVO'' ^Te <«Aff 13) FOR SALE MiSC I Mn bad act (V ■ tcmng -amass ana ham* JifX) 060 Kan a) 34V91J1 uo CAPS TRUCKS tm BMW 1001 X-tan* oona Matwi tng AMTMMatac. Haw u®fto«l*fy 4 «pd H750 34V41QI 71 VW Bug 1VK*.f anpna tAt '■■«* ■ twaa. J75C M VW Bua H*tx*» Etv A tt*mtm»Mwon Haw 1»« Si 100 «»3?93 •0 Maaan 200BX Soraooi autw yaat cm S7S0 666 9539 •4 Nad Pulaar NX AC kinocii «K» ao 67.SOO m4aa Run* gtoai. on* own a. S3500o«*» 343-4503 64 Toyota Taroat Hum parted f ilia par ol *tud i»a» included S'000 Can Han ai«86-3044_ at Nad Toyota CaUca anth ax; pw Pt. itareo. low mileage manutactu' *r»w*f«vly I7W0 fcm Cal 667 7047 is: bicycles M Diamond Back 20' Ape. kAr Baa ?! apd. Shimeno Deo>e gea/s CX»ck ie S3?V08O 668 4677 Mongook* Alla 1 year old Slvnano Daore <1 Esage 600 l* components Many IW> parts J300 060 343-2436 jhomai 343-0772 X 2961 (work) Eh 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS S«ga Qtftwli 16 Ml system wn 1 2 pads converter (plays 8 brt cl) Package deal only !??*> hrm 687 7042 Toshiba 3 In 1 wtda carriage printer with manual $100. 343-1?50 ire SOUND SYSTEMS JVC System ar rack 5 CO change* Dual cassette, remote 3 1/211 high HWMn 14/6 0B0 .cal Ben a 6664127 Sony stereo system CO player. dual cassette. ArV control center remote .Xmeood speakers 3596 tee 68/ 704? 175 INSTRUMENTS Quitar. keyboard, bass Isssons Theory, load. improvisation team VOUft fsvonte songs John Sharkey 342 9543 All ages afl styles Handcraft ad dldgendoos lor sale Great lor beginners sound good, a' ♦ordaWe. bu»?t Jeremy, 343 7114 180 resale CLOTHING 1 he C Mothers 1 lorsc 1/2 Price .Sale! entire imrniorv 11m i» a rare event Weds 12th tn Sat I Sih 11ns vale is fun! "20 l 13 (no tn MO«r credit) F ree pal king m l<»wcf level 190 SKI EQUIPMENT PRC 190cm SKIS with Mu?*w bint) r>g» cove* a pom* S'00 Gore-te« down pet*a. S50 Cafl 346 1723 195 TRAVEL osi camm Tripod m Hack .t n IK Pan* d*g Poarton b*g*n» SpnnQ Tirm ^4 D*atf*n* >* f r**»y January 28 So** 2 EMU .14^43/3 TNs CJ (% an fOAA *mp*oy*< Don 1 Forger a.ny student interested m working on ASUO Elections needs to pK* up an apphctrtKKt lor elections board m Su*a 4. EMU Apptocatwos are due January 14th al 5 OOp m • The ASUO d an AA/IEO/AOA Employe' Looking for Queer talent tor the sec ond annual IGBA Taten! Show inter ested performers contact Douglas at 3453360 Show »» Friday. Fab 4 National Music Coordinator The Cultural Forum myites student ap pucabon® to tying national acta to the DO campus and Eugene community Wort* w»th managers agents, promot era and artists to proleasionaity plan and conduct large concerts Position begins Spring T erm '94 Deadline is F nday. January ?8th Suite 2 EMU 3454373 The CF is an EO'AA employer international Employment in Korea is recrmttng students as English in structor with at least 4 yrs of college m any ma#or Must be flexible and respon sible Housing, health insurance, round-trip airline ticket, excellent saia ry Tel/Fax (503) 345-6824 by Jan 25th 210 HELP WANTED ASUO-EXEC Incidental Fee Commit lee povtion open to* appointment Ap pfccabon >n Suite 4 Deadline 5 00 Jan u&ry 14 ECVAA/ADA CREW LEADERS. Northwest Youth Corps is now hiring Summer <*eW staff Successful applicants wnll be highly mo ttvated to work with teenage youth, nave leadership experience and a back ground m outdoor recreation Extensive camping and travel required Northwest Youth Corps. 5120 franklin Btvd »7A. Eugene, OH 9/4Q3 746-6663 CRUISE LINE entry level on board positions avail Summer or Yr round, benefits, hoe travel 714 f>49 i S69 CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING Faro up to $2000Wmo working on cruise ships or land tour companies World travel Summer A FT employment available No experience necessary F°r myn nte l 206-634 0468 X C6Q69 Data collectors wanted for research project on E scafatmg Sequences of Problem Behaviors Starts 1/26/94 Responsibilities include collecting A coding video data for 1-3 hrs/day S> OayVwk during Winter/Spring 94 Re quirements include a valid OR driver's fccanae and car KnowledgeAnterest in developmental disabdrtoes, and commit merit to work till end of project Salary Si> ’Sty CM Sirota Shukta at 346260? Hiring Summer Management Now College Pro Painters Ltd established i97t 700* franchises in North America Eugene. Salem arid Portland positions Average first summer profit $8000 CaW l 800 392 i 386 for information KWVA is hiring a Production Manag er tor the remainder of the 1993 94 school year Stipend or E SCAPE credit *. available Applicants must be current part or full time UO Students Job do scnpbons and applications are avail atxe ; ASUO suite 4 Cali 346 409' for more information Applications must be turned m to KWVA s ASUO mailbox by 5 OQp m Monetary Jan t 7th m a sealed tfr veiope Cana lor mtervwws wi« be n ade dunng the *eofc of January t 7Th KWVA s an AA.t O employer SOS Maybe rt’s a i'ftfe early to fhtnx. about summer jobs, but . entabon Staff1 We need 14 superstars to help wetcome parent* and new stu dents at summer and