105 personals HiwJtom# blue eyed blonde So Cal But Man. 42, 'vm & be.* *■ Spartan body. nighty educated %u* cm.*h*. •*ftwnattO/>M new* ****»««! #d tx/? arid. loves. 'txfc '« ro*1 *0 Serve good friend* adventure QuM#y f?‘:-r"g* and com>pitn*>o»h«p. no cMdun Se*k * blonde fa*u# tytfl. po&ege «frjr |OW A A CA ] woman i-3 30 no rf*k>en •>**•*•*# mamad. beaufrM rntyjavoui. en <>v» •><* adventure. frav« •BuCftfcO. people the beach UPOA* --v* the/tier comm.tmcrt >*>aj wart* a 'atm* and a tamJy with someerne capat^B a# com mating No baggage. no '.i? • n* * t Send -ecent photo to 1300 fV-sto SfrerfNrytf su»e?0C Nesport A SPRING BREA* 94-MA7ATL AN' 6 day* A 7 rights lOQ f re» 0* nfc5* Cap 4 details *V"'- ‘*n-: x,v College Tours 1 800-783-2484 no LOST 4 FOUND LOST Prescription glasses w-fh Botio Wack frame* 12/«V at Scandals S6C Reward Cassxty 346 2409 115 TYPING SERVICES At 344-0759. ROBIN 5 GRAD SCHOOL APPROVID 20 Y+&r tNW» VptS* tX*. k ground Tarm papera/Fuf-1'eaume ser vx;i* Editing la**v fy ON CAMPUS' Flying Fingers Typing Service An«ve to go to get 1 tight* St page and up 4H4 9038 JO TH€ TAPING PRO Term Papers. Theses'Dissertations CaU 683 6068 Anytime WE LL MAKE YOU LOOK GREAT ON PAPER , EcMng • WrtSng Assistance • Typing Al writing stytes snd subjects ww fxrw 343-2747 *Gu«'antee(j Error-Free Protects’ TYPING/EDITING Free pxdiufVdet'vefy Cal! Ronda .it 935 1892 evenings.’week***!*. m iM I SIIHIII i Barber* land 4B5-3343 Sr*x«*n tkr l i * JTOI urn t I *Ai / i?o TUTORING HELP!!! Struggling student of JAPANESE desperately needs a tutor Can pay in English tutoring, editing and typing PLFASF call Ed at 484 9121 AFTER 6 OOp m or 346-6511 before 5 OOp m t25 INSTRUCTION FIBER ARTS WORKSHOPS MAPUCME LOOM WEAVING Beginning students w*n ,vxJ weave a Deft arxj scar! on a South American MapuCh# loom Advanced students wii design and weave a Deft using Mapoche style p»ck«ng tech rviques Includes a Mapuche toom »o? you to keep Wed Jar' 2f> Mar 2. 6 00 £ 30pm TABLE LOOM WEAVING learn the foundation of ' .t'Kfweevmg whue enprormg you* creativity Warp proper ebon. dressing tne toorr »•• j hrushtng techniques «* be covered tburs, Jan 20 Fed 24 6 00-9 OQpm NATURAL WOOL DYEING leaf tf\« of nature dyemg The science of ufrmg mordants to >r-i var lafions «n co»or * ti oe covered Co* Nun walnut she :?T4*dtk*» hem lOCM Park Mon. fee 7 * ' 4 t v:>9 00pm FABRIC MARBLING Create your own marked designs on fabric using th»a ancient arttorm Fab ric and pamts w»o t>e p/ov-«led Wed Feb 23 ♦ Mar 2 6 30 900pm no FOR SALE MlSC AIRBRUSH ALL BRAND NEW EQUIPMENT Smalt compraaaor. Arrtyush. Regulator lHow AMunq $175060 4»4 5/64 For Drop-Oaad-Qorgaou* Earring* Chac* Out ttie Quint Bead1 4B4-903S For sala: Aim oat naat COP-190 Sony compact disc playar componant. $50. •id Supra Modem tor PC at $50 Cal 344 1201 Kayak $250rOBO Thule Me mounts. $45 ea Oeiaer. $30 HoHyewod Ok* >ac*. $25 Color TV. $40 Strmdng tan $15 342 3505 __ i» TR4VEI Mexico Getaways... for Less ■aiM NjjUjr Maiatlan A dgyt fixMn $376 me Hides per person quad oa. jpancy bfdcfrvtevv hexet and transler* Cabo San Lucas 6 dtyt from $551 '■v : »v. per person triple occupancy fcwacWrom hc*e< n«, and transfers * A«1vr ■i,K*irtr%) * **• *:rtfc»1d 'aur. *..« n.U V'4 *» js tar tadfcpt fe***, v orr mt» **• «*»***«* tr^vao ra Council Tfravd 71SSW Mcr«or9600 SOStttHOO • lOO mUM 130 FOR SALE MtSC Maytag Kenmof* Washer A Dryer worn NES with 2 game controller* Nintendo fOytlK'X 11 g»r?t«S induction* 1 j<3»d $100 Varwxj* CD s $6 060 . r v i«?m» Dave at 686 1021 1 twin bad *e! Bo* maftresu .vxl fr«m* S' 00 060 Ken at 345-9151 (.jumbo Rubber Sumps Wks. will Ik- selling near the Mam 1 >csk at the KMU. lots lit ness' designs come hv and see us. _J^L_J 145 CARS TRUCKS 1976 BMW 2002 X-ient cond Rebuilt t og Akif M sNkoo New upholstery 4 spd S4 750 ;U4 2777 or 345 4101 1964 Honda CRX Sunroof alloys wheels ^>ewi clutch. louvres. 40* rnpy. runa yeat $2900 68/ 9246 _ _ 71 VW Bug > '•' - i <■ M * tires $750 '66 VW Bus Hetxrft fn gm« A Irans/ms-ston Sew tires S’ 100 086*3293 80 Nissan 200SX Sunroof, mb at** great car $750 686 9539_ 84 Toyota Tareal. Huns perfect t *tra p*tor of stud tires nciuded S 1 000 Cali Nan ttt 666 3044 89 Rad Toyota CeUca wtih A* PW Pi sierao. k>w misaaga. manufactur ©f'S warranty $7900 firm Cal 687 7042 92 Civic Si Black w alarm. sony pu>' Out. moon roof, cruise low rruies As* mg $11.260 C*H 4864674 155 BICYCLES Mongoose Alta 1 year old Sh t De»*© XT 1 *..ige 600 t A components Many new part* $350 OBO M3 2439 21 speed Mountain Bike t«': is 5260. cut Hontfy a! 406 /721_ 23 M-in s Univaga Viva Sport 18 speed Ch c oa. $lQQrOCK> 344 J \/1> 2 18-speed bakes (mens) in good condition $40 ea. 485 9631 or 155 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Saga Genesis 16 bit -system w 11 games, 2 pads, convener (plays 8 t*t :«rt) Package *i!» t*« •Jew* £Mf*a, $‘<0 C*>! J4i|V \f"2'3 195 TRAVEL 1359 »«ur*rH in Sjntijgp. O r liji it 1 erelnot lUtUrr 4 Iudwhsi.t JjwwV 'credit !vo«f\ Iruiveien 4ftJ morr‘ Cat! 72MJ039 tor into oe Vpt ^ trip Earn free Spring H/mA trip wt cash (x)nuv-* while anting MTV »n S Ca<» torn* CALL T00AT1 *50^5-57*1 205 OPPORTUNITIES Don 1 Forget' A?-.y -l* . *»’ work wig on ASUt) f '«ict*xv» rv«»**ls •-:■• pCA up .V' application i / *»w.t"0O# >n Suite 4 f MU A** .iv s » " <3v>e January 14th at S OOp rr * IN# ASUO 't 1 A A, l Ik At.) A 1 ••;-«. ,c” Earn cash •»! ."••( j «mv«*H.p*n a? *•*•.<•.* Ail m«|pr*is pro* triad Send SASt to PO *.>*>. Otafhe x S tMOS t CluU. ' Help the Earth Start your credit Support the Sierra Club Today only by the EMU Morn Desk international students DV-1 Greencard Program Spon sored by the U S Immigration Dept To Enter $39 Greencard* provide permanent resident statu* Cltlien* of almoat all countries ara allowed to taka part Student*. toon at a. ille gals may apply wherever thay Hve Chance t in 14 For Info A Forma New l * a l eya' S«r v*ces. 20231 Stagy St . Canoga Park CA 91306 m i 6 996 4426 O 8*8 862-9661 Mo< Sun 8 00am 11pm Sac on dory Specie! E ducat ion Program Tuition and stipend available to qualified persons interested >n warning ipccui aducation cartiflcabon for more >ntor maton p*eas« write to Sand* Dav*r i 75 Cortege of Education. University of Qrpgon. Eugene. Oft 9/403 The A5UO Woman a Diversity Co Coordinator positions ara open tor ap plication Applications and position da acrtpbon are available *n f MU suite 4 Application deadbne *s 5 OOp m Janu ary 14th The ASUO •» an AA.EQADA f mptoyer The Cultural Forum >S Accepting «ppl*.alKin§ tor student coordinator positions Apply for a fun intensive ter active w»i>ertefv. e >n the toAoeong areas Performing Arts National Music Film Video Mari lag a Music Contemporary issues Visual Arts Events Craw Regional Music Positions f>ey*n Spring T arm "94 {'leadline ts E r«day January ?EWh Surtax t MU 346-4.373 The Of >1 an E CVAA employe* 210 HELP WANTED NEW POSITION UO Summer Resi dent Assistant. A-- ■ ; Ht>uS»ng Summer R«S*dr.mJ Ar.n-.t4Tt abie ;ob eapeners.** t ww* twii bma positions tvortattfe E or (Compel at 4 ’.X) pn Wednesday. January 26 1994 or Thursday January 27 1994 Position Description and Ap pfcaftOn avatUlbie a! lJn>verM> Mous ing Conference Services 'O' Doug lass Man Walton Complen 346 4266 Appfeiat«on deadfne s 12 00 pm E eO fuary H. 1994 EOAA/AOA institution committed to Cultural Diversify 210 HELP WANTED CRUtSf IfNf entry level on board pc** < % av» Summer or V' ’uund. baneM* *-mrr !’4v«w ’ * 4 M'> 1560 CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING ,.p kJ Si’OOOr.mo worveg Ort thp* • *r land t*x>r ,:omp*»n«** World Travel Summer & ft efTVpipyment avar-aWe N «* *p#* .*/•». « neost-tary for mar* Wb i 706 634 <34*4 I 05069 Hiring Summw Management No** Cc£e^> Pro Pit-rter* l Id BlHtoi4 I ugene Salem and PortterxJ petition* Average %** hwvw pmH Wt)CC (%y# ! .600 W$l? ’ ,\M6 fcjr nformabon KWV A it hiring a Production Manag ar •■■* tha •«- 1. ft* * !*•-# ’ f i \ m ‘ ««« :•»<.a»fvi v fSi'AH r«cM •. av-j»'.K'.i« Ajpc-i*' arts muA* be ...'’em part or M* time I/O tiudenf* Job cJe *».Tpf« ’i and «ppf* tont at# uvit at^R ASUO 9*,••'* 4 I >46 4i»l b »• V * AV* a AHi K ■■■.i itxu *•> M *. i > envelop# ' -V~ *» ••'• . ** ' l** K «V. A i .»•“ AM •, •• o.- , ,. Need Help part time < a > v &o* 36/1. f.,gm OR 9 ’ 4C1 Part-time job ■>; tr*n l to 4 yt *4 i.i? -Uy-i A 4 '•* V** • k n.vf>»i / •*! ;w«y Skv .2 A uancfccap# Sand HAS! 3411 Ba*fy • evr i are Springfield OH 9/477 River Rafting Guide* needed '>»■' •-'J a-«,> «< #• ‘ ’ <*•'»' W■:•.! A;l'w AtNenAmm ft. .' 4 i ■ **n«nfi • 3R 9 * C> Tha Student Recycling Program it taking application* - '>■•« ■ ' Jrymitirry racycfang mentor* Thm po*» *v *.. f 'VeH» .it air I %*> . *..!••' - Work study {.vein?red A*c «* i>‘ t *• avatatoM) «n ASUO and the UO Housing man ortce Appfc*..it -n* are due by Sent Wwtr’etfcJay t? -* e»e-e# !»•■»? AS1X7 O^Ci or the Moutmy ohv n ‘x» ■m. ted ritervmaeen e- l t* t '*act«*.l on ThviftrSiy »md frckiy ui3 A V/14 f or more nformafion ccmtat! Student Itav.1' J.1! «(.•».■». 1^ ASUO UO ta.M.«ung and Si'.rdnn* Met yx jmg qnp an Ansrmidive Actiorvt: cjual Opportuf^tv empk>y«r Women, people of color ijjayt k»af>arn. people ath ck-w»t.‘':* «•. and people of ;MJ agm athne. '«* g»ou3. mar taj arvj veteran 'italut are mco-' agerl to appty App4*cant» mutt be stutkeitt at the U Of O University Housing it now hiring Resident Assistant* f* the V&SM x academe »«-iir FU***i*w’t Aastsfant® iW© 'espO'-Sifcie kx Student govern "'«n* hall programming. pot«;y an f©rc#menl and other .Jutse® «n a fas* dance hall of 30 70 resKientJi Apple j tioos and additional information may t>« o*W»rf'« the Un.v«f*j and r.ond».ei«xj err***#'/ program® ?•.* youth a! tfve f on 4y Shelter m f ugeo© Must be current cokeg© student « hou'i*'** # $/ CXVhf Contact the lane County § * tension Service at 68/ 4? 4 3 for additional detad# and appfeabon *» quirctmert* Application deadline Janu ary 1 4th. > 9*M at {> 00pm £ Ot Attention Political Science Major* Jon a leader .n grassroots politics Oregon r a*r Vwe >s loolung lor a s a national hoa-th care for consumer® not the >n*ur ance industry Pans '.'HiOing "un $300wk. benef’s travel mk career Fu'f time cxy 144 *.'<0 i Of We * • ivu a ' at>*u '«• t MU Jan 20th 4 2t»t *rom • ?pm and Jen 2/tft * ?*»*> from 1 frgprw $700 wk canneries. $40X0- x* « handa Atm*a w’v .-e ?is WORK STUDY Oregon Martini Studiaa Program seews an enth^n-aatK re^ponsftjie work study student for Off Iff WAN AGE R portion Compufer *m.H» «vmx> •kW tO-16 hriAek S6$6 SO'hr fir eat appodun-ty' (ia*i J4<, 4964_ 220 HOUSES FOR RENT 1 Bloch Soulb of Campuh fWxV^W ! vn&ftot t©H I ,f\ 4 c-v‘ conykt* A; U5C t ' <"• • 3 $470 VO «OCO jw—wm«—» wnwwiwn—iwwm 710 f 22nd txsvipoon* Nx.-*« >4arvh*ood »*••.*• j >V ihjt> Parity k • •*•*/’«*} $700 3901 HU YARD Part* uv-rN "■*.-* *• {'wJ'vv.h- A** launth’y $355 1197 W mh ! ' fcwdKjom M ««r» .wm • 1330 YiXJ .in'** WfHKt>•■■•>«» to Stop ts >>uf lot a feu rf prflioirt ;WHt hiti'fi ■•■.* **•'<•- «W Shown by appointment No pel* SPYGIASS ASSOCIATE S •WKV 1130 MS W 10TH » Bloch* South of Campu* IN GREAT Nf IGHBOAHOOO >. H; MW * ••«•* »■.*•- . A . -v-* I tvQtaf* jro4? v*nw of ^oi’ -.-ix.r’so A»i - ‘ t ■#*•■ SB/ N* •<* .>«.»; .* '0 l! (*•' .WLMaVX' S V :: n / r \ < / t / H 1 S :• i'\ r i n $ 225 APTS DUPLEXES Almost on Campyi Apt Av,*J f ..w> ' apt,* r 1 ■'A $/* X.i ClO*« K) l4mpu» V-.j* ' {*”!■: * >VV N» - {.)*'’‘i. '. » j $4 ■' $4? ' J Xi ^i’V.fcjr A 4- 4 ’ 4 Close to Campus A . a t (•(;' , v , * bedroom Mi: pets' $360 mo Co# ' Cut* ? txKtroom cottage duptas Close ?u ampui $600 546 ft&4v) Room avatlab*e in beautiful historic Najw *• .*v t.*',».r' ’ t* » h hi**' .«• , ©/fVma, ttii utjfctNM P*»ad CaS Kathy at 544 X?*&0t 4M019*J A -io t Ut<* . <■' a*a- able *rW ttfvo TV 'm but»= •« S4«0 MS 4.-M ,> ftwOfOOr”, I #t'i S? iU*.kjrr am a On bu*i*'n« 1 5 .'* rnifas from ampua. eater ■. .*?*<» TV ia# $&S0 466 ’ 3V or 144 6 410 Student Cooperative Association Rooms p>an to# Winter and Sprang terms Mart. ut>! as and alt rnaaK #> kxtoO n p«vr Srf fjie $‘WtVlrwn Qqu t>4e S/4 Alarm Campbell Club *6/0 Airier 6A3 A?»/i' 1 BORM APT * v4>s’ • ■» wood bu"'rvj stove $.V-Pvmo l ease un!>» Adjust Cali 466 4 VO) __ I BEDROOM U7$ 10 Wocfcs to «. ampu* I auryjry, parking. '’«a# Safeway Untu#rushed no pets l ease thru August 2046 W>«iV’*ette ws rmr 1 1 2 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Stix>0. on Site Ulursdfy 6* ihties ’rrv? water A snw«r $32Qftnoofh 54 5 /l»4 2 MINUTES FROM UO i l .k t ess to I CC i2>*wci iw^ei^s. hjmened WWW'# 240 QUADS CEDARWOOD QUADS *41 C 17th-Walk lo UO Private Room Ut i.taes pt»*J Lau/dry f rom $*‘46 Ctt« Troy ft83 6699 Close to campus Avamibm i*ua S-’l’Vm. No pets M *m • '*; Real f state M " wr-if /4' , *»>4 New Year s Special 1st month SIM Spooouv dean modem good -— a Bon Check 4 out’ 4h6 ’ 929 Take over my lease AkU- .i'r*n' Quads W. ar A ,.j .i? « fi-' * ••’ 245 ROOMS Large house with 1 room available Room in Mouse . 0 $300,r K depo*>’ !-tiee A sau ■■ dry Eluded Juh* J6 1 Room in 4 Room house ’ '»•> :« I i>t t MU MAD PAD i i*y 4u>«< afar five# vwr*. eastvdtye/ Qmy tiM ft/14 $?2Vmo Call 546 4ft09 NOW ■ *i! f • or 5Wfc' k Or,.j 230 DORM CONTRACTS Buy my dorm University tan dorm contract jrvi* »-Xt $$0 U4 > 77? Ptf ASt buy my dorm contract ** <* U1 Ca# 4&.VJ60' yov IS?0 Take over my dorm contract CM tamo*o .»? MB BOOO _2Si ROOMMATES WANTED female roommate wanted ’ v\»re tn>MM N -..nn a '• ' « ‘ a wth * A *■>.,* S. ' • - ’ Stvtant JXr!ww! A, „v,Ui <«tt f (tt- ! <*■ ■ t i Female Roommate needed ' n* arc x yc ' Hs ' M APT \ t.» ’ {*un Sir.* . v <*' >440)64 Female roommate nee tt- ■ * , 1 room tor ma*« ta 2 BDRM house Roommate needed • »* .»to R( )MM vr ’ Si-*.-' . < t.-s til, • : 1,’i\ {) ; ,.V > >4 > BH03 Roommate needed to share new 2 Bedroom ts-r- » 1 1 * " i »■ • room' .»?*• iWOrmo • VS 'taiXMUl Roommate wanted ■ ! UORM ART $1M ,-*■ A Roommate wanted to snare 2 tree) ’• ••■*■- a»'|. • s > = Heather 34 *> 306.) Share 2 Bedroom, t bath A i ■ *4, t - ' 285 CLUB SPORTS I oi l STKIAN 11 AM WIN I I K IIO OUTS Wt* w«i» I'ltn -ill U‘\i*|h e»I English ndmi; c* jvncrw Inlonnatiorul nuvtm*; Thun Jan 1' \ Ml' t entury Km \ -w — 'VO pm- ^ r* “ 2« ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT AH T CINEMAS 492 fc 13lh • 686-2456 cAMamai»«m«A *m» THE PIANO IIM PVfT CMINOM ruUAMf W««ftl r» JJS DAZED i LLCTRUE ROMANCE, Concerned About p*«gna'*..y Ae v .w f>«4p F*t*t pregnancy I arty d* ><» t on tat Way 637-6651 IS DRINKING A PROBLEM? W* &m fxtfp AkortoJk:* Anonymous 342-24A3 ?4 hourvA-day ---1 YERNICK bv Charles Marier |M/wtuu«£ r0 rhc ojewfsr rtc'£«-Po-WtU- VAif To AfftAV W Thi$ MvSPA?tRfJ YeiWit*. WAiTLi lit Tine cuAH/gnu?) i Tt4Rou)iUj| A RlT of A 6«T-Toit rn*R with 5o*e of Th« Co<«.-ST*.«? i«l»viT*.ys MAn«j To C*l*««ATC r«.1 ~6AfHS*> of fit ^ . \v yU w OH, Loot/ HtM'S (icoP fB.it/JD, | .r rfr* f*>~- TW j It ste^s that so«t of T«e fiwrts fiun fU^r sfiMP the fwot...w - •.>? < ( UJ'III /AnAX«“l