SERVICES jo tv* nrp*«a p«o Tarm NpanTliMHaiaotallm P1IM I N1 iHIICf BaHmn UmI 40-UO Vrwwi tkr to mw* f4BI * iK TUTORING HELP!!! Struggling Mudant at JAPANESE -»»parw**y rwrt • tutor Cat pay *i Erolwb Morma. OtNing and typing fn CASF ca* Ed a! 48*9121 AFTER 6 OQp m or 3*6-5511 b**w« 5 OQp m 130 FOR SALE MISC AIRBRUSH ALL BRAND NEW EQUIPMENT Small compr»»»of. Atftxusn Wngoiato AHoaoa Apung $i TirOBO *6* 5 764 Maytag Kanmora Waahat A Drya< $7Saach_NM7» NES with 2 gam* control lar* N.ntando joypick it 9*"'** * toatructiooa inctudod $100 Various CD's Si OBO on all mms Oava at 686- 1021 __ 1 twin bad sat. Bo* smng mattrms and frame $200 060 Kan al 3*5-9151 145 CARS TRUCKS 1972 VW Van. decent ail around cood. ton $1450. call 405 1693 1976 BMW 2002. X Iant cond Eng AM/FM stereo New upholstery 4 spd $4 750 344 2722 or 345 4lQt 1964 Honda CRX. Sunroof alloys wheels, new clutch, louvres 40* mpg runs great $2900 68/ 9246 '80 Nissan 200SX. Sunroof, reliable great car $750 686-9539 89 Red Toyota Cel lea with A/C. PW, PI. stereo, low mileage manutactur e< s warranty $7900 f*m Cal 68 / 704? 92 Civic Si. Black w/alarm, sony pu» out. moon-roof. cruise. low miles Ask mg $t 1.250 Call 486 4674 155 BICYCLES Mongoose Alta 1 year old Shimano Deore XT Exage 500 LX components Many new parts $350 OBO 343 2439 (home? 343-0772 X 2961 iworfc) El 21-speed Mountain Bike Extras $250, cal! Randy at 466-7721 23" Man's Untvega Viva Sport 10 speed. Charcoal $ t OQ/CTBO 344 9326 2 10-speed bikes (mens) In good condition $40 ea 465 9631 or 346-4966 205 OPPORTUNITIES <•: SOUND SYSTEM$ JVC 5 **!•*« mrmck. S CO changer (Xu* .1 ? ■«* cto* ca«MR«. A.’V COft't* cantor r*mi0t# •««r*«xto 16*. trm M? *tx: 175 INSTRUMENTS Guitar. keyboard. baa* laaaont Theory »**!. improv***!** lMr- YOU# ****** ^ohr Vm/*** '#M3 AH agw* *4 »fy^M WANTED U*ad Saiophon* AM pay up to S’00 OhKrf'g W*t# to $*cmrr>#r to CA or U?i Ca* 681 *58? or o**» 334 823? 180 resale CLOTHING I The ( llllhcx I il'fxc 1/2 Price Sale! entire inventors I hn is a urc event Wests 12th to 'u' ISth 1 Ins s.ilc is tun! "’20 M l (no in ttotr sminl f rrr pjrkmg »n lowr? lev*-: 2C5 OPPORTUNITIES E*m cash stuffing envek>pes ;U home AH materials proved Send SAS€ H) PO 396. Oam«, KS 66051 Help the Earth-Start your credit Support the Sierra Club Today only by the EMU Mam Dr»* INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS DV-1 Green card Program Spon sored by the U S immigration Dept To Enter: S39 Greencarda provide permanent resident status Citizens oi almost all countries are allowed to take pad Students, tourists. Ille gals may apply wherever they live Chance t »n 14 For Info A Forms New 4 a l eg** S*>r v»ces. 20?3t Slagg St Canoga ^ark CA 91306 8t&-99S44?S Or 816-882 9601 Mon Sun 8 JOam t 1pm Secondary Special Education Proyam Tuition and stipend available • }u.iH «>d persons interested «n earning specuv education codification f or more ntof maton please write to Sand Davis. 175 Cottage of Education. University of Oegon, Eugene OH 9740 J The ASUO Women s Diversity Co* Coordinator posut am at plication ApplcJAons and position de scnption are available »n { MU suite 4 Adipication deadline is 5 OOp m Jan ary 14th The ASUO >s an AA/ECVADA Employer 205 OPPORTUNITIES 3>Un your nn\H\er! UO Summer Conference Assistant Announc ing ten ( onterence Assistant positions with University Housing (nnlerence Services. You < an earn SltiS.tK) a week during summer, $S.t>5/hr. for Spring term training, room, board and valuable job experience Eleven to fourteen week positions available for more information, attend one or tin- recommended Conferenc e Assistant Informational Meetings in the Bean West Conference Room at Bean C omplex at 4 tK) p in. on Wednesday, january Zb, 1994 or Thursday, lanuary 2” 1994 Position desc option and Applic at ion available at University Housing Conference Services 101 Douglass flail Walton Complex !46 426S Application deadline is 12:00 p.m February It 1994 Make your^ob this summer an adventure! A* 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Mac SE. 4 Mg RAM. 20 Mg HO. E * TENOED KEYBOARD $5oC witn pctfttac $600 Cafl 606 6069 Sega 0«ne»i* 16 bit , a gamov 2 pad&. convene* {plays 6 t*t cart) Pacmga do*i o*»y $226 farm 66/ 70*; 210 HELP WANTED KWVA is hiring a Production Manag er * if remainder o* the 5 991* >* school year Stipend or f SCAPE cre&t r» avaiidU# Appbcantt must tx* Current part or M um© UO students Jot) 0© acnphons and appt* «t*Ons are Uva 10 HELP WANTED at*# in ASUOauto 4 Can 34M09) to* -‘nor# arttor’nafcor Afjpfcralcyva *h**I b* so to KWV* * ASUO try !> QQp m Mordary Jar a MMM*1 ©nvolopp Ca*a to* rt«*r>-w*w» #*» I*t nuadn dwrtog sn# »w« at Jarw-ary t ft* KWVA •* ar AACQ amptoya* Am wow k>o*lng lo* iMt «spart •*K« * Do yow war* to #a*r #*■**• tOu n»ni H vi anti yen* aoUd s*« to N» a D«r» oi trm ORE C* *4 OAii v l Ml flAiD MfnartMNng ftof* fham «*# ;# 4 <■’*#** ma or ThumdSy Jarxdfcfy i3lh. 4 OQp m <1 Ni Map** Room -n m* ( MU The* * you- y toavtoy Janu ary t ***. SOGp’"' Tn» Oogon Datf* f.rwakj '• ar- { ng *o#*fd a cwfhttf&’t dnmnwi my****:# CRUISE LINE •rtry sev ~o*..nd, banaftta tma t?ava< ?14 mi> 'MJ9 CHUist SMiKb wjw rarawi t * up to 42000 wtxk •■g on .rti»se *h<*a 0' Mind tour C ompenms World •'ave* Summer \ it employment «v*(lafc>*e No h*hed ’ 971 700. ■’>•" h~*»m ■’ Nodh a lugene Salem v >0 Portland pc.v?n«»s Average hf*t Sumn'ier prof* $8000 • <»»« i 600 39.' • 386 kx ofcxmatKjn Part-time jot) ’g term I to 4 >*» ’4 •>r*'w* Saturdays A 40 fvvwfc Chr^t mas 8 Spring vacat*>n» f ui* t«me *um mors Fkasutwe good pay M;% jot» 8 landscape Send SASf 341 t fWixty V-ew l an« Sprmgfie*d. OH 97477 River Rafting Quid#* needed 'a >ng a variable Futt *nfo write Wiki Wafer Adventures PO * 4'i ■ ./wsewi OR 9/426 The Student Recycling Program it taking applications kx ,fe po* * ■” > dormitory recycling monitors This pos» ton >s 10 hrvw* at the rate of $.*> OQrhr Work Study pre*m'ed Appm arons wn ava-iabie *n ASUO arid the UO Mousing man oHce Appi*. ations are due by Spm Wednesday Jan 12 n either the ASUO office or the Housing office Sri iected interviewees w1 be CO"fa» ted on Thursday and Fnday i;" S ’ ’4 For more information contact Student Recycling at 3450926 The ASUO. UO Housing and Student Racy »>ng .»•*> ,»n Affirmative ActiorvF Qua! Opportunity employer Women, people o* color, gays. leabiana people with disabiM*** and people of art ages ethnic. re* gtous. marital and veteran status a/o encouraged to apply Appitcjm must be students at the U of O Weight Room Supervisors needed MUST HAVI WORK STUDY Prefer indivnduais with itnowfedge of tvaw: M ness Pitt out appication at H3£ F Singer Youth Education 4 Recreation Lead er lead 'Ole in planning organizing and conducting weekly programs kx youth at the F amily Shelter -n f ugene Must be current o*w»ge student 8 hourvwk yp $7 DO hr Contact the Lane County Extension Service at 687 4243 for addition* dews and application re cjuiremeots Application deadkne Janu ary 14th ! 994 at f> 00pm f OF Attention Pohtical Science Mejore Jon e header tn greearoott poMic* Oregon V mt Share a kx»ung ior a tew dediaued mdtviduilt so jO«n out ed^er-onei-out reach fundratemg team Out goal * a nattonai health care lor consumer*. not the tnsuf ance indusiry Part training. then $300w* benefit* travel e*c ca/t***' *fvance Full time onty 344 06bG EOf! We art) nave a table in tnw EMU Jan 20m A 2tW Iron t• . .if • -*r Of MCE MAN AGE H post*>r • ompoter niwirr •a ’J '6 -** S6 75$6 50*»r ('nd! -fy* (.afi J4t> 4 Jfi4 Work study opening ’ «V '•’«? a kJ Sprmg tems -r. otfcce ot International Educal»on .ind f seftenge fanunanty * ’• M,» TrVred ! -.• Ji «*£** nen t- »e', u*eG App*y 330 Oregon ftrt- ,i;i Mag 1 Nr. wear'- a! 346 3206 Start-"g tate No Ulter than February 1 8 Block* Soul* of Campu• tN GREAT NCfOMBORMOOO ) H(>MM i v*«y A ;:uv * fnripli*:* groat v«m •>< go* <:tx.'W* \£H**.\r r s *mfrm'Orynt $6*0 No» *«»>' .IMsO Bake* S< MJ«COO I #•* mUt ki «M ' lI>*f *”~r’u 225 APTS DUPLEXES Almost on Campus ' Bedroom Apr Av Atf >>' ,1V , )'»! f' 00 parting $4C', 4?u 997? Cl omt to c Jim pot Av*J I epruary 0«*ln • • -r Ni) pet V $3RKVmo Gap V4*> 626' Close to campus m j* 1 tiedroom wt)\A No $4.16 $4f.' • ctUtfeM K?0 ant) I'M 466 4704 Cut* 2 bedroom cottage duple ■ • u)t« to - ompus S500 MS 66fM EUGENE MANOR t06Q Ferry 464/441 Studio $406rmo ;• Bwfroom W6&mo A i ,.V•■?*** A ,<.«*’ ■-■• kxMd bmc t cxiot Room available in beautiful historic houw tens than ’ W* » from campus $275^0. Ait uW*t*e* paid Ga#* Kathy at >44 J2*»y o' 461 0t 99 Aito t bedroom available wrtee .able IV. on buavne $460 M ) 431 ? Bedroom F *r»y St Brx'Jge tV ea (>v t)u **>”*. ! t’7 "'-W3 from c&mpu* wale* cable TV pa*d S&60 466 t3S2or 3*4-6010 Student Cooperative Association Rooms upon tor Winter and Spring forms Rent uttirtews and meals *n eluded n price Single $996/tarm Oou b*e $74fl»1erm CampbeH Oub ' 6/0 A»dtv m:\ w>n> 1 DORM APT w/upslai'S wood Purnv^g stove $396rmo l ease until August Can 46f> 4909 _ 1 BEDROOM *375 tO bkxka to campus laundry , parting, ruM&r Safeway Unfurnished. no pet* 1 tfctrva thru August 204?> W.Mamefte ms /\*j/ 1 1 7 Bl OCRS F ROM CAMPUS Studio, on »*te laundry tacitetien free water A newer $3?0/monlh M3 7093 2 bedroom Apt Decs \>,rxVy. walk tu campus Available now $5t&'mo Von Kte*r Property Management f 30' F erry * 2 466/7/6 _ 2 MINUTES FROM UO l / access to ICC i?39mo ervaMaa. Hanehad >46 $649 240 QUADS CEOARWOOD QUADS 441 E I Tlh-Walk to UO f’.'valw Room UWtfuss pAd t 4undr> from V4‘) Ca» tioy Oil te1?) __ Ck>M IO CJ/T.pul *.» .<* t * J2?S'tflO No pets, No sm o*»ng Real 1 state Northwest 74 t 2604 245 ROOMS large house with 1 room available $26 dorm contrac 6 arvJ $20 *s Take over my dorm contract C*M Tomoko aA >46-6000 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson SGML KIDS W SCHOOL QOT FitTm Rich to dm rwex GRABBED HIM THE DRINKING FOJNVMN 255 ROOMMATES WANTED fwnili roommKt itmcM to V'/vt? 2 badroom apartment ? btocfca l»om car' Pu» i^o Cafl 343 6463 Huga room fen MCE HOUSE: 3 Rfcx*« Hvri carnputk ahare mth 2 guyn Avrf i go. erf Joah an 342 6076 _ 1 room for mat# In 2 BOW4 house S.’SfcVmo fio» t V ut*» Namfy remod merf. fly butfen-OftMta t» «*; *26 S6LX.' N' ye* 342 6*S6 T Woman s co-op $200 mo rvnides uttAte* phone. .-.aWe TV. furnA-shed 2*0 MEETINGS SNOWBOARD CLUB MEETING WINTER IS MERC COME CHECK OUT OUR SCHEDULE TUCS MOPM CEDAR E ?• CALL KRIST 3462430 2« CLUB SPORTS Women a ultimata Frtsbee Meeting on Jan l Ith. I9SM at 1 30|> m e f Mu Cedar room f Anyone orfeome to coma it you h*v« queahor** crf Sara or Bath ai 341 4 v# i s 295 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ART CINEMAS 492 E 13th • 686-2450 orecouerr aiowi v>w« m lunMMti i Tfi> m lenae|-r —,sra;,?»!4toiftXc7«» ca—auantrwa ia THE PIANO vt?#w«TWWi»rr • » v*nIn Mat aua caaaaia nua rmanvwc tan Farewell My Concubine I DAZED AND CONFUSED. ustrue ROMANCE 2S5 CLUB SPORTS FQUFSTRIAN TFAM WINTER TRYOUTS VV»* wefcocm*all U*vt*U Kngltth ruling rxfvruTKt* Inform* (tonal CTWvimg Thun Ian l \ l Ml t Vnturv Rm A 7 a) pm 300 FOOD 4 DRINK fc-1 JANUARY SPECIAL Hot Fudge Sundaes Prince Pucklers Ice Cream Aifait I H’t N Mim hi nil. 'i;lt Sull 12-11 H61 Willamette Oil N Mi»> 111 7 6. S.H I <1 m_—_m 320 SERVICES TREE PREGNANCY TESTS { ugene Pregnancy Support Center 306E iim Mb0400 Walk ms Welcome FtiOii Fr* 10-4 Planned Parenthood tot Pop smeary election checks. both control, pregnan cy tmts arxJ unbiased counseling .144 94 M __ Pregnant? Worrit? Wo cars r**. Confidential. canng s^jori {teiy detection f <<*> pregnancy !»»*•» 1st Woy ti#/ 866t CROSSWORD By Eugene Shejfer ACROSS 1 Calc* ona s bra at h 5 Start 9 Acrrass Arthur 12 lotion addOva 13 Path tor Bob and Bing 14 Parry Mason s ftafcl 13 Notrta 17 CoMaa vasaai 19 Calabrrty 19 Danca tassont 21 Vaap Batalay 24 AnC4»n? Daad Saa kingdom 23 Wintry 26 ot a sort 30 Cotogna iat>«' word 31 Banqoa’ 32 Varrty 33 Dansiva onas 35 Staton 36 f adoia faatura 37 Mchai angato • tod 31 Phantom's batiiwtck 40 OU woman's homa7 42 Gndiocfc compooan! 43 Saif da *c Mo war* a Ban -* 40 Zhivago s tova 50 Ham s dad 51 Crafty 52 Kap< tab* on 53 A handful DOWN 1 Run 14) tha phorva dll 2 Tha whola »h«6an 20 Trump* ca»mo hotal. briefly 21 Dogl^hi partopam* 22 Bank Iran* Solution lima 24 mint TVtV* Y«tt«rd«y • «n§w«r in •cion 23 Pancaka •itr a 24 Playwright Hart 26 Contrfar 27 Ragana naad 2f Mifcta/y maal 29 Dog ownar'a chora 31 CrumWy 34 God up 35 Makat Mia a paacock 37 Costas or Wood ward 39 Naws put)t«*har Adolph 39 Ona of tha Fah Four 40 Doubllaaa 41 Ba in charga of 44 Mmttraf r rand <1 cm 45 Card aama 46 r afconious fight 47 Yon maidan (air