“31 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota -GERMAN - AUTO INC. 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Oregon,97402 Welcome back (to REAL ! I V!) I SA I. GRE, (.MAT. MCAT II you're taking one of these tests, take Kaplan first We teach you exactly what the test covers and show you the test taking strategies you'll need to score your best No one teaches you to think like the test makers better than Kaplan LSAT class begins Jan. 12 ORE class begins Jan. 11 GMAT class begins Jan. 20 MCAT class begins Feb. 5 KAPLAN The a^swe' !o t'1*? !e$t quesl'O'i Call 345-4420 "20 I .im 13il> • I ugcnc is going through some changes! 'ur on-campus van no longer makes regularly-scheduled stops. On campus riders need to call us alter 6 pin. and w. ithm IS minutes of when they need a ride The van will then pick riders up and take them directly to their destination. The on-campus van serves the area within these streets: Villard, High, Nineteenth, and Garden Wav. Our two of f -campus vehicles are still available on a reservation basis for rides needed outside this area. VVV- httpe tluil this nesv, more flexible oncampus \ vsiem will enable us to provide more women with more rules Questions? (Jive us a call at 346-4239 or 3464)653! UO Students! Resolved to: • Choose a major? • Get your academic life under control? • Graduate on time? The Office of Academic Advising and Student Services can help! Counselors available for appointments and drop-in advising. 8:30-4:30 M-F 164 Oregon Hall • 346-3211 Which is the ugliest building on campus? “l/iwrrrwr Hull Imthiiw iI'•» >*> damn ahslrarl." ANDY SIMPSON buJiiRj, trnutt “Thr lr«ilrr' Iwratlw lh<-\ ar«- whil<*. r longalrd mini Ics mlh no imagina tion.” HR F IT BOLSTAI) ptychologr. ten tor "(.arson Hall l*r< auw it looks like the tug house ' I)AG AN Me GANN uiuleclami, sophomore “(jilumhiM l»'( illl'M- I hair had hr Ill'll I l«!*s i"> lllrrr Jl!I>All <.AKHMvl.K bu4*nty. tapkomtH* ”Allrn ll«il. ItOl'NIlM* It’s -o plain anil boring DESIREE JEFFREY journalum. uy>h<>morr "Thr archi ti-rturr building, lire ails*- M ".••ruts 11 kr th»* wall is not \f t f in ishfd. ' MARIA UyillLkAS business, senior Compose try Suwrnn# Stoffona/PhatO* by Thomiu B®rgs!ror ET ALS MhhTINK'.S Star 1 irk Information ( .niter ■; nl a group dit*. u^iun on ’ Worf. Warrior or \\Wm«? tonight a? " in KMl' Hintm On Jury 0 For mom* tufa* mat tort, < ali .346 0631 MlNCfcl I ANtOt s Outdoor HroKiam win i !(nf AvaUm hr Awarfnm tonight at ? u> Room 242 Gnrlmgor For mono infur mat ion. c I! 346 4 Mil (jrm Pl«tuii)ij( and Plairmrnf Servic* will of far an or wm tat ion to if * Mm 244 Ifandrit i» for the follow ing « ompanie* Microsoft. A> l -At t unta* (airji. I S Pnat »* < Utrps anti Waiate(Computer For more in far mat ion, t all 346 3235 DtwilUiw for sobamthng Lt -Alt t>> t/*r hmorald front tfasi Suite J00 LA/l is noon 1hr dot tseforr fuihln at ion OFFICERS Continued from Page 1 "Community response has in(1 it sited th.it they are encour aged, that it is an upbeat wa\ to patrol," Zahar said He smiles "It’s great exercise, too.” The biggest problem with a Ini vcle patrol program seems to he acquiring the funds to start it up Zahar would like to see a dedicated program of full-time hike officers in Eugene, hut at the moment the department is able to put out hike officers only when there is extra staffing Zahar said a minimum nuiii lier of offii ers must always lie on duty Hike officers count as port of this minimum, but only as half an officer because officers on hit ycles are unable to transport people they have arrested. In an already overworked department, it's hard to make room for offi cers on bicycles "We re doing as much as we i nn with t!in resources wo ve got." Zahar said Once an officer decides fie wants to patrol on a hike, he has In learn special techniques for ruling the hike, including mount ing and dismounting it quickly Bicycle officers also need special uniforms, six h as looser pants that are more practical for hike riding and warm uniforms for winter weather The police hikes come with state-of-the-art equipment, with features such as high-intensity headlights that are like car head lights Zahar said the bicycles the EPD uses am close to the liest you can buy. He said they are more durable than a mountain bike, which they need to Ire for the use they get. and rarely need repairs “1 personally commute on a Raleigh." Zahar said "My hike is one step down from a police hike. I never have any problems breaking down." FREE LUNCH! (U ot O Employees Only) EARLY RETIREMENT MADE EASY! Learn the 5 Secrets to a Successful Retirement Tqpiqs Include; * Understanding P.E.R.S. * Social Security * How To Cut Your Taxes NOW * Two Things You Must Know About TSAs SPACE IS LIMITED, RESERVATIONS REQUIRED, CALL 345-7466 DATE: Tuesday. January II, 1994 TIME: 12:00-1:00pm PLACE: EMU Boardroom *1 recently attended a seminar at the University of Oregon by Retirement Planning Group The purpose of my attendance was to receive additional information regarding my P.E.R.S. options The valuable information that I received and the level of professionalism that was displayed made this a very enjoyable seminar* Mr. Gua Puaateri, Buaineaa Manager. Computer Center_