Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 07, 1994, Page 7, Image 7

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The following incident* were
reported to the I University Offii e
of Publii Safels and the Eugene
police department Dec 1 to |att.
• A harassment mse was
reported at Knight Library Dot
1 At cording to police reports,
two male students shouted
words toward eat h other after
one had provoked the other to
• Animal abuse was reported
to the polii o Dec .'1 According
to polit e reports, two men had
been found in possession of two
nutria near the Eugene Millrace
One of the nutria was dead and
the other was seriousls wound
ed. The men were contacted, but
both denied that they were
responsible for the abuse.
• A $4,800 car was reported
stolen on the 1600 block of Hast
15th Avenue Dec 4
• A 23-year-old male student
was arrested for drunken driving
on the 1900 block of High Street
Dec. 5.
• A $300 bicycle was reported
stolen on the 1300 block of East
19th Avenue Dei: 6.
• A student reported her wal
let stolen from Lawrence Hall
Dec 0. According to police
reports, someone took the wallet
from her bag. The loss amounted
to S1 5
• Criminal mist hief was
reported at 1 Vita (iarnma sorori
ty Dec 9 According to police
reports, plants and flowers had
been ripped out. eggs had been
thrown against the vs all. and
potatoes had been put into the
tailpipes of the i ars that were
parked outside The damage
amounted to $200
• A student reported a bur
glarv on the 1500 block of hast
15th Avenue !>e< 9 According
to polit e reports, a $1.00(1 com
puter was stolen from the
unlocked apartment.
• A student reported a theft
from a vehicle on the 1 100 bloc k
of Ferry Street Det 10 Accord
ing to polit e reports. $500 worth
of clothing, ( assettes and calcu
lators) were stolen from the car
• An $H5 artificial plant was
stolen from Carson Hall Dec 10.
According to police reports, the
plant was more than three feet
• Animal abuse was reported
to the police Dec 11 According
to police reports. 10 dead dot ks
were found in a garbage t an near
the 1500 block of Hilvnrd Street
The ducks were all cut open,
with the breast meat taken out
• A 33-vear-old transient was
arrested for disorderly conduct
on the I UK) hl«>i k of Fern Street
Dm 14 According to police
reports, the suspect was aggros
sivelv panhandling and was
hostile to people who refused to
give him money. On several
mansions he screamed "Fuck
off” and started following peo
ple who it id not donate money
• A $200 amplifier vs ns
reported stolen from the 1700
him k of Fast 15th Avenue IV<
• telephone harassment was
reported to the poli< e Dec. 17
Ai i ording to police reports, n
University faculty member had
been receiving blank messages
on his voice mail since the
beginning of November 1 he
messages were left at work and
later at his home
• A 50-year-old female report
ed a theft from a motel on the
1HOO block of Franklin Boule
vard Dec 17. According to
police reports. $569 worth of
property was stolen ini ludmg
cash, credit cards and three
• A male student reported Ins
compact disi player stolen from
his car on the 1200 block of Fast
lHth Avenue Dec 20 According
to police reports, the victim was
loading his car and was inside of
his resident during the crime
The loss amounted to $550
Curb Your Car II offers incentives
By Meg Dedolph
Oregon Dwfy I nmeid
Lane Transit District is beginning the second
phase of a federally funded program to encourage
people to use alternative transportation to and
from work.
Curf> Your Car II is aimed at state employees and
is designed to decrease the number of single-pas
senger cars by offering information and incentives
for bicycling, walking, carpooling or taking the
The yearlong program will include presenta
tions at 1H area stale offices, as well as group bus
passes and incentives, and is designed to induce
employees to leave their cars at homo.
Paul Zvonkovic, a transit planner for LTD, said
he believes the program, especially the bus passes,
will increase the number of people using allerna
live transportation.
"We've had a lot of success with the group pass
for University employees and students." he said
Since bus passes were first given to University
staff and students in 1988. LTD ridership has
increased nearly 250 percent, Zvonkovic said
Other incentives planned include drawings for
commuter bicycles in the spring. Employees can
enter the drawing based on the number of times
they use alternative modes of transportation
In July. LTD is planning a "guaranteed ride
home" program in conjunction with a taxi compa
ny, which Andy Vobora said should address a
common concern people have when deciding to
leave their car at home.
"The biggest deterrent is when people sav. 'I
don’t have mv car at work and there might be an
emergency when I need it.'' said Vobora. an LID
customer servii e representative.
If you think about it, that sort of emergency
comes along once every 20 years," he said
The program's success will lie measured by sur
veys taken after the introduction of each new
incentive to determine which are the most effec
tive at increasing alternative transportation
LTD will also study each workplace s facilities
for people using alternative transportation.
These might include the workplace's proximity
to bus stops, parking areas for lioth bikes and < ars,
and showers for those who hike or walk to work
Although there are few immediate reasons for
employers to promote alternative transportation.
Vobora said the state of Oregon is making an effort
to reduce the miles driven by single-passenger
There are currently no state mandates requiring
employees to address transportation issues. Vob
ora said, adding that if people voluntarily use
alternative transportation now mandates may not
lie necessary.
He said the benefits to employees who decide
not to drive to work include exercise from bicy
cling or walking and less money spent on gas and
If people take the bus to work. Vobora said, you
don't have to worry about driving. You can read
the paper or just relax. You don't have to worry
about getting hit by another car "
I’he costs of the program are being offset by a
$53,000 Federal Highway Administration grant
awarded to L TD to pay for the free bus passes and
planned surveys.
• A 1"'V«ar-old male Iransii'nl
vviii arrested for drunken driving
on the 1.100 bkx k of Alder
Street !S'* ill
• Found contraband was
turned over to the police tVc
it A< cording to polo e reports,
an OPS officer found a bag of
marijuana on the I sot) bloc k of
Agate Street
• A 14-year-old male was
issued a « Motion for trespassing
outside of the Science Library
Dec it
• A t riminnl mist hief was
reported at the Science Library
I let it According to police
reports, a $400 glass plate of a
coffee machine was broken
• A it-year-old male was
observed walking around with
a knife at West University Park
Dei iH According to police
reports, the man was wearing
i Lulling with phrases stu h as
"government sucks" and "anar
• A 23-vear-okl male reported
ii burglary at the 1600 block of
Aider Street Iks 31. According
to polk i' reports, the vie tint hud
Ix'en away and returned to find
several items missing from his
apartment, including a com pat t
disc player, a computer. a wall
( lock and a turntable The lost
items amounted to $700
• An 1H year-old male was
issued several traffic citations at
the 1300 block of University
Street |an t According to police
reports, the male was violating
various rules including not
wearing a helmet, driv mg with
out a license and not having
insurance The police seized the
scooter the suspec t was driving
ill order to determine its owner
Compiled h\ Stisnnne
Rwg Sale
beautiful collection of handmade oriental
rugs gathered by a group of Asian students will
be offered for sale with overseas prices Top
quality rugs from Persia, Pakistan. Afghanistan,
China, and India in all sizes and colors, both
new and antique
S*VC 54 %
Just a few examples:
i 2x4
’ 4x6
\ 9x12
I 8x10
$799 00
$4,200 00
$99 00
Many amners, rounds, ovals, octagons,
rectangulars, odd sizes available also.
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