Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 07, 1994, Page 14, Image 14

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Elaborate kidnapping scheme
falls apart despite ‘mastermind’
began when gunmen forced
their way into the home of a
suburban jeweler. seizing his
wife and demanding $2 mil
lion ransom
Three days later — on Christmas Kve — the
lough-talking kidnappers had « seeming < hange of
heart and released their victim 30 miles from
That c ase, strange enough on its own, may have
been the latest in a string of n*i ent painstakingly
< rafted i runes, including rohlxiries of a hank and n
sc ulxi diving shop, authorities said
So far. 10 suspects have been named in the
abduction emliellished with such theatrical flour
ishes as a reported si heme to fish the ransom mon
ey from the murky waters of San Francisco Hay
and another to hide the vi( tun in a hole in the
Still, authorities note, the elaborate plans failed
"You can have a sophisticated plan without nei
cssarily being sophistic ated," said Fill spokesman
Kk k Smith
For instanc e, an ()< t. 15 hank robbery featured
a masked gunman bursting through a hole in the
c eiling and sliding down a rope, startling employ
But police were summoned quickly and the rob
bery ended in o running gun battle, the robber
shedding cash as he fled while getting away with
Charged and arrested in that heist was F.ural
Wills II, 23. of Antioc h Wills, indicted Wednesday
by a federal grand jury, has pleaded innocent.
Wills has not been charged in the kidnapping
of the jeweler's wife, but other suspects describe
him as the mastermind, said Paul Sequelra, a Con
tra liosta County deputy district attorney.
Wills has denied any involvement in the kid
In the IXst 21 kidnapping, two gunmen musc led
their way into the home of jeweler Gene Mayer
and his wife. Ruth, lied them up. stole a safe con
taining $400,000 worth of jewelry and then asked.
"Which one of you wants to go." according to the
poin t' report
It was decided that Ruth Mayer, fil. would go
because her husband has a bad heart
The kidnappers, who told the Mayers. " This is
purely a dollai-and-t ents thing." left a note
demanding S2 million ransom
Published reports said the kidnappers planned
to have the money tossed off Berkeley's municipal
pier, to be retrieved bv si oba divers Sequeira
destined t eminent on those reports
However, authorities said. Wills is a stisptn t in
the December robbery of an Oakland scuba diving
shop, and he's had diving lessons No charges have
been hied
Another odd tout h in the kidnapping case was
the discovery of a hole in the ground where the
kidnappers may have planned to keep their victim.
Sequeira said.
It all fell apart after Wills' arrest on the robbery
charges Det 22 Some of the Mayers' jewelry was
found in Wills' van, authorities said. Wills said the
jewelry was planted.
Two days after the kidnapping. Ruth Mayer was
freed unharmed No ransom was paid.
On Thursday, three men were in jail in the kid
napping . Mark Anthony Rantissi. 21. and Brian
fames Tomasello, 21. both of Walnut Creek, and
Francisco Cruz Sarinann, 22, of Richmond.
Tomasclio and Sarinana pleaded innocent to
several charges including kidnapping. Rantissi
was being held on suspicion of the same charges.
Two other men were arrested in the case, hut lat
er released when a charging deadline expired.
Four remained at large Thursday.
Oakland Police Sgt. Dave Kozicki recalls inves
tigating Wills in a robbery case that fell apart after
a witness failed to identify him with certainty
Kozicki said Wills “seemed to have a fascina
tion" with criminal figures, and used to call him,
apparently attempting a duel of wits along the
lines of TV detective dramas.
It w’as "a weak attempt," the sergeant said. “I’ve
dealt with criminal masterminds and he's not
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