Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 06, 1994, Page 9, Image 9

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    i)„,iyEmerald Sports
Wilkins still unknown to UCLA
By Dave Charbonneau
Oregon OaWy Cm$r&d
During the Pat ifii lO l onfer
erne basketball canferem «* tali
Tuesday. UCLA t oach Jim liar
rit k was asked about the abun
dance of talent at the point guard
position within the PAL-to this
Harrick responded by naming
virtually even point guard in the
i onfureni e.
After naming eight point
guards ho paused and said. T-et's
see. I don't want to leave anybody
He thought for n second and
finailv decidetl he covered every
He did. however, leave one
point guard off the list Oregon's
Kenya Wilkins
Wilkins hopes to make sure
Harm k never makes that mistake
again when he and the I hu ks tat e
tlie sixth-ranked Bruins tonight
at Pauley Pavilion
But m realitv. Harm k
shouldn't be blamed for leaving
out Oregon's 5-foot-lO point
guard Wilkins has only played
nine games for the Ducks this
year and has vet to play in a Pat
10 game. Not only will Wilkins
be making his Pat;-10 debut, but
he will be doing it in his home
town of Los Angeles.
"That'll he a lot fun." Wilkins
said of tonight's game "It 's a new
experience for me. I'm looking
forward to going bin k to my
Oregon guard Kenya Wilkins has played well recently, but still remains
unknown to many people, Including UCLA coach Jim Harrlck
Wilkins mind may change In
tin* end nl tht* night if tlui teams'
records am any indication of
what tin* final result will lie (in*
gon is 4 ri and two of those wins
came against Division II si hools
The Ihiils ar** pii ked by most to
finish near or at the bottom of the
conference UG1.A is ranked sixth
in the nation, is undefeated and
is the favorite to win the Pat:-10
this season
"We have our work cut out for
us this weekend." head coat tl |er
ry Green said "Everybody's
already writing us off and when
lfieri cx;t urs you him* only one
way to go
()n an up note the Dm ks have
won three out their hist four
games, including a 100-'1 win
over Alaska I uirh.mhs Monday
Much of the team s rei enl sm
cess can fie attributed to Wilkins,
who has started to get a real feel
for tost exactly what Cinxm wants
him to do on the court
Tm playing willi a little more
confidence than I was at first,"
Turn to WILKINS. Pago 10
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