Oregon Hath Emerald Sports Ducks tune up for Pac-10 with a win By Steve Mims Oregon had fun Monday night, and they should have Im< cause it won't gat am easier the rest of the season The Ducks got their third win in four games, beating Alaska Fairbanks mo 71 at Mi Arthur Court I he Ducks were never really threatened by the Division II Nanouks from the north, and the only questions at the end of the game was whether Oregon would reach triple digits, and when /,a< h Sellers' hank shot insured this would happen, the i rowd of 5.233 made its most noise of the night ft vs as a game that helps us in preparation and executing in game situations, said Oregon forward Jeff Potter, who scored 14 points and grabbed four re hounds "It's something where we can gel game experience get a win and get some confident e Oregon finished its non con fertile e schedule 4 a. but it will get much tougher when the I’m ifie;-10 (umfereni e si.hedule begins Thursday night at DO .A Oregon got ahead early and never faded, thanks mostly to good hallhandling I he Duc ks went the first 14 minutes with out a turnover and finished with only two total in the first half Oregon had only seven turnovers for the game, com pared to the Na I looks 24 "One statistii that I really like is seven turnovers and -0 assists Oregon head i oat h h*r r\ Green said "There’s been limes when we've had two or three osts and 20 turnovers, so it’s good to see those two Too ' MEN Page 8 B[ca MAH* Mf TYRE. Things got a lot easier tor Oregon guard Kenya Wilkins alter this hard tout, as he scored 17 points, dished out s/i assists and had four steals In Oregon's win Women run past Miners By Scott Simonson Oregon Q&ty £rn&r&t& In the first half it was from outside In the second half it was from inside. Kither way. Oregon's women's basketball team had enough offensive firepower and outgunned the Universi ty of Texas-EI Paso 90-70 on Monday. The game was Ore gon's final tuneup for the Pm.ific-10 Conference season, which begins at home on Thursday against UCLA. Oregon never trailed in the contest but had a couple of tense moments after UTEP overcame a 12-point first-half deficit to tie the gome at 50-50 with about 12 minutes left in the second half. However, the Ducks got 11 points in three minutes from forward Debbie Sporcich to spark a 15-0 run, and the Miners never recov ered. The Ducks bolted to a 10-2 lead To open the game and stayed in control for most of the first half, thanks to hot [>erinieter shooting by forward jessica Schutt and guard Mis sy Croshaw Schutt and Croshaw i om bined for 21 of Oregon 's U7 first-half points. When St butt knocked down her third three pointer of the half to make the Turn to WOMEN, Page 8 **************** Sunderland ^ Mh STREET | I C PUBLIC MARKET VIDEO 683-8464 .© - 1 VIDEO ADVENTURE < VALLEY RIVER PLAZA "• »VVVVVVVVVV¥¥¥¥* TUESDAY s p A G H E T T I | ALL - YOU CAN EAT EVERY TUES! includes I Garlic Bread 11:30 am 10pm pizz* ?eT£$ ITALIAN KITCHEN 2673 Willamette 484-0996 Veterans lead Oregon to basketball victory Whim winter break started. the* Oregon men's basketball team ss as in trouble, The team had just dropped a game against lowly Pat ifh and had yet to put together a strong (M rlormani e in any of its games The Dm ks were facing road games against Idaho and VVis i onsin-Green Bay and a home game against Arizona- and Cali fnrnin-destroy mg Santa Clara The players were losing confi dent i in the past couple of sea sons. sure the Dili ks were had. hut at least they had a leader But in early December Oregon was beginning to look as if the new recruiting class consisted of 1 2 players rather than six The coat h the usually opti mism Jerry Green, liegun to ques tion Ins ability to bring this pro gram out of the dumper The coat h whose motto seemed to lie "You can't fix this program overnight" was suddenly doubt ing whether Oregon basketball yvas worth the effort Things gut worst' for the Ducks fhe\ Icjst to Idaho and Wiscon sin! Been Bay- Hies also lost ut hoitttt to Santa Clara Oregon took a long break after returning front the Midwest and resumed practice on Christtrtas l.se in preparation for the Far West Classic in Portland The tournament, two days after Christmas, looked like another unwelcoined opportunity for the 1-4 Ducks to drop a couple of more games, and in Iron! of the important Portland alumni no less. In the first game they faced the I adversity of Portland, a team who came into the tourney with an impressive M record and was, at least in Portland, the talk of the town Oregon, however, rose up and surprised Portland, with |ordv I.yden flitting a last-second shot to give the Dm ks a three point win The Din ks lost the follow ing night to Oregon State, hut only hy four and the players were far more optimistic about the rest of tile season than they were when Dim ember started. Store impiirtantlv, pfavors were starting to step up l.vden, I lamoii Kunyotj and the tiealed |eff Pot ter started to join Orlando Williams as playing the role of seasoned veterans on tin- squad. Point guard Kenya Wilkins showed lie i ould si ore points, knocking down 23 against Port land The night before New Year's Kve. the Ducks played their best and most important game of the year thus fur. breaking a 27-game road losing streak to Division I teams with a win at St. Mary's Williams exploded for U points and the Dm ks and Runyon didn't miss a shot The .t-.r> Dm hs face eighth ranked UC1.A Thursday in Los Angeles and the most surprising aspect of the season so far is that Green's high I \ touted rookies are finding themselves on the (tench more and more with the ext op tion of Wilkins. Williams. Lvden. Kunvon. Aaron Johnson and Jefl Potter are the ones i am mg this team, the same guys who have been here for the past two or three years. the same guvs who've gone lt>-41 the past two seasons. The Ducks are not s et a Pacif ic- 1H Conference i aliber team. Maybe they will i>e h\ next sea son Maybe they will hit their stride by mid-season this year. The point is that Oregon man aged to get through the holidays and is much better off now than it was a month ago. _ Dave Charbonneau is a sports reporter for the Kmerald Off-Campus Students Get to Know Us — Before you Need Us. Student Health Center x4441 Pass it on. (please) Help our successful recycling program on campus by putting the Oregon Dally Emerald back In Its original rack when you've finished "*'u* will allow another person * picked up for recycling