Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 03, 1994, Page 4A, Image 4

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    We cm b*lp yom with the wait...
: At WNKG'S, we know the dwt of the twn is c tosy tire; bur
i worst of oH oxe the lines, lines for books, lines for dsssas, lines
! fo< just about everything, including copies. We con help, (ip this
( ad end bring it wttr your first order and receive o free small
> house coffee to hefpposs the lime.
tlie copy center
860 East I3rh Avenue, Eugene, Oregon
Artms from the Umveryfy of Oregon Boofcsiore
Unlimited LTD
bus service .
optional student tee That means refunds are
Keep in mind, however, th.it your student ID
now enables you to ride the bus any time, any
where, all term!
Also remember that by supporting unlimited bus
service you 're helping alleviate traffic, reduce air
pollution, ease the campus parking problem, and
provide transportation for thousands of students
But If you still warn a refund, come to the EMU
Main Desk during normal business hours
January 3 • 7. Also available at the LTD Customer
Service Center during normal business hours
January 8 -12
Call 687- 5555 (Voice) or 687-5552 (TDD)
tor more information
Express Yourself!
Lmnm'nwnmtt Dtatrtct
• A new scholarship program
has boon established (or Oregon
business students
Five $2,000 scholarships ant
available for college juniors and
seniors who are Oregon rosi
dents and business majors at
four-voar colleges in the state.
Applicants must have at least a
3.5 GPA ami will bo selected on
the basis of need, academic
achievement and the qualify of
their business plan, whir h must
be submitted with the applica
The application deadline is
Mar 15. To obtain an applica
tion, ‘-end a request in writing
with a 52-cent stamped, self
addressed envelope to: The
State Scholarship Commission.
1500 Valley Kiser Drive, Suite
100, Eugene. OK 97401
• The Indiana University Cen
ter on Philanthropy is seeking
student applicants for its Jane
Addams Fellowship in Philan
thropy program, which awards
ou< h follow $15,000 (or the year
and 12 credits toward a graduate
The community service pro
gram encourages aspiring young
leaders to work for the common
good while studying and inves
tigating the roles of philan
thropy In addition to guided
study, students will select an
internship with a non-profit
organization in Indianapolis
Qualified candidates must be
seniors or recent graduates with
a bachelor's degree and must
show demonstrated leadership
potential and a special interest
in some aspect of community
service Application deadline is
Fell. 15. 1094. For a brochure
and application, contact the
Indiana University Center on
Philanthropy. 550 West North
St.. Suite 301. Indianapolis. IN
46202-3162. or call (317) 274
• A faculty and graduate sem
inar titled "Economics as Litera
ture: A Feminist Perspective"
will be taught this term by visit
ing scholar and noted feminist
economist Susan Feiner.
The seminar, which is worth
one graduate credit, discusses
why economics has tieen largely
untouched by feminist criticism,
post-modernism and issues of
multicult uraiism.
The class will begin with a
mandatory lecture from 3:30 to
5:30 p.m |nn. 11 in Gerlinger
Lounge, and four seminar ses
sions will follow on Jan. 19. 26
and Feb. 16 and 23. all in Room
330 Hendricks from 3:30 to 5
p.m. The Duck Call CRN is
21556. For more information,
contact the Center for the Study
of Women in Society at 346
• A panel discussion titled
"Health Care Reform and Its
Impact on Small Business" will
be Friday from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
in Room 128 Chiles. Panelists
include Ken Singer, former chief
of staff of Sacred Heart General
Hospital, and Skip Kriz, vice
president of Sacred Heart Select
Care and a representative of the
Oregon Health Plan. The discus
sion and reception are free, but
people who plan to attend are
encouraged to call the College of
Business Administration at 346
3420 to RSVP by Wednesday.
Mill INH,.H
Imtdenlal I r* Otmmillw will mew? today at '> 00 p m in the
\ MiT B*w»M K *wn f ot more information, rail J46 3740
Mauitr Kern* Art Onler w .:! -.ffer a vanrly of t ami work
ahnpt lor Ih# cgtiartef lw|iflnin|t )mi IQ SUkhIuIbi are available at
I)w i enter. located at last 15th Avwna* ami VifUrd Stfr** for more
information. call 345-1571
Career Planning anil Platrmrnl Serve e will offer ais orientation
to It* M*fA KM today from t 30 to 4 30 {> m in Room 221 Hendrick*
I <>r more information call 346 3235
(.areer Planning and Placement Service will conduct interview
bidding from today until 4 Ot) p m through Wednesday for the fob
lowing organ imtiorti CTE 1el« nmmumtjrtium. Target Simm. Slate
1 arm fftiufiiu# (4m|MiiiM and t he l‘n»d«lttel Eof more inform*
turn, <all 346 3235
Lhtadhne for mbmitlmg 1t Ah to the Cmerald front dr\k Suite
,100 f \1‘ i* niHiii the day before puhln u/mri It Ah run the day of
thr men l ante** the event take* place beforr noon and it rvqumied
to be fHibhthed oarhei
Sain e» of c\rntt *ith a donation or ad/nitnon charge will not
he accepted Qimptn cwitii and thote n heduled nrairtt the pttbh
ration date ml! be gum nttofits Thr j merald reterse* the light to
edit for gnnuntat and title
I t An run ttru tty on a »;*>< e ouuhhir bant
Continued from Page 3
man Mark Ashton and sophomore Eric Gorr. fin
ished 12th overall.
The students practiced every week for two months
to prepare for the five-hour competition. Each team
received nine computer programming problems and
was asked to solve as many of them as possible with
in the time limit.
University students finished eighth nationally in
the programming contest in 1989, sixth nationally in
1991 and fifth regionally in 1992.
• The University and Lane Transit District shared
the Governor's Energy Award as a result of the Uni
versity/LTD program that provides employee bus
passes paid from parking funds. The project, which
has saved thousands of dollars in commuting costs
und has reduced air pollution and fuel consumption,
will represent Oregon in the National Energy
Awards program.
TacoTi me
January 3*7
EMU Fishbowl
U of 0 Mug
(choice of size) with every
TacoTi me purchase over $3.00
Mon-Fri, Jan. 3-7
'Not good with other otters or discounts. 'While supplies last.. EMU Express only. 'Otter expires 1/7/94
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