Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 03, 1994, Page 4B, Image 19

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35mm Camera Use
Valeric Nguyen
Learn the ’secret* meaning of all those number,
and letters' A short lecture covers how your
camera works.including discussion *»( film and
composition firing empty A*>mm camera to class
Weu. Jan S
6:00*9:00pm I’Ll J MS
Beaded Braci-xhts
Kim HaLsani
Make colorful Ix-atkxl bracelets using late anti
(lower studies-a gocxl introduction to Ix-adwork
and a tliance to ask Ix-ading questi<mis
Wed. Jan S
600-900pm I’Ll! Hi) SS
Kathy Kale
( reate a variety <tl patterns using different tying
and dyeing techniques firing up to three
prewashed lOtl".. cotton items to dye
Two sessions offered
1 Weil Ian S
6 (K)-9:OOpm I'Ll' 87 SS
2 Tlnirs, Jan 6
6 (K) 9:00pm I’Ll ’ HH $5
Minis & Bowls
Frank (iosar
Tired of Tupperware> Vou tan lundhuiltl vtxit
own ceramic mugs, tumblers and small low Is in
this wtirksltt>p (lay and gla/es provided
lluirs. |an <>
2:00-5:00prn I'Ll HO ss
Bike Doctor
Brad Mills
I’erk up ytxir bike anil avoid repair bills Instnx
don will cover lubntaiion, tire trouble, brake and
gear senate, anti trouble sliixUing Keep ycxu bike
rolling siixxithly anil salely firing ytxir bike to
t lass Two sessions offered
1 Wed, Jan S
6:00-9 00pm I'LU 90 SS
2 lluirs. Ian (>
(i (K)1) 00pm I'Ll‘91
Porcelain Valentines
Frank <»o*ar
It's .i gilt front ilu- heart t« > your heart s desire .i
porcelain valentine, handmade t>\ you, lor iltat
sjxvial mnne<me 1 mix inn it with l.uc paint it
with brightly colored clays. make it unique,
original. special |iin| like the one you love
Materials provided 3 hours of instruction
Sat. Feb $ Pl.t 92 members $10
2 $o~V30pm I’l l 9.$non-members $1 i
Tiie Wonderful Wt»Rii» of Gollage
David Starr
! xplore the wonderful world of i ullage I’Iiin
workshop Ix-guiN witfi a brief history of collage,
demonstration ami instruction, followed In
hands on experience File collage pitx ess, the
reconstruction of images, color and shape
contrasts, and the use of your personal percep
tions to create and communicate will lx- the
f < x us Nil materials provided, although you may
w ant to bring some magazines or favorite
images to share b hours of instruction
Sat, Ian 1$ ♦ 22 PI.ft 93 members $P
12 30pm 3:30pm PI.I l>-» non memlrers $21
Aii’ai.m u ian Fax. Basket
Shannon Weber
Tliis basket is a winner for the first time basket
weaver or the next step for an expert Your
basket will lx- made of wild coastal w illow ,
seagravs r<x»ts and splints, with a wonderful
sfia[x* Materials provided 6 hours of instruction
Sun. Jan 23 Pl.1'93 members $32
10 Via in S OOpm p|.I' 96 non niemlx-is $.3<>
Tiie Potter's Basket
ShaniM>n Weber
join us for a fun filled day of weaving a round
splint basket with a detailed curl design Materi
als provided 6 hours of instruction
Sun. Ian 30 Pl.l' 97 memlx-rs $.32
10 ,3()am-VOOpm PH’ 98 non-members $.36
The I nuvrsity (tf Orvgort is on ei/uai offtortuntty
affirmatiiv action institution committed to
cultunil liuvrs tty utnl comftiutnce uith the
American IHtthihties Act
ThE EMU Craft Center
The EMU ( rah Center is a comprehensive Arts
Program offering well equipped fac ilities and
workshops in most areas of iIk- Visual Arts The
program is Ixith educational and recrvaitorul.
encouraging all levels of interest, from lx-gmning
hobbyist to se rious artist If you have an interest
m an or a favonte hobby, tlx EMI ’ Craft Center
at the I 'niversity of < )rvgon is lor vou Yihi'II find
us in die Hrb Memorial Union. I Atfi A I niversity.
Past \cmg lower level For more information
please c all Vg> i Vil
Sti t>k> Facm jttks
• Ceramics area with high lire capabilities
• Photo darkrooms equipped lor HAW or
color printing
• Jewelry lab for casting and fabrication
• ( ompletc Woodshop
• l ac ililies lor stlkscreen and fabric dyeing
• Stained glass, fused glass
• Hike repair tools
• Sewing, weaving, and lilnr studio
• Hand tools tor woodworking
• Hooks and periodicals lor mcmlx-r use
• Storage lixkers lor members
small 52 CM), large $2 So |xt tenn
• I land and power tool rentals lot I <) students
• St) minute loading space available on 1 Mb St
• I li iw ti i videos
A ( r.ili C enter membership entitles you in in
die t.u times ami tools in the Craft (-enter lor the
term Memlx*rship in always available to the
entire 1 '<) community ami I <) alumni The
general jnrhlk ma\ purchase a (..raft Center
meinlx-rship with enrollment in a Craft (enter
worksftop eosting SIS or tmire Day use passes
are available lor current I (> students, (amity,
stall ami alumni MetnfxTships are valid lor the
term in which they are purc hased ami are not
reltimlahle Workshops using the f raft (enter
far ilitres ami equipment rerjuire a membership
ami are indicated in tlx- class listings
Membership Fees Per Term
$ 6 IT) students ami spouses
$1(11 <) faculty, stall and spouses
SIS IX) alumni
$1$General puhlu, with enrollment in ( raft
( enter workshop of SIS or more (II you camel
a workshop, your general puhlu mernlx-rship
will lx- relumk*d >
Day Use Fees
$ 1 so per day I () students
S2 So jx-r day l O faculty ami stall
$$ So jx-r tin l X > alumni
The l (> Pine and Applied Arts ami the 1 Ml
Craft (enter are hosting the Visiting Artists
Lecture Series this winter Lectures are usualh
held on Thursday evenings, with workshops on
the following I ridas ami Saturday Winter 9i
si hedules are available at the ( rail ( enter and
at the AYt Dept in l.iwreme il.ill lor more
information will the ( raft Center at Vi(> i(nl
Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis
until classes lx*gin or are filled Farly registration
is strangle recommended W< irksliop registration
tan lx- done in (x-rson <ir In mail anti must lx
at t ompanu-tl with full payment Memlx-rs of the
HO community purchasing memberships will lx
required to present I’niversity I D
Mail-in Registration
University I l> is required tor all t O member -
ships Mail in registrations are tonlimu-tl by mail
if a sell addressed, stamped envelope is pro
vided or In phone- please include daytime
phone numlx-r
Send null in registration to
KMt' Craft Center
1 -ntversitv of (>regi in
Eugene. OR <rt03-122S
Refund Policy
• Workshops are 10tr refundable (Xi hours
( l davs) prior to the first class meeting, but non
ref tint fable 11 lereatier
• SS Stx-t ials and Raku are not refundable
• Workshops ninth do not meet the minimum
enrollment will lx- cancelled on or Ix-fore the
fust tlass meeting
• If the < raft ( enter cancels a workshop, t lass
fees will lx- fully refunded- your option to retain
vour Craft Center memlx-rship
• Mcmlx-rships are non refundable if you drop
a class, although community memberships will
lx- refunded at our discretion
Supplies For Sale
• Hike t ables, Ix-arings, patt lies, tulx-s
• Ceramit tool kits, stoneware, porcelain
• I ilx-r tlyes, silk, silkscreeas. and T shirts
• Glass cutters, topper foil, and solder
• Copper, silver, saw blades, findings and tools
• KSW photo chemicals. p.i|x-r and film
• Wood. dowels, sandpaper and plywcxxl
Winter Hours
llx- Craft Center will lx- open from January 3 to
March 23 We ll have reduced hours Mar 1 t 23
Please puk up a st hetkile at the Craft Center or
call > 1361 General hours are as follows
Mon -Thurs 10:00am-9 .30pm
Friday 10:0Qam-6:00pm
Saturday 12 00pni-6:00pm
Sunday 12 <>0pm-6 OOpm
City State Zip
Phone Evening
UO Student / Spouse - $6.00
Faculty / Staff / Spouse - $10.00
All Others $15.00 $
Mail in registrations are confirmed by mail if a stamped, self addressed
j_envelope <s provided or by phone-piease include a daytime phone
Craft Center
Refund Policy
• Workshops are KXfo> re
fundable 96 hours (4 days)
poor »o the first meeting, but
non-refundable thereafter
• It the Craft Center cancels a
workshop tees wit be fully
refunded-your option to re
tain your UO membersfkp
• Memberships are not re
fundable it you cancel class
• $5 Specials and Raku are
not refundable
Mail registrations to:
EMU Craft Center
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1225^