Ferret owners speak up for pets By Jeff Knaysi F&t (ft# Oregon D&!> f. Ferrets will not rip your fai e off, eat your baby or give you rabies. Hut they def'nitely smell terrible. Unfortunately, many Ameri cans may never have the chance to savor the horrendous stench of a ferret because of widespread prejudice against the furry crea ture. Ferrets have been accused of spreading rabies, destroying crops, killing livestock and oth er vicious activities, all of whu h are false. They are often con fused with the vicious European polecat, which kills its prey. Still, it is tins ignorance that has caused many states and cities to ban the ferret as a pot by classifying them as wild ani mals, alongside cougars and tigers. This will change if Mike McCarthy, a forestry worker who is staunchly pro-ferrets, has his way. While he was on business in California last September, he and his ferrets were harassed and blackballed. He is joining a class action suit to re-legali/e ferrets against the state of Cali fornia. which banned ferrets as pets in 1987. "It’s absurd," he said. "There's a lot of scary stories that thev kill babies or chickens That's ridiculous.” McCarthy wants to go down to California in a month and a half to take part in the suit. Fer rets are also banned ns pets in Massachusetts, Hawaii and Michigan. Ferrets. like many other crea tures. have had a stigma attached to them that is not based on seientifit evidenie Ironically, most specialists believe that ferrets were bred as pets bv the ancient Egyptians 300 to 500 years before cats seductively twitched their butts and captured the hearts of h limans. Apparently, eight million Americans are continuing this trend, according to the Ameri can Ferret Association. My Mc( iarthv's estimation, there are about 5,000 to 10,000 ferrets in Lane County alone, although there is no wav this can be con firmed NOMMAN Mf SMAH V< **« f "iml Eight million Americans own ferrets despite the stigma attached to them There are about 5.000 to 10,000 ferret owners In Lane County. The popularity of this cousin of the weasel was i on firmed by Klectra. a clerk at Scamp's Pet Store in Valley River Center, where ferrets sell for $69.99. "We usually get them in even couple of weeks," Klectra said "They are a quick sale " Stove (dose, a University Eng lish graduate teaching fellow, had a ferret for three years until he had to put it to sleep bei ause of cam or. He loved the creature despite the fact that it loved to bile. "Thev like ankles. They know whose ankles to bite, w hose not to bite," he said In fact, most ferrets love to bite so much that sleeping with them is not advised. "Anything that sticks out. he'd bite He bit toes and other assorted items." Close said "Not good to sleep w ith." The mechanic s of owning a ferret are |>retn similar to own ing a cat, though ferrets need i little more care and training While they will most likely nip everything they see as young sters, all that is needed is a tweak on the nose and a firm "no." The young animal will soon learn if it is given proper train ing for nourishment, it is advised to feed your pet ferret dried cat food. As for toilet needs, thev are "easier to litter train than a i at, McCarthy said. They will gener ally pic k out a c orner and mark their territory by urinating m it This is where you should lay clown u litter box Some ferrets, such as the one Close owned, would change their preferred area every two months nr so And. as with any animals, there are always funny bathroom stories "Our dog came in the house, and lie thought the ferrets were little dogs, so he pissed on everything in the house to mark his territory He was a pretty stu pid dog," Kuss Chinske, a Uni versity senior and former ferret owner, said One thing that will strike von immediately about ferrets is their stench "They have quite an aroma.” said Fran, a dispatcher at the l.ane County Animal Control Center "You either love them or von hate them Hut they are real ly fun to watch play There is a simple remedy they can he dest culled (have their musk glands removed) for about $100, and this should take care of most of the problem, though a faint odor will linger. Keep in mind that ferrets are related to skunks, w ith the main difference being most skunks speak with a Frenc h accent. For those still skeptical), Mike McCarthy spoke for most own ers when he said. "They take some getting used to Now I wouldn't have any oilier pet !"20% OFF All Stocking Stutters! * With this coupon * I Brushes • Polishes • Socks • Waterproofing I and More! | CAMPUS SHOE REPAIR | 843 E. 13th Eugene, OR 97401 j 344-6613 j Giant Warehouse • Software • Hardware • Accessories Services .> 8TVUXKrat We ship your stuff home! ! to 1000 pounds, computers, stereos, TV’s Insured, custom packing Boxes for sale UPS. Kmery. 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