Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 06, 1993, Page 20, Image 19

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If you've got the creativity and cartooning skills to
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(Ask for Jake)
Despite the c hallenges
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UO family, let us not forget
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holiday season: I his is a time
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particularly the less fortunate.
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-Oregon Daily H)lTlCr<llci S|)OI tS
Pacific zones in on the Ducks
By Dave Charbonneau
A fiuv things the Oregon
men's basketball team may want
to include on its Christmas list:
The ability to shoot free throws,
an offense to i ounter zone
defense and a confident e-build
ing win over a rasper table oppo
After Saturday's 75-f>9 loss to
l’a< ifir: at Mi Arthur Court, the
Dm ks are still in search of all
three. and it's taking a toll on the
young team
Oregon had its chances
against the Tigers, but in the
end. it was the Ducks' reliance
on the outside shot and their
inability to hit free throws that
proved, once again, to he their
f’acifii . obviously aware of
Oregon's past troubles with zone
defenses, stayed ill a zone the
entire game, fort ing the Dm ks
to launch 'll three pointers — of
which they flit only seven
and leaving the Oregon offense
at a virtual stand still for muc h
of the game
"The big thing ».is the zone.”
Oregon head conch |err\ Green
said It was a problem for us
We worked on the zone all week
in practice this week We knew
we'd see it, hut we didn’t think
we'd see it the whole game
Pacific coach Hob Thomason
said the game-long zone was not
originally in his game plan.
"Before the game, 1 didn't
think we'd be able to zone
them." he said "All of a sud
den, we started to break a little
more out of the zone and we got
the momentum. I thought our
kids did a nice job of making
them take the tough shot
"Tough shot" is a relative
term, and for the Ducks, it's
starting to include the easiest
shot of all the free throw
Oregon continued its season
long woes at the line, lulling less
than 50 percent of its shots and
only one of seven in the second
Pacific didn't do much belter
at the line, hitting only eight of
17 shots from the line, but the
Tigers didn't need them because
they had Michael Jackson
No, not the glove-wearing,
moonwalking pop star, but
rather a ti-foot-5 forward who
Saturday night gave the name
"King of Pop" a new meaning
Jackson popped 13 of ’ll shots,
including six of 10 from the
three-point line, to finish with
'M points
Jackson hit three three-point
ers early and had 11 of Pacific's
MORGAN SMUHIc* th« Fmofald
Oregon center Aaron Johnson scored 17 points and had seven
rebounds in the Ducks' 75-69 loss to Pacific Saturday.
first 1H paints as the Tigers took
an 18-14 lead He then ended
the half by scoring nine points
in the final three minutes, giving
Pacific a 45-34 halftime lead
|m kson had 21 points by half,
and hit nine of 12 shots, includ
ing four of five from the three
point art
laiiiar Curry, who played a
total of one minute in the first
half, started the se< ond half and
helped the Ducks get back in the
game with sis points and a blot k
of a Jackson jumper. Oregon
guard Orlando Williams added a
three-pointer and a driving lay
up to bring the Dm k crowd to
its feet, ami after a Curry
rebound basket, Oregon cut the
Tiger lead to 51-50
Jackson silenced the Oregon
crowd quickly with a three and
a short jumper to put Pacific up
by six The Tigers eventually got
the lead ba< k up to nine and the
closest the Ducks could get the
rest of the way vvas six points.
Williams led Oregon scorers
with 21 points, hitting five of 12
three-pointers. Center Aaron
Johnson pitched in 17 points
and grabbed seven rebounds for
the Ducks.
Thu victors was Pacific's first
road win against a Pacific-10
Conference team since 1954,
giving Oregon a dubious distinc
tion and putting some doubts in
Green's mind about his team's
ability to win games.
"The tiling that concerns and
si ares me as much as anything
is falling bai k into a funk of the
six and 10-win season,” he
said. "Our team is young and we
seem to have a better attitude,
and the guys that were on the
past teams seem to have a better
mental outlook on things."
Things won't gel any easier
(or the Ducks during the winter
break They must now go on the
road to face Idaho Sunday and
then return home for a game
with Santa Clara, a team that
defeated Arizona in NCAA tour
nament last season and knocked
off California Saturday
The rest of the Oregon sched
ule in December: Dec 1H, at
Wisconsin-Green Bay; Dec 27
itH. Far West Classic with Port
land, Oregon State and North
Carolina-Wilmington; Dec 3(), at
St Mary's.
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