HU PHOTO At last year's Ad Team fundraiser, journalism professor Alan Stavitsky took a pie In the face. This year, professors from the business, eco nomics, science and music departments will put their mug on the line. Ad Team annual event creams best professors Are you stressed out nbout Finals Week? Have you ever wanted to throw a pie into the face of vour "favorite" profes sor? Come to the EMU Court yard tomorrow at noon, and you might get your wish. Ad Team is sponsoring its third-annual pie tomorrow to raise money for its advertising competitions. For two weeks, Ad Team has been collecting donations from students and faculty. Today is the last day to bring the most wanted profes sors to justice by donating mon t*v m the respective department offices or in 211 Allen Hall. Professors from the business, economics, science and music departments have graciously agreed to take a pie in the face when their personal earnings break the $100 mark, and the professor with the most money will get a chocolate (.ream pie You can also be the lucky per son that gets to throw the pie Buy a ticket for 25 cents, and you are entered into a drawing to actually throw the pie at the professor El Please Recycle This Paper 1 he i amity Center of University of Oregon Presents Holiday Fest '93 Saturday, December 4th, 12:00 - 4:(X) p.m. at the Collier House on Campus Come and learn more about the f amily C enter by attending our first Holiday Fest You will tie able toenyiy great food and music, as well as stimulating conversation I he event is free Please RSVP at 346-0651 by Friday, 12/3, 5 00 p m Bring Your Children or Friends and Join in on the Fun! F.VF.RYONF WFICOMF OPEN LATE A TO SERVE VOI)!^ The end of Fall term has arrived and these merchants are open late to assist you during dead week and finals week. Good luck on finals and have a safe & happy holiday season. LATE NIGHT with Track Town Pizza Medium Pizzas Discounted After 10:00 pm Daily and All Day Wednesday MEDIUM ONE ITEM PIZZA *6.95 Additional toppinga $1.00 each e TRACK TOWN PIZZA rw convenient location* to nerve you CAMPUS 484-2799 f* f 1809 Franklin Blvd WEST 484-4262 ‘ ^ 2511 W 11th & Wilson r* LATE NIGHT * WITH * *SUBWflV* •COUPON 'foil ANY FOOTLONG SUB Valid at campus location only through 12/31/93 Not valid with any other otter 1304 Hilyard 484-6955 p —i » COUPON — — SO* off! ANY 1/2 F00TL0NG SUB | Valid at campus location only through 12/31/93 Not vabd with any other otter 1304 Hilyard ^ ^ 484-6955 j I a i IVTVn OREM UNTIL 2:00 a.m. EVERY NIGHT