Giant Warehouse • Software • Hardware • Accessories I Discounts up to SO^OFF retail! Friday Dec 10th thru Dec 24 Mon-Sat 10-6 Announcing the Opening ol the New Agate Apartments University Housing is now taking applications for Winter Term assignments to the Agate Apartments The Agate Apartments are located across from campus on the southwest corner of lHth Avenue and Agate Street There a variety of twenty apartments ranging in rent from $390 per month to $b55 per month Rent includes water, sewer, on site laundry facilities, waste collection and recycling The Agate Apartments are next to Campus, close to shopping and boutiques, and central to a variety of recreational activities These apartments are energy-savers and insulated to "Good CentS” insulation standards If you arc interested in an assignment to the Agate Apartments, please call the Family Housing Reservation Coordinator at 340-4280 k UfMvtfWy Howling family Mouung/Ap«nnvm» UWvfrvty of Ollgllfl Ohmm 4im t rnfiim • t *» i ahm<*i «**n i*» Kmnnm An 0 D Don’t get *mailed* this holiday season. Come and experience a festival of fantastic and unique handcrafted gifts and live music. Wednesday & Thursday December J^st and 2nd 10:00am - 5:30pm EMU Fir Room U of O campus info @ 346-4361 Sponsored by the EMU Craft Center 6 the Cultural Forum 0 Q POLICE BEAT The following incidents were reported to the University Office of Public Safety and the Eugene police department Nov. IB-30. • A student reported a $400 bicycle stolen from the 1000 block of Patterson Street Nov. 16. • A 19-year-old student was cited for harass ment and menacing at the 1400 block of Colum bia Street Nov 16. According to police reports, the student threatened an 18-year-old student with a Swiss pocket knife • An 18-year-old student reported his $400 bicy cle stolen from the 1000 block of Patterson Street Nov. 16. • A 40-year-old transient was arrested for assault on 13th Avenue and Kincaid Street Nov 16. According to police reports, an LTD bus driver was hit in the face seven times by the transient who believed the driver had said something insult ing to him as he was going on board the bus. The passengers threw the transient off the bus. and the police were contacted • An 18-year-old student was cited for shoplift ing at the University Bookstore Nov. 17. According to police reports, the student stole a pair of shorts worth $22.95. He told the police he did it because he didn't have the money to buy a gift for his brother. • A University parking sticker was reported stolen from a vehicle parked at the University Inn Nov. 17. • Four snow tires were reported stolen from the 900 block of East 18th Avenue Nov. 17. According to police reports, the tires were worth $200. and they belongod to a University staff member. • Two 18-year-old male students were cited for minor in possession of alcohol at the 1500 block of University Street Nov. 18. According to police reports, they had both been drinking in a fraterni ty and were lying on the ground when the police arrived One of the students had consumed seven screwdrivers and a half-case of beer, and was vom iting repeatedly. He was taken to the hospital in danger of aspirating vomitus. The other man was more lucid and was taken to the Buckley House. • A 21-year-old student from Oregon State Uni versity was cited for open container of alcohol on the 1400 block of Kincaid Street Nov. 18. • A second-degree theft was reported from Hen dricks Hall Nov. 18. According to police reports, a Magnavox VCR was stolen from the Career Plan ning and Placement Office between Nov. 15-16. The VCR was worth $399 and was used in the stu dent information area • A 19-year-old male student was cited for sec ond-degree criminal misc hief on the 1200 block of Oak Street Nov. 19. According to police reports, the student broke a window in a building. • A $35 parking sign was reported stolen from the child-care area at the EMU Nov. 19. According to police reports, the sign read "Service Vehicles Only." • A 21-year-old male and a 22-year-old male were cited for drinking on unlicensed premises on the 1400 block of Aider Street Nov 20. • A 19-year-old student was arrested for drunk en driving on the 900 block of Alder Street Nov. 20 • A 21-vear-old male student reported a crimi nal mischief at the Theta Chi fraternity Nov 20 According to police reports, the west side of the building was covered with black spray paint. Mus ing SI5 worth of damage. • An 18-year-old male reported criminal mis chief at the Theta Chi fraternity Nov. 20 Accord ing to police reports, the student found his vehicle with the passenger side tires slashed. The vehicle was parked on the street in front of the fraternity, and the damage amounted to $250. • The Phi Kappa Psi fraternity was cited for aggravated noise Nov. 21. • An assault was reported at 13th Avenue and Kincaid Street Nov. 22. According to police reports, a fight occurred between two Lane Com munity College students and some fraternity mem bers after a fraternity party. When the police arrived, the LOC students were bleeding from their faces, and they both said they had been assaulted. The other students had disappeared, and the vic tims were sent to Sacred Heart General Hospital. • An 18-year-old student was cited for noise dis turbance on the 1400 block of Alder Street Nov. 22. • A $60 University parking sticker was stolen from the parking lot on the 1700 block of East 15th Avenue. • A 21-year-old male was arrested for stealing a $400 bicycle at one of the dorms on the 1600 block of East 16th Street Nov. 24. According to police reports, OPS officers were out and saw him cutting off the lock. • A $350 bicycle was reported stolen on the 1600 block of East 15th Avenue Nov. 24. • Tingle Hall reported an $89 coffee table stolen sometime between Nov. 21-22. • A $291 lounge chair was reported stolen from Riley Hall sometime Nov. 12. • A 19-year-old student was cited for minor falsely representing age at Guido's Nov. 27. According to police reports, the student had bor rowed a friend's driver’s license and was contact ed by the police after he had entered the building. • A stolen moped was recovered at the 4900 block of Larkwood Lane Nov. 27. According to police reports, the vehicle belonged to a male stu dent who didn't know that his vehicle was stolen before the police contacted him. • A bicycle was found by a police officer outside of Prince Lucien Campbell Hall Nov. 27. • A burglary was reported on the 1300 block of Alder Street Nov. 29. According to police reports, an entry was made through an unlocked door and $2350 worth of property was stolen. Most of the property was jewelry. — Compiled by Susanne Steffens ET ALS MEETINGS Multicultural (inttr will meet today at 4 p m in EMU Cedar Room I) For morn infer mat ton. call 346 0007 Aiadamk Advising and Student Snvkn Mill tponaor • National Student Exchange annotation meeting today (rum 4 to 5 p m in EMU Cedar Roam E- For more information, call 346 3211 , Student Project* Board of Director* will meet today from IS to 6 p m. In EMU Cantu ry Room F For mora information, call 346 2639 ASK) Program* Council will mewl today from 3 to 5 p m in lha EMU Ban Under Room For mora information. call 146 3724 MISCELLANEOUS Crvaliaa Writing Department ^ ill aponaor • Kidd Tutorial Reading by undergraduate writer* of fiction and poetry tonight at 7 in the EMU Walnut Room For more informa lion, call 663-4063. Ttie Nightmare Before Chriatmas? will be tha I it lit of a free workshop foe u* mg on cop ing with the holiday* today from 3 30 to 5 p m in the EMU Maple Hoorn For more informal ion. call 346-3227 Deadline for vubnuttuig Ft Alt to the Miner aid front detk Suite 300 FKiV. it noon the day before publication Fire Rich Brtn>k* Ft AU run the day of the event unless the event hike* place before noon Freshman Seminars Winter Term 1994 PSY 199 TA199 WST 199 PHYS 199 ANTH 199 INTL 199 ART 199 PHIL 199 EDPM 199 MUS 199 Introduction to Mental Disorders Clothing and Culture Women's Narratives of Peace Ozone Hole: Sunburned Penguins? Scientific Racism: an Anthropological History Perceiving Asia and Asian Perceptions of the West International Animation-Artists and Ideas Immortality Women in Sport: Making a Difference From Rag to Rock: Sources and Styles of the American Popular Song For more information, tum to the sponsoring department in the Schedule of Gasses. Office of the Dean of Students • 364 Oregon Hall • 346*1136