November 26th & 27th 15% 50% OFF! Eligible items throughout the store. Whenever you shop this week select your surprise discount! Some exclusions apply* *Cash & Credit sales only • No account charges • Main Store only • No further discounts • Limited to stock on hand International Holiday Mail Deadlines Destination Air Letters Air Parcel Cards Post Africa_Pec.1_ Australia Pec 6_ P00^ Caribbean _Pec. 6P°c-6 Europe Dec. 1 Peel Far East _Pec.1OecA Greenland Pec.1_ Pec1 Middle East__Dec J_P*01 Southeast Asia_ Pec.1_P00-1 Central America_Dec .6.. Pec1 South America Dec.6 Dec l UNIVERSITY I M A N l p E A C E