Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 23, 1993, Supplement, Page 15B, Image 23

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Continued from Page 4B
thing you could possibly want from Oregon, such as
sa!mon-m-a-box (S31)- This store is perfect for out
of-state parents who have always wanted to try Ore
gon cheese, or at least want to read riveting stories
about it.
Stephanie, a clerk, said. "It's going to be another
big Oregon Trail Christmas I don't know why
They buy everything and anything "
Books. T-shirts, wines and much more, all strictly
from the beaver state, will make everyone smile
For those looking to drop a lot ol cash, try Radio
Shack For $699, the Tandy PDA (Personal Digital
Assistant) can be yours This pocket-sized gadget
is stuffed full of features, to name just a few It can
get E-mail, you can fax messages with it, it translates
in 26 languages, it can get stock quotes and news
and works as a personal organizer.
No holiday season is complete without including
our little furry friends There is nothing better than
opening a box, shifting through the styrofoam squig
glies and finding a cute, warm puppy at the bottom
Where to find that special pet? Scamp's Pet Shop
will serve all your animal needs. Ferrets are current
ly on sale for $69 99. These cute, exotic creatures
make great pets and will attract members of the oppo
site sex, i( they don't bite and kill them first Stutt them
into a stocking and laugh as they furiously leap out
onto your uncle's face
Rich Cantwell, a senior at the University, got his
holiday shopping done at Eddie Bauer "I'm buying a
jacket tor myself and lots of warm socks for my fam
ily." he said Socks from Eddie Bauer? Why not a val
ue pack of socks from Sears7 "When it comes to
socks, I only buy the best," Cantwell said
Enough about clothes — let's talk about meat Hick
ory Farms is the place for beef and turkey steaks,
cheeseballs and cheese logs, all hot items, all excel
lent gifts.
Prewrapped meat gift packages are popular, includ
ing those you can order through a catalog Imagine
the surprise on your mother’s face when she opens
a package of Cheese N Beef A seven-ounce Beef
Stick Summer Sausage, a 10-ounce Country Ched
dar Log rolled in almonds, a five-ounce Chedam, three
ounces ot Sweet-Hot Mustard, and. for dessert, straw
berry Bon Bons Yum'
Ot course, this is just a sampling of what Valley Riv
er Center otters You know what you need — you
don't need someone from the Emeraldto tell you The
important thing is that you en|oy the holidays with
Inends and lover! ones, and, even more important
ly, buy lots ol goods and strrvic.es
Jeff Knaysi
Continued from Page 4B
"Life's Little Instructions" attached
to the title, and "The Great Amer
ican Bathroom Book" (I and II).
Of course, there are other ways
to entertain yourself without read
ing, hence the invention of the tele
vision set. Take your parents back
to the classics with “Gone With the
Wind" ($69 99), or "Dr. Zhivago"
($24.99). Disney is always a
favorite, and “Aladdin" is now avail
able on videocassette. All are avail
able at Suncoast at Valley River
If television isn't their thing,
music may be. Phil Ross, manag
er of VRC's Camelot Music, said
picks of the season include "Com
mon Thread." a compilation of
Eagles songs redone by current
country artists, Billy Joel’s "River
of Dreams," Michael Bolton's “The
One Thing." the soundtrack from
"Sister Act II," Phil Collins' "Both
Sides,” Frank Sinatra’s “Duets,"
Paul McCartney’s “Paul Is Live,"
and k.d lang's soundtrack to the
Gus Van Sant Hick, "Even Cow
girls Get the Blues "
It the senses of sight or sound
don't appeal to your parents, per
haps the sense o( smell does. Fra
grances are always a good idea
Popular lines (or men include
Calvin Klein's Eternity, Joop and
Dakkar, and for women Calvin
Klein's Eternity, Obsession and
Escape, and Amarige de
Givenchy Many of these products
come in gift sets, but be fore
warned that they can be spendy.
Unique gifts along the lines of
tie-dye or pottery can be found at
Saturday Market at the Lane Coun
ty Fairgrounds on West 13th
Avenue and Monroe Street. It's
open Thanksgiving weekend, Sat
urdays and Sundays before Chnst
mas from 10 a m to 6 p.m., and
the last four days before Christmas
from 11 a m. to 7 p.m Saturday
Market may have that off-the-wall
item for unique parental units.
Another Eugene tradition is Fifth
Street Public Market, 296 E Sth
Ave With shops ranging from Nike
to Unique Knacks, you're bound to
find something, even if it's only a
stocking stuffer
Then, of course, there's the old
standard Hallmark Its wide assort
ment of holiday ornaments, elec
trical and ones specifically for
Mom, Dad, or both, are sure to
brighten up the tree or fireplace
mantel Visit Mark's Hallmark at
VRC, Kris' Hallmark at Gateway
Shopping Center in Springfield, or
Heidi's Hallmark and Flower Shop,
2846 Willamette St and check out
their selections.
If all else tails or if you have the
world's pickiest parents, gift cer
tificates might do the trick.
And if even that doesn't work,
be sure to stock up on those art
supplies and remember to tell
them those three words that they
always like to hear, "But I tried!"
— Jade Chan
Continued from Page 7B
"The great part about the concert and album is that
I get to make music with my friends,” Williams said
"Friends become like compositional elements. When
you write a piece, you think ot an individual — about
how they would play it."
The concert will be an example ol exactly how
Williams' triends choose to play. It is geared toward
tamily and its inspirational sounds have always been
a hit with the Eugene Symphony and several local
This year especially Williams hopes to create an
atmosphere in which local artists can strut their stuff.
“As time goes by I hope to include more artists Irom
the community so that it becomes a platlorm (or local
artists to be seen." Williams said.
The youth concert will be playing again this year with
their director, Sandra Williams. The performance will
give the group a chance to perform in a professional
“Kids are such a big element of Chnstmas and they re
the ones you really have to service." Williams said. A
public performance different from what they usually do
is fun for them."
Working with the kids has been a real challenge
for Williams, who had to work with precisely 135 of
them last year.
“It's important to think ot all of the elements in a con
cert and in this case I had to figure out how to fit them
in the program and keep their attention while I was
working on it." Williams said "This year's program will
be a little different, but the kids are still a good por
tion of the concert."
The one night concert will take place on Dec. 4 at
8 p.m. and tickets can be purchased at the Hult Cen
ter Ticket Office for $10 to $24
"Christmas is like a play," Williams said. “You bring
it out each year and put on the performance and I am
hoping everyone enjoys this one."
— Calley Anderson
Continued from Page .SB
takes care of all kinds of domestic problems
He gets nd of mice, mildew and ants, and he
makes sure that wood panels don't rot and
pipes don't rust But if you forget to give him
his porridge on Christmas Eve, he’ll take a hor
rible revenge, and the whole house will inex
plicably begin to tall apart
After putting out the porridge for the "msse",
we wotild go into the living room, where the
Christmas tree stood with all the presents
underneath. In accordance with an old Euro
pean tradition, we would grasp each others'
hands and form a circle around the tree, and
then we’d begin walking around the tree while
smgmg Christmas carols.
It's a nice tradition, really, but when you're a
child you hate it. because you can’t wait (or
what comes next the unwrapping of the Christ
mas presents
Mrs Dahle used to liken the walking around
the Christmas tree to the dance around the
golden calf, and in a way I suppose she’s right.
Norwegian Christmas traditions are no less
materialistic than in the United States
This will be the first year I’ll be away from
Norway for Christmas It’ll be a strange feeling.
My family and I will celebrate Christmas in a
country far, far away, where it’s hot and sunny
in December We may not be able to obtain
reindeer meat there, and we certainly won't be
able to go sleigh riding through the snow
But well do our very best to practice the oth
er traditions. I believe my mother is right on that
account: it's what keeps a family together.
— Marius Melarui
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