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Notice that Jonathan's ideas about Christmas had to do with Santa Claus and not with anything religious Hopelully, when these children enter the Oregon public school system someone will expose them to other religions I also hope that someone will teach them that the true meaning ol Christmas isn't pre sents and candy canes. Christmas has turned into almost a non-religious holiday. The commercializa tion has forced the people to view the holidays as merely a time lor gilt giving and receiving The chil dren I talked to are proof ol this. Not once did I hear anything about religion relating to Christmas. Every year in grade school my parents taught my schoolmates how to play dreidal games and sing songs that celebrated the toy ol Hanukkah. Many of my close Iriends now tell me that this was one ol the most memorable events ol their many holiday sea sons I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to cel ebrate Hanukkah. Although my immediate family is not very religious, we still feel a bond with the Jew ish culture Every year I hang blue and white deco rations. stars, dretdals and Happy Hanukkah banners My parents tell the story ol Hanukkah and stories ol our Jewish ancestors. I have my own menorah and I am always in charge ol picking out the appropriate candles and lighting them. After igniting them, we sing our customary song ("Ol Hanukkah, oh Hanukkah, come light the menorah Let's have a party we'll all dance the hora ”) We keep up this tradition lor the customary eight days. During high school I was always so busy that as a family we sometimes had problems finding time to eat together and talk Sometimes I tett that Taco Bell knew more about my life than my parents. Hanukkah brings us together, and I would never consider missing a single night Once a season, we have an enormous tamily gathering Relatives travel trom the tar corners o! Los Angeles County to spend time together as a family This is my lavorite part ot the holidays Each person who attends the party is required to bring a $5 to $10 gift. Then all the presents are shoved into the middle of the room and every per son is given a number. The person with the number one selects a present and number two can either steal number one’s gift or choose one of their own. The game continues until every last person has a present. Not only do we play this game, but we light the menorah and eat lots of yummy Jewish food. I love this night because it makes me feel very close to the members of my family. I adore seeing everyone in my clan; from Great Aunt Bess, the matriarch of the family; to Adina. the cutest little two year old cousin ever. The family bonds that I feel are so wonderful that I hope that the people who cele brate Christmas have the opportunity to experience the great sense of togetherness with their family that I do. My wish this year is that people across America will realize that Santa Claus wearing a rented red suit in a shopping mall does not represent the true spirit ot the holidays. The holiday season should represent all religions and all cultures. So please, next time you are in Ihe mall carrying twenty very full shopping bags and you narrowly avoid bumping into the fifty foot decorated tree, think of what you want the holidays to mean to you and to your children. Manya Shorr MOVIE Continued from Page I IB soundtrack is reminiscent o( a broadway musical In tact, most o( the movie is sung, rather than spoken, thus allowing a 20-mmute plot to be stretched into a little more than an hour But the at times brooding, at times spunky music gives the ani mated characters personality, wit and charm And best of all, the tunes are catchy enough to war rant repeated humming in public. Disney has had a recent string ol successes with animated musi cals The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin owed a large part of their success to their respective soundtracks, and Night mare, which is released by Touch stone. Disney's adult division, is yet another leather in the compa ny's cap Burton, who directed Batman and Edward Scissorhands. obvi ously has a penchant (or woeful characters who only want to be happy and understood Unfortu nately for Burton, his movies con tinue to fall short, both in character development and story line. If this guy ever gets the knack for sto rytelling, look out Nightmare, which is rated PG. may not be appropriate for younger children. Many of the characters are really quite creepy and younger children may not comprehend the dark humor of much of the movie. For example, when three little ghouls discuss their plans to kid nap Santa, they sing, "Kidnap the Sandy Claws/Beat him with a stick/Lock him up (or 90 years/See what makes him tick." Along with suggestions o( putting Santa in a tx)x and throwing him in the ocean and cutting him up into little bits, a young child may be scared tor tile and require institutionalization. In all. Nightmare is entertaining and lun, which is about all you can ask from a movie these days. Notwithstanding most people's hesitancy to pay lull price lor a movie that only lasts about 85 minutes, Nightmare ought to be seen in the theater so the lull magnitude ol the animation and music can be experienced. — Martin Fisher Save Money with Kodak Holiday Value Pack 3 Rolls oS Kodak "Plus 100” Film 890 E. 13th uof O 342*3456