Hanukkah festivities fill holidays ie day after Thanksgiving has always been regarded | as the start of the holiday rush. Christmas cards are sent out. presents are bought, and decorations are hung on the newly chopped tree. Families gather around the fireplace and drink eggnog Well. I’ve never sent out Christ mas cards and eggnog has never passed my lips. In my family, we light the menorah. sing songs in Yiddish and play dreidal games. I am Jewish, and Hanukkah is my holiday of choice during the winter months. Try though I might, however, I am unable to escape the Christmas "|oy" that inundates the city. Fairy and multicolored lights line the city streets and tacky plastic Santas urge on even tack ier red-nosed reindeer. Enor mous red and white striped candy canes stand at attention on street corners. I can understand why these decorations are erected. Local business people know that the way to make a profit is to appeal to the majority of the population. Granted, most people in the Unit ed States celebrate Christmas, but millions of citizens do not Ever since I was a small child, the Christmas season has alien ated and overpowered me. I have found it very difficult to blindly accept that Christmas is the only holiday that should be acknowl edged. When I was six years old. my mom and I were driving down a major street in my home town of Pasadena, California. I remem ber stopping for a red light and seeing fake tinsel snowflakes hanging from the street lights. I was very upset and later that day. I dictated a letter to my mom. I informed the mayor of Pasadena that I didn't appreciate the cities failure to acknowledge other cul tures and religions. I never received a response Many years have passed since I mailed that letter, but the same feelings have continued to plague me. With the dawn of a new holi day season, I have been wonder MORGAN SM TKT hxkavj Hanukkah Is oftan neglected during holidays. ing if other children feel the same way that I did when I was younger. I recently interviewed three children who spend their days at the child care center on campus Jonathan and Katie are four years old, and Sunita is three. I had the greatest time interview ing them. It was refreshing to talk to people who are so open and honest. All three celebrate Christmas, though Sunita couldn’t remember much about past Christmases. Katie knows that there are people who don’t observe Christmas, but she has never met anyone like this. She informed me that people who don't celebrate Christmas must teel sad because no one is familiar with their religion. "No one else knows about their religions because there's no stuff up for them.” Katie said Sumta was equally sympathet ic She feels sad for the people who don't celebrate Christmas "They have to buy Christmas at the store." she said Jonathan also doesn't know anyone who does not observe the Christmas ritual. However, he was very enthusiastic about his own yuletide experiences When Turn lo IIANUKKAH. Page I4R Revo • Ray-Ban • Suncloud • Gargoyles • Oakley • Ni* Bolie • [jig Dogs • LO CT o Q Cn cc _CJ* o a: o CT) c CD y; o G7. c5 T3 ID O ID (D es "REFLECTION IS OUR BUSINESS 20% OFF selected items | with student I.DI^ 524 Valley River Center • 345-9437 I * Revo » Rnv-Ban » Suncloucl* Gargoyles « Oakley » Nikon * ScTEftpefi * Bolle • Big Dogs GREAT GIFT IDEAS Beautiful satin jackets with Western & Southwestern designs • variety of colors • customized also: • Pottery ■ Prints 4 Mandmad* Hugs & Blankets ■ Sweatshirts • Kids’Clothes (trom 12 mos ) utlmrst lmatte« 15-C Oakway Mall 686-6745 ill,; « Jfe15 Great <2 Gift Idea! , Its more than * card, costs less than a fortune, and guarantees a good time! Gilt Certificates from $5,00 for professors, special people, and friends! Vim tl Mastercard welcome • 687-3615 LLJNCH DINNER CATERING GIFT CF.RTIFKA TFS AVAILABLE _j \htliUi / 4/il< in v. ' \h i/itthiiii'ini ( uimhc I‘till l liy/i’ • 666/ l/*flear your £ ant a £ nit tAis AoCiAay season Condoms Available at Low or No Cost HIV/AIDS Resource Center.3477 I.. Amazon Dr. Phone: 342-5088 UO Student Health Center.13th and Agate Phone: 346-2728 Chicano Affairs.944 W. 5th Phone: 687-2666 Ianc County Public Health.135 E. 6th Phone: 687-4041 Whitebird Medical Clinic.509 E. 13th St. Phone: 687-4000 or additional supplies, contact sour local pharmacy. I h fifth* t SruAmt HtmUk ( mtrt