rn -Nr m * ^*1 -N«r mLm' mji .*»£ w ■» * f&k '^et, HOLIDAY • The Lane E.S.D. Planetarium and Laser Fantasy International will present "Nutcracker Fantasy," a 35 minute show based on Tchaikovsky's holiday classic. The show is scheduled for 4 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays. 1 and 3 p.m. on Saturdays and 3 p.m. on Sundays from Dec. 3 through Jan. 2. Admission is $4 for adults and $2.50 for children. For more infor mation. call 689-6500, ext. 227. • The Lane County Department of Youth Services is seeking holi day donations of either gifts or money for children at the Skipworth Detention facility, needy homes or group homes throughout Lane County. For more information, calf Lynne Wilson at 341-4703. • The Oregon Mozart Players will present another concert in their “Chamber Music and Chocolate" series, with music by the Bohemi an Brass Quintet and desserts by Cafe Xenon. The Nov. 30 concert, will ben efit the Interfaith Homeless Shel ter. The quintet will play music from medieval plainsong to modern Christmas carols, including works by Bach, Mozart, Scarlatti, Brahms and Leroy Anderson. The concert will take place at 8 p.m. at the Unitarian Church of Eugene. Admission is S8 for adults and $5 lor students and seniors • Enjoy your scrambled eggs and toast with the jolty old ell him self. The City o( Eugene Recre ation Services Division is organizing three pre-holiday break fasts with Santa Claus The breakfasts are Dec 4 Irom 9 30 to 10:30 a m at the Petersen Park Bam Community Center, and Dec 11 Irom 9 30 to 10:30 a m. at the Amazon Community Center and the Washington Park Center Pre-registration is encouraged. Those interested should call either 687-5373.687-5521 or 687-5316. • Sheldon Comn^jjJ^Center is sponsoring a holiday performance by their acting, dance and preschool classes on Dec. 10 Irom 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., with ice cream sundaes and a visit from Santa Claus. • An annual University School of Music tradition, Handel's Mes siah sing-along, will take place Dec. 2 at Beall Concert Hall Gen eral admission is $5 and S3 for stu dents. • The Maude Kerns Art Center will present three holiday programs beginning Dec. 5. with holiday sto ries Irom West Africa Irom 2 to 4 p.m and Truman Capote s “Christ mas Memories" from 6 to 7 p.m. On Dec. 16, from 7 to 9 p.m., the center will host an evening of hol iday stories A donation is request ed for the Dec. 16 program. What are you going to do for the holidays? "I am going to a *now\ location ami !»(>»■ n«l the* day* in a nirr, warm cottage*." pJL A.HON THOME tiu'di Kifflfr, junutr "I plan to Imvrl up to Seattle ami (atliaila V1> hirtlulav it I Vc. 31, to aftrr fmalt 11 (•••I to have fun.' MATTHEW PHILIPS jvurnalum. ttnwt I Min gOlllg Ul ilw- my cm ii toilet 111 my own Iioum* ANDREW I’HIDJEN pM nalum, freshman “I am going to stay at homr and rrad flotion JENNIFER PACK frrtuh, '(hi -.kunR m (jilornrlo or home to Singapore." MICHELLE TAY utulerlartti, $uphvtm>rt r “I am Koi,,K In s4*i- Santa ( laui will-n I ' am home* hi Pnrtlaml ” jknnifkh Williamson pvhttual M trncr, wphotnort CrwnpiiKj by Susanna by Thomas Bat^sttom CRYSTAL CHRISTMAS GIFT BAGS VANHOUTEN PURE MILK CHOCOLATE FOIL WRAPPED SANTAS j RUSSELL STOVER /ASST. CHOCOLATES /SPECIALPRICE ^ IMT.OMHMCU1MTIW ' NUTCMCXf X • MT UNG COU-KMffCOMO t ■twrwuim *4" PACK OF 20 CHANDELLES r (CANDLJESj^FOfl THt fteg.Sl.39 «30.*r MED.-LARGE SANTA HATS BY SANTA'S BEST -V ARTFAIRE J CHRISTMAS GIFT Mr Rtg.S1.25 W T~ n ~ FOB *1“ ■ENGUSH LEATHER • WIND DRIFT •MUSK STOCK NG STUFFER R*gS2.3S 99* I ^-PORTAL 0« VERKERKE POSTERS OH PORTAL MATTED ART ■ BEAUTIFUL PIUM CANDIES I IN CHRISTMAS COLORS Rag. $1,99 3x3 Rag. $1993x6 "issr i GRANO AWARD ASSORTED CHRISTMAS CAROS BOX OP IS Rag. $3.99 I ww 18K GOLD PLATED BOOKMARKS 9 II fM9.S1.2S F0R^I VALUES TO $34.50 REVLON FRAGRANCE SPECIALS JONTUE • CHARLIE • WILD HEART • ENJOU • JEAN NATE 1 CHRISTMAS SELF-STICK TAOS A CAROS R^.St.19 FOR *r C. A REED CHRISTMAS • CUPS • NAPKINS • PLATES DESIGNS I SOLIDS 3 t VALUE TO $5.95 PKG* SPANGLER NATURAL PEPPERMINT ROUND CANDY CAWS Rig. 59* FOR *1°° 4 DISPLAYS LOADED WITH ONE OF EUGENES LARGEST D6PLAYSOF CHRISTMAS TINS Maori* 71* ion Mlii* -l CUSTOM QUALITY J-DEEP PILE-SATIN 4 7 BROCADE ( CHRISTMAS ) STOCKINGS RegJ8J5toS13.95 OFF 20' 1994 KEITH CLARK 1 CALENDARS 1/2 PUCE DYNASTY LAMPS ASST. STYLES 25V 1 A MAC PLASTIC BOXES ASST. SIZES