Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 23, 1993, Supplement, Page 2B, Image 10

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The Eugene Ballet
Company will be pre
senting ihe Nut
Cracker during
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Anthony Forney
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For Wise Buys
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Microcomputer Support Center
202 Computing Center ^
Monday - Friday
9 AM - 5 PM
Eugene resident Debbie Dean, along with her daughter Mariasa (right),
pick up a heart from the Tree of Joy" In the Valley River Center.
Tree of Joy fixture
for needy families
Everybody complains about
holiday anxiety, but the hol
idays can be especially
stressful for parents who can’t
afford to buy gifts.
In some cases, this stress is
taken out on their children.
Fourteen years ago. St. Vin
cent de Paul tried to help needy
families by asking the community
to buy Christmas gifts for them.
This project turned into the Tree
of Joy, now a fixture during the
holiday season in Eugene.
This year St. Vincent de Paul
will have trees in two locations —
one at Valley River Center and
one at Payless at 29th Avenue
and Willamette Street. If another
tree is needed. Oakway Shop
ping Center will put up a third.
Ornaments on the trees have
labels with the first name of a
recipient and the age and gender.
The ornament also lists two ideas
for gifts costing less than $25.
Those who wish to buy a gift can
take an ornament and buy the
gift, wrap it, attach the ornament
to the gift and place it under the
"It's a beautiful program," said
Mary Scott, volunteer coordina
tor for the Tree of Joy. “When I
think how the community reaches
out to others in the community ...
it's like they are next-door neigh
bors, and they really are.”
Most of the gift recipients, who
must fill out ah application and
demonstrate a need in order to
receive a gift, are children, Scott
said. Last year, more than 4,000
ornaments out of 5,500 were for
children. The others were for dis
abled adults or senior citizens on
a very low income.
For those who feel uncomfort
able with buying a gift or who
can't make it to one of the trees.
St. Vincent de Paul encourages
cash donations. Checks can be
made out to Tree of Joy/SVDP
and sent to: Tree of Joy. P.O.
Box 2602, Eugene, OR 97402.
Cash donations are used to buy
gifts for those whose ornaments
aren't taken by someone in the
— Stephanie Sisson
Free Thanksgiving dinners
will be provided this week
Free Thanksgiving dinners
will be provided at the tollowing
• Whiteaker Community
School. 21 N. Grand St.,
Eugene, on Nov. 25, from 2 to
5 p.m. Open to the public.
• Eugene Mission. 1542 W.
1st Ave., on Nov. 25. begin
ning at noon. Homeless peo
ple only.
• St. Alice Catholic Church.
1520 F St.. Springfield, on Nov.
24. beginning at 5 30 p.m. Fam
Hies only.
• Salvation Army, 1275 Mill
St., Springfield, on Nov. 25,
from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Open to
the public.
• Ida Patterson Elementary
School. 1510 W. 15th Ave.,
Eugene, on Nov. 24. from 5:30
to 6:30 p.m. Families only.
• National Guard Armory,
2515 Centennial Blvd., Eugene,
on Nov. 25, from noon to 3 p.m.
Open to the public.
— Stephanie Sisson