Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 19, 1993, Page 8A, Image 8

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Friday and Saturday
Noveml>cr 19th and 20th at the Wts ( luh
9:00p.m - 1:00a.m
16th and Willamette • 346-3261
Eugenes Hottest Country Nightclub
* with purchase of
any dinner
44 E. 7th
Counter Attactics
Oenemusfy Sponsored l>y the Eugene I hit< mi KE7J TV
he Momentum Management
A four hour comprrhenvve pefvxtal protec tion trailing program
Saturday, November 20, 1993
per participant
Eugene llilton
Session I
n 50 am 12 30 pm
Session II
2 IK) pm 6:00 |>m
n» mtwr Mnutinn utft:
Bob 'Thunder' Thurman
‘ Ik-stjyK-O rf k ally lor prnplr wUIhujI iikHlkil .wts liamint)
’ In juM (our hour* you < an tram
• .V» nun or nwmTnrxi
• rout futo* <i1 \un1atl
• Av\*Ltnt r rxhu jMi»i
• riMir etnnrttts tw An rtsviwf
• IS rules ot sett pnttetUon aw.urnc.w
• ILmits<wi sett(icfrttse trMUni
' .* n |ktkiih t(Wn irtnvrM <i t»r nocivr1ounin manual .yxi
I bn an ofipcHtunay (» j«in Iwry atiafettiyi review vbhti lu|*
’ Ib-s^inrtl by ciflhl yrw Wortd Kaidtr ( hart i| don hob ThurbW Thumb*)
and Or Jamr* tUWii* an iittcmdOonafly rrvjx-i lit I v* bt) |«vy) hok^tts*
■ Endorsed by potter (K-ibUlmmLn and major < nrporatiora ar/ms (br
A c<
Done* & Thdtt to
3 too** of VM
>WPN .
UtZ£* •
★ ★
LABEL Wamr Bros
• his one has he on out for a
| while, but bet atise of ils
I timeliness, this is as good of
n time as ever to review the
album In* Adam Sandler, the up
and-t oming < omit: that does his
thing weekly on Saturday Sight
They'rv All Going To Ijiugh At
Yon is filled with < omit skits and
several songs by Sandler and his
buddies The most recognizable
piet e t>n the alhtim is the hilari
ous 'Thanksgiving Song
Sandler first sang this song on
SSI. last season, one of the high
lights of the season In the song.
Sandler ties in his love of turkey
with rhymes that have nothing
to do with Thanksgiving — "I
love to eat the turkey and the
(.ranlrerry/I tain't (relieve the Mots
traded Daryl Strawlwrry."
It’s a funny little song that will
lie entertaining to play for granny
during the upcoming holiday
weekend. Hut the rest of the
album may not la1 too appropri
ate for granny, or grandpa, for
that matter
It's kind of awkward at first to
hear that Sandler's skits are so
loaded with vulgarities and sex
ual connotations Hut once you're
able to separate the SSL Sandler
from Sandler on this album, it s
very funny.
Another song. “At a Medium
Pace," harkens I sick to the work
of the late Sam Kinison Sandler
turns what sounds like a Bryan
Adams song at the start into a
song about what he wants Ins
"lover" to do to him during a sex
ual encounter This tale of dom
ination and humiliation will
protsihly offend some people, hut
if you're a feeble-minded, sick,
twisted individual, it will make
you laugh
The skits are really nothing
comically original. Sandler tips
his hat to Cheech and Chong
when he plays the role of "Baf
foon" and puts a new twist to the
drugs rouimi' Some of ii is not
quite as furtrn. like the four skits
titled "The Heating ofn .
There's no doubt that Sandler's
a verv hinny man He has devel
oped into one of the [rest talents
on the SSI. crew Sadly. some of
his best skits on the show —
"Opera Man" and the "Red
Sweater Song' — don't appear
on the album Sandler is not fl
inn lit genius, but his simple, and
at times vulgar, comedy is good
for some un-PC laughs
- Dove Chorbonneou
Oepon Deny f meroto
GROUP Vo La Tengo
LABEL Matador
istening to this album is like
the first time you played
fewwith Silly Putty. At first, it
seems simple, generic, contrived
and barely better than (wiring.
Then, you realize that sim
plicity may just be brilliance dis
guised. Vo I-i Tango's Painful is
a sneaky, likable album.
Vo I.a Ten go is a New York
Iwised band that has enjoyed «:rit
a s darling status but is bardlv
well-known. They have record
ed on independent labels like
Matador and Twin/Tone, they
aren't asked questions about
grunge, and they defy easy
description or categorization.
That may or may not make them
an alternative band, depending
on local definitions of "alterna
tive" and "band."
Painful leaves behind most of
the country-rock leanings May I
Sing With Mr for a sound that
bears a distinct Velvet Under
ground influence Singer-guitarist
Ira Kaplan's dissonant guitar
work and organ playing may
require some adjustment. At first,
openings to songs like "From a
Motel 6” and and the second ver
sion of "Big Day Coming" sound
like some nightclub hack doing
his imitation of U2's the Kdge.
Eventually, some of the sub
tleties sink in The songs grow on
the listener. The lyrics and
melodies are earnest, straight
forward and achingly good. They
are buried in the rnix and i nn be
hard to hear, but are arresting chs
On "From a Motel <>." the gui
tar sounds like Butch Vig's ele< -
trie hedge trimmer, and the guitar
solo sounds like a broken Cuisi
nnrt. But the melody sounds like
a lullaby and the song is terrif
ic Kaplan sings. "Oh no. your
heart is broken/Don't you think
that's a little trite?"
"Nowhere Near" is tender and
confused, a plaintive ballad that
ends w ith two minutes of little
more than feedback. Most of the
album is unobtrusive listening,
the type of thing that works groat
as background music while
you're studying or washing dish
es. Some of it is moody and
sounds good when all the lights
are turned off.
There isn't much sex und
drugs, and one can argue about
how much of Painful is rock 'n'
roll. Instead of noise, there is
atmosphere; instead of passion
and attitude, there is quiet emo
tion. But these are excellent
songs, and this is a fine band.
- Scott Simonson
CVeooo Deny f me/ota
★ ★'/2
GROUP: Various
LABEL: Ansta
orget the superlatives: No
■' Alternative isn't the compi
i lation of the year. (That
would Ih) Sweet Relief: A Bene
fit for Victoria Williams.) It's not
had. but listeners have come to
expect better than not bad from
high-profile artists like Soul Asy
lum. Smashing Pumpkins.
Soundgarden and Nirvana.
The roster of this album, which
benefits AIDS research, is replete
with loud bands. But No Alter
native. mostly a collection of b
sides and covers, is surprisingly
quiet. Some of its best moments
come with the amps turned
Turn to REVIEWS. Page 9A
Sherrie Barr and Mary Seereiter
Friday. November 19 and Saturday, November 20 8:00pm
Dougherty Dance Theatre
Gerlinger Annex , University of Oregon
Students and Scnior»-$3
Sponsored fry the UO Department of Dance 346-3386