UNIVERSITY Center offers help in test preparation ByMagDcdolph 0*000 0*>iy tmoratd Are you one of the 400,000 people scheduled to take the Graduate Record Exam this year? Is the thought of it making you nervous? Don’t worry. Help is on the horizon at the University Cen ter building on East 13th Avenue. That’s where Kaplan Educa tional Center just opened its Eugene location. Kaplan is the oldest test preparation company in the United States, helping college students study for not only the GRE but the MCAT, I.SA T and GMAT. which are the medical, law and management school admissions tests. Kaplan also helps prepare people for college admissions tests and professional licensing exams. Joe Russin, the center’s man ager, said Kaplan offers five- and 10-week courses, each with nine or 10 four-hour lessons. The courses are taught by instructors who not only scored well on the test but went through a training program to teach them how to use Kaplan's teaching materials. "I came to Kaplan as an instructor," said Russin, who still teaches MCAT preparation classes, "and 1 was impressed with the quality material and dedication to seeing students do better on tests." Kaplan courses also provide students with home-study mate rials to practice the strategies and skills learned during class "Part of what we trv and do is make the tests positive experi ences," Kussin said. "They're just a part of life for a student." Finally, students are given practice tests and audio tapes that explain the right and wrong answers for each question. Kaplan's review classes are small, usually averaging between 10 and 2(1 students, most of whom have not token that particular test before. "We have the kind of student who has a history of not doing well on a standardized test or a student who wants to go to a school with high scoring requirements," said Kussin. describing the Kaplan classes "Or we have a student who thought they could do well on the test, (but) it took them by surprise and they bombed it But for the students who teach the classes. Kaplan's teaching methods seem to work "It’s very difficult to give aver age increases to most of our courses," Kussin said, "hut I vo never seen a situation where WKSCX CMAHV »>• John Armstrong and Lisa Strlpp study at tha now Kaplan cantor. they haven't increased " Kussin cited a Price Water house survey of students who took the SAT. a college admis sions test, after taking Kaplan's SAT course The survey results showed most students were able to increase their test score by about 11 r> points Hut Kussin emphasizes Kaplan doesn't just teach slu dents how to perform well on the standardized test of choi« e. students enrolled in Kaplan courses learn more than that "We believe content is really important." he said. "We tent h the skills to answer the ques lions, not the tru ks to beat the question." To do this. Kaplan courses not only cover spot tfit sublet t areas like math, but cover analytical thinking skills and strategies for solving logit problems RESUMES (live v<>ur resume a professional look, by having it typeset at letter Perfect Graphics Suite KM) I MU 346-4381 9-5 Mon-fri !®% OFF First Visit! u „ lano Mlon* own«i b Samuel Arellano would like to extend an invitation to the community, whether you arc a local resident, from another state or country. Dc Arellano staff arc highly professional, well trained. with innovative techniques, using the finest European products. Whatever your beauty needs arc, let us take care of you. We specialize in custom perming, color weaving, Asian hair, color corrections, make-up applications, sculptured nails fle wardrobe consulting. Come & visit. a hair salon 1669 WILLAMETTE 685- 9907 686- 9912 Hours: 8:30 - 7:30 Mon. - Sat. by Appointment Crackdown on frats topic of greek forum Scot Clcmwis (Voyoe ( Wy f TW*! Thu general impression from greek members at a forum sponsored by beta Theta Pi was that the police and University crackdown on campus fraternities has gone too far Although thev understood concerns that they must respm t their community, most of the fraternity members who questioner! the panel took issue with the high fines and harsh treatment coming from the two bodies However, the speakers said that some fraternities are getting out of hand Hill 1 .amon, spe< nil assistant to the vice provost and police liaison i oord ilia tor to the greek s\stem, said the University has about ' had it" with the behavior of some of the fraternities on campus He added that the Beta house was on a hit list of fraternities that are sjhi lal problems for student ituitlui t officials "Mv job is to protis t you front tiehuylor that will gel you kicked out," he said, "(and) it is imperative that y ou c hange your liehavior ( Ken Saxon of the hugene poln e emphasized that greek s who do get "t aught" with alt ohol on the street or in their house should be honest with the police offii er present II not. lie said, the person will only lie rewarded with a higher fine, espet milv if he wrongly identifies himself Although a minor in possession charge is only $‘l() and an open container violation is only Stftfi. a i itatiun for int.orrei t identifii at ion i an t ost up to S'tiis Mil’s are often issued .it football games, Savon said. "(ienerully speaking, this year at the football games I see i lusters of students (outside the seating area) drinking," he said. While the older members know they are not in violation of the law. the younger ones attempt to hide their Inters Again. Savon said that minors need to confess to the v iolation and not get themselves in any more trouble He went on to odd that botn hags are considered open containers and are subject to the same lows Savon also addressed the issue of noise \ dilations, a spei lal problem for the Betas hei ause ol the retirement community at mss the street He praised the Betas for sending out a letter ol warning to neighbors before a weekend when they are planning a font lion Hot there are more things that i an lie done, lie said. It helps to have a solver person near the phone. Savon said, to field t ails and to warn the house if the party is getting too loud. After You Quit Smoking It Takes Time Before Your Body Begins The Healing Process. 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