Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 19, 1993, Page 11B, Image 26

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    Robinson, Trojans await UCLA
Robinson has had a wonderful
time in his first year back as
Southern Cal's head coach. That
won't change, even if the Tro
jans lose to crosstown rival
UCLA on Saturday
Of course, he'd rather win
when the No 22 Trojans and
No. lfi Bruins meet in the Hose
Bowl decider at the Los Angeles
"I’ve had as much fun with
this team ns any team I've had."
Robinson said Tuesday ' ! like
this team. And that goes with
out any equivocation, win or
"We respond to challenges
well. We are playing the intan
gible part of the game really
well. We've lost four games, all
have been on the road to good
teams. Every time we lost we
came back with a good game the
following week, every time "
USC (7-4 overall, ft-1 in the
Pac-lO) holds a one-game lead
UCLA (7-3, r>-2) and No. 13
•on 2. 5-2) in the confer
ee si.. ;s. But Arizona is
ut of contention because of a
ss to UCLA last iiton' :
A tie would have lu .tme
value as i victory (or the Ti
jans as far as the Rose Bowl ran
is concerned, but not to Robin
"We’re not playing for the
Rose Bowl, we're playing to win
the game," he said. "The Rose
Bowl is involved, but you play
to win the game."
Robinson was asked whether
he'd go for a tie with a point
after attempt late in the game.
"If I told you, then attendance
would drop and no one would
go to the game," ho said. "We'll
just wait and see."
The USC) sports information
office announced that all 94,159
seats at the Coliseum have been
sold for the f»3rd meeting of the
Bruins and Trojans.
Robinson will be involved in
a UCLA-USC game for the first
time in 11 years.
"It's the best of times," he
said. " There can't be anything
b-tter than to be in this game.
. ou never know how they're
going to turn out. That's not the
point right now. I'm happy to t>e
a part of it.
Cook returns to Bruins
UCLA quarterback Wayne
Cook will return to action on
Saturday when the Brums face
crosstown rival Southern (j»I
in n game that will decide
which team plays in the Rose
Cook, who sat o.it UCLA's
9-:t loss to Arizona Stale last
weekend Ihh ause c i bruised
right kidney. to s a urine test
Monday night r portit:i
pnting in a non e .tai:t prac
tice and no blood was
detected. the s. <>l said I ues
Cook will wear a lak jacket
with an additional pad to pra
ter t his kid r . le was the
only player r ids at Mon
day's practice
Koh Walker replaced Cook
against Arc na State and
struggled, c< npletmg Hof 2a
passes for 120 yards with thrw
intun ep*' ms. one returned ill
yards by . nobacker Dan Lucas
early in tUs* fourth quarter for
the ga . Iy tour hdoyvn.
(,ook lias completed 120 of
219 pass*** for 1,601 yards and
lfi loui tulowns while being
intercepted only three time*
this season With Cook doing
most of the quarterbacking.
UCLA scored 422 points in its
first nine games before getting
only ,i field goal from Hjorn
Merten against Arizona State
C.ook was injured in the first
quarter of UCLA s 40-27 vic
tory at Washington State on
Nm fi Walker fared non It
better in that game than he did
against Arizona State, com
pleting 14 of 3.1 passes for I8t
yards and two touchdowns
No 22 1 'SC (7-4) leads the
Par-10 with a fi-1 record
UCI \i t) is 5-2 and tied for
second place with No lll Ari
zona I lei .a use the Urtiins btiat
the Wildcats last month, they
will earn the Rose Howl liertii
by beating I ISC.
If the I 'Cl jVUSC game ends
in a tie, the Trojans will play
the ilig Ten champion —
either No 5 Ohio State or No
12 Wisconsin — at Pasadena
on New Year's Day
"I remember wi I foil. It's
the same for mu. W In't win
them all. 1 remembt :m fun of
this thing."
Robinson coached the Trojans
from 1978-82 before coaching
the Los Angeles Rams tor nine
years and taking a season off.
He was hired to succeed l-airy
Smith shortly after the Troians
lost to Fresno State 24-7 in last
year's Freedom Bowl.
Robinson has a 5-2 rei ord
against the Bruins His first year
on the job in his first tenure as
USC's coach was Terry Don
ahue's first year as UCLA's
Donahue is still around and
has a 7-9-1 record against the
Trojans, including two straight
The Trojans have won five of
their six games since losing to
Arizona .18-7 on Oct. 2 They
lost to No. 1 Notre Dame, 31-13.
Since then. USC has beaten
Cal. Stanford and Washington
The confidence in
our football team
has increased
— John Robinson
USC Coach
to take over first pla< e in tho
"The confidence in our foot
ball team has increased dramat
ic .illy.' Robinson said "They
never gave up. I think they grad
ually i ame together.
"I can remember when we
went to Arizona, people saying
that the schedule from that
point on was terrible. Hut they
hung in there. They just came
back Monday und said. 'Heat the
next guy.'
"I think we're tenacious. We
hang in there pretty well."
Heisman Trophy still up for grabs
(AP) — Charlie VVurd remains
the favorite. David Palmer is
coining on strong And don't
count out Georgia's Eric /.eier,
San Diego State's Marshall
Faulk and UCLA's J.J. Stokes.
The Heisinan Trophy race is
into the homestretch, with
Florida State quarterback Ward
remaining the odds-on choice to
claim college football's top indi
vidual honor.
Ward had another fine game
Saturday against Notre Dame,
completing 31 uf-50 passes for
297 yards and three touch
downs. But the Seminoles took
their first loss and fell from No.
1 to No. 2. possibly opening a
slight crack in the door for the
other contenders.
Palmer is Mr. Everything for
No. II Alabama. Mainly a
receiver and kick returner, he
has drawn attention in recent
weeks with his play at quarter
Overall. Palmer has set an
Alabama record with 918
•(Ward) ranks 10th
in the nation in
total offense and is
the 12th-rated
receiving yards on 54 recep
tions, including seven touch
downs, in addition to rushing
for 185 yards returning punts
(or 189 me ! ( koffs for 315.
That's 160.7 all-purpose yards
per game — not to mention 7
for-13 passing for 170 yards and
two touchdowns.
But Ward will he lough to
beat. He ranks 10th in the
nation in total offense (287.5
yards per game) and is the 12th
rated passer, completing 199-of
291 (68 percent) for 2,308 yards
and 19 touchdowns. Plus, his
team had been at the top of
rankings all season before Sat
unlay s loss.
For sheer production, Zeier.
^>tu's junior quarterback,
has become a Heisman con
tendur since the Bulldogs aban
doned their running game at
midseason. He completed 34 of
53 passes for 426 yards and
three touchdowns against
Auburn, giving him 3,197 yards
and 23 touchdowns on the year.
Stokes is having an outstand
ing year at receiver for UCLA,
catching 62 passes for 952 yards
— better stats than Palmer's —
and scoring 16 touchdowns to
rank fifth nationally in that
most important of categories.
Faulk. San Diego State's All
American running back, entered
the season as a solid favorite to
win the award. Faulk is the
nation’s fourth-leading rusher
(1,317 yards) and has scored 18
touchdowns. Plus, some voters
may feel sympathetic toward
him after denying him the tro
phy last year.
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ootbaii - Oregon Daily Emerald 11B