Oregon Daily EltlCrflM SpOftS Jtff PA5LAY f ft^rairf UCLA 'a volleyball team la ranked No. 11n the country, partly due to the performance* of two-time Pec 10 player of the week Annette Buckner (17) and Irene Renteria (10). Pac-10 volleyball leads the way By Scott Simonson Oregon Daily Emerald The Oregon volleyball team is probably the best 10th place vol leyball team in the nation. It is probably the best 4-21 team in the nation. In fact, it is probably one of the top 40 volleyball teams in the country. This may not be enough to cheer up the vollevball team after a long, losing season, but accord ing to three Pn< ifir 10 Conference coaches, it's the truth. "All 10 teams in the confer ence are among the top 40 in the nation," California head coach Dave DeGroot said after Satur day's match against the Ducks "The league is outstanding from top to bottom.L' Oregon State head coach Jeff Mozzochi said, agreeing with DeGroots assessment. "A lot of people might snicker at that if they don't play in the conference night in and night out. But 1 don't think you'll get too much argument from Pat -10 coaches. "We would do quite well against teams in most other con ferences There are a lot of con ferences in the country where we would be able to will going away, make the playoffs, the w hole nine yards," Oregon head coach Gerrv Gregory said The NCAA playoffs begin in less than two weeks, with 48 teams receiving spots in the postseason tournament MAKE MONEY K..'10 $ecomJ Hj« l Ciotbim$ WE BUY. TRADE & CONSIGN quality tlothin* inr» lo 2 vr% oM Call Mornings for Appt 344-7039 SAVE MONEY 10-6 Man '*ut ■\00 t 1 llh twiwrrn Will M Highl XJO( I IP fa SA\» <—x~> Although the Pa<:-10 hits seven teams ranked in the top 25 nationally this week, Gregory expei Is only six teams to he selected from the conference for the tournament DeGroot said at least seven teams from the conference deserve a spot in postseason play Moz/.oi hi. whose team is in seventh place in the confer ence and is ranked 23rd in the nation, hopes Oregon State will he selected for the playoffs hut admits the decision is a "politi cal'' one. with tournament offi cials reluctant to overload the tournament with too many teams from a single conferem e or area of the country. The Pac-Ill's dominance of college volleyball is not new The coaches said the conference owes as much to academe s as to athlete s for its success. IM.root said Pat -10 si hools "are among the best III the country" academ ically. "With women's sports in par ticular. the decision on where to play sports has a lot to do with the quality of edui ation that an athlete tan receive," Gregory said, noting that unlike major college football or men's basket ball programs, volleyball players rarely consider the chance of liemg aide to play professionally w hen committing to a school. The conference attracts ath letes by virtue of being a perun r PAC-10 STANDINGS MC 10 ovoua UCIAIS I 74 1 Slontord_I? I 19 S Among SIII S IB S USC10 6 18/ A/ttono 0_/14 9 Wostwiglon Si H i1/ 8 Oregon Si_MO IS I? CdMwrao_ill I) 14 Wash*riglon3-138 18 Oregon I I* 4 21 mat volleyball power and has a wealth of volleyball talent with in its own geographu area The West Coast tradition is still there." Mozzik.Iii said "It's not as strong as it was It) years ago. hut it's still important "The Pat -10 has been excel lent in all sports," said Gregory "It has tradition in football; it used to have that tradition in (men's) basketball I he women s sports are also used to having that tradition." Tradition aside, the quality of the i Deference's volleyball teams is a reflection of the atten tion that the sport receives w ith in Par-10 athletic departments. Mo/zochi said "There's a major commitment to the sport of volleyball at all ol Turn to VOLLEYBALL. Pa Right Here On Campus! Word Processing and Editing Graphics, Fax, and Resume Services FOOTNOTES emu room 34 346-2859 low cost student services 3 Credits ! 4:00 MWl Oct Ready tor People and the ( began Coast Spring term .ti OIMB in Charleston, Oregon rake PS407 C oast at Resources Policy Winter Ictm Jerry Moiler. 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