COMMENTARY Ivory tower or just day care? Lost in intelligentsia "This institution will be hosed on the illimitable free dom of the human mind For we ore not afraid to follow truth wherever it may lead nor toler ate error so long as reason is left free to combat it." — Thomas Jefferson Posted above EMU Fir Room By Owen Brennan Rounds ast week was the annua) Meeting of the Minds, and I didn't receive an invita tion. Having recently recovered from losing my mind at Guido's, I realized my input to this meet ing would be important. I harassed my drinking buddy to RSVP for me, and he did. The meeting was basically a free dinner for "student leaders" and administration folks, paid for with your tuition (thank you. by the way). The usual suspects were there and after dinner the group adjourned to a round table discussion in the EMU Fir Room. That is where the fun began. A representative from the phi losophy department began with the acute observation that the state of Oregon doesn't really give a damn about higher educa tion, so it's time we start looking out for ourselves. He outlined a plan that would call for increased tuition and increased enrollment: more peo ple paying more money would help offset Measure 5 budget cuts. What he said next made even more sense. He discussed the creation of a surcharge. This surcharge, about $40 a term, would stay on cam pus and help create freshman programs and senior research or practicum programs. These new program* would encourage stu dent* to stay at the University instead of transferring or drop ping out The gentleman said this is a crucial step for the University, stating increased program cuts would essentially create a downward spiral toward obliv ion. He also hinted at the fait that our tuition goes into a big pot at the Oregon State Board of Higher Education. and when it gets doled back out. we don't get as much money as we put in. A $40 per-student. per term sur charge that gets spent on this campus could help keep stu dents at the University. With all this intellectual dis cussion about the future of the University, I actually believed there might be hope for us in the near future — that dream was immediately shot down by rep resentatives of various victims' clubs. Eve, a pleasant and articulate young lady, began discussing how she and her friends were disempowered on this campus. Imagine that, disempowered stu dent leaders, what a wet dream for administrators, She cried out because there weren't enough books in the library sympathetic to hor plight. She added that 20 of her friends had left the University because they felt they didn't fit in. One insightful gentleman asked her how she felt about her relationships with her profes sors. "As an African-American les bian with one leg and silly glass es, how can 1 expect you. a straight (looking) white male to understand my existence.” she hurst out I spent too much time scrib bling m mv notebook and she caught me when I rolled my eves at this insane statement "l don't agree with you at all." I said. "If only straight white males could understand straight white males. African-American lesbians with one leg and sill\ glasses understand African American lesbians with one leg and silly glasses, and so on ad insomnia, the world would lie a really strange place " At this point I hesitated. I wanted to point out that at least one historic lender would agree completely with her point of view, but any time you mention Hitler in an argument people tend to forget what they were discussing and begin calling each other names Instead I stated that the goals of any university were to create better problem solvers and bel ter communicators. If the administration pandered to the pleas of every bitch-and-moan artist, it would have a day care, not a university. "The University is in the mid dle of a little budgetary problem and if it tries to appease every non-traditional student on cam pus. there won't be a university for any students." I said. Tito, chairman of the Mariachi Band support group, rang in with his point of view "My people may be in the minority, but soon we will become the majority and white people will be the minority. If you don't recognize the impor tance of my people and our his tory now, we will take out our anger and self-hatred upon you when we are the majority." Tito If the administration pandered to the pleas of every bdcheml-moan artist, it would have a day care, not a university. decreed. I don't know if I was off-base, but 1 interpreted that statement us a threat Ilf dec lured that wf must legitimize Mariai In lMinds within academia nr suffi'r thf slings and arrow s of assault gin tars whim thi>v rule thf top 40 Cowering to such a threat wmdd hi! a disgrace to this Uiiivorsitv - look for thf Mariachi minor in nf st fall s m httdulf of i lasses An administrntivo vice presi dent of something chose to speak up "1 think we are all in agree ment that wo all agree that something needs to be done.” ho said thoughtfully "You're dead wrong, pal." my drinking buddy interjected. "We don't agree about anything on tins campus; most of us couldn't give a shit less." "No You're wrong buddy.” chimed in little Timmy Doolittle of the victims' support network "We are victims, hear us roar." he belted out. and then demand ed the University create special classes for victims' studies. I asked him if he felt victim ized by his own last name. Doolittle began to cry. This campus's student leaders are fighting to be recognized as victims and they want the Uni versity to take care of them Well, they're in for a surprise, the University can't. This institution managed to find hundreds of thousands of LETTERS Trillions The following shows whal could have been purchased with the $3 trillion spent from 1981 to 1992 on the military: • $20 billion could've funded 40,000 drug enforcement offi cials at $50,000 a year for 10 years. • $40 billion could've built 800 new $50 million hospitals and medical research centers around the country. • $40 billion could've provid ed sufficient help for the 1992 hurricanes, the 1993 Midwest floods, and several other disas ters. • $100 billion could've signif icantly reduced cancer, heart disease, AIDS, and many other medical problems. • $200 billion could've built four million $50,000 tractors to improve agriculture and life in third-world countries. • Kit linn r miM’vo built four million $50,000 houses for homeless and poor Americans. • $300 billion could've elimi nated the 1002 national deficit, thereby reducing taxes for every one in the country. • $500 billion could've fund ed two million school and many other needed public service jobs at $25,000 a year for 10 years. • $1.5 trillion could've been used to double all of the above, abolish most taxes, of for other miscellaneous expenses. A tiny fraction of the miscellaneous expenses would include nation al defense, as the 192 warheads on one essentially invulnerable U.S. submarine ran destroy any country on earth. From 1993 to 1990. the Clin ton administration proposes to spend an additional $1 trillion on defense spending, despite the end of the Cold War. This is only an 8 percent decrease in defense spending beyond that proposed nv the Bush adminis t ration. Mary Olsen Las Vegas Hypocrisy The attention of the media is totally focused on Bosnia How ever. there are events that have occurred and are occurring in the southern part of Africa that are every bit as bad. if not worse, than those occurring in Bosnia The death toll in Angola and Mozambique is estimated at between one and two million people — much greater than the death toll in Bosnia. There has been torture, mutilations and gross human rights violations in both countries. Why. then, don't we see heart-rending scenes on TV every night from Angola or Mozambique as we do from Bosnia? Is it because these people are black? Is it because the U.S. gov ernment and the CIA played a major role in the carnage anil destruction in both countries? The United Stales financed Jonas Savimbi in his attempt to overthrow the socialist govern ment in Angola. Jonas Savimbi recently lost a U N -supervised election in Angola that the U.N. said was fair. Jonas Savimbi refused to accept the results of the election and is continuing the war and destruction. Suppose a leftist guerrilla leader lost an election and refused to accept the result. The United States would intervene in a minute — not. however, if it is a right-winger like Savimbi. So much for the oft-stated belief that the United States intervenes in foreign countries to preserve democracy and free dom. The United Stales inter venes to establish fascist govern ments that will allow multinational corporations to exploit the cheap labor and nat ural resources. Oary Sodborough Bet (flower, Calif. dollars utn essarv to fund multi pie m it 11 it :ulturalist agendas, and it is now suffering the con sequences There ar»* studi'iits in ma 11 \ courses who ■ ant write 11 complete sentence or complete 11 siinplii nlgebran equation Ask your professors how the I hiivor sit\ is doing ill respet t to te.n h mg communication and prob lem solving and they will tell von emu tlv what kind of i nsis this University is really in The administration had the sense to realize that the state will no longer bankroll the Uni versity It looks like the admin istration also has the intestinal fortitude to raise its head and tiegin taking care of itself instead of expecting the system to take rare of it It is probably too much to expe< t a victim-bound student body to do the some. As I walked out of the Fir Room I looked up — Jefferson's quote was still there Owen Brennan Rounds is publisher of the Oregon Coin men to tor GMAT 1 \ j'l ft U K Ilk! ' lYutuiunt l i.nur> 1111.11 If.lining Class begins November 21 Call 345-4420 KAPLAN I he answer fo the test question 720 East 13th. Eugene The “Safe Zone Symbol", a pink triangle with a green circle, indicates that a person or service is one that will be understanding if a gay, lesbian, or bisexual student, colleague, or ally needs help. Look for the Safe Zone table Nov. 16 in the EMU. LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY DAILY BEVERAGE SPECIALS POOL TABLES FREE DARTS £» FOOSBALL ASSORTED EATS imokint preferred :< J VaM M 97 W ImM) LocaOon CJ> LAZARS BAZAR ^ 57 W. Broadway & 957 Willamette | Downtown Mall I _-•€-J