EDITORIAL Dr. Death sways the right to live or die •‘1 follow the dictates of the Nuremberg Court: Any Immoral law must be disobeyed. If society obeys it soci ety is immoral," said Dr. Jack Kevorkian. Although Dr. Jack Kevorkian, perhaps better known as Dr. Death, has been spending some time behind bars surely contemplating such issues as the right to live, he has. with a bit of a "God complex,” aided in suicides across the country. To many he is doing a service to peo ple on their death bed, with little will left to live and a terminal illness that unless cured by a miracle is. with out a doubt, going to take away what life is left. Miracles are an alternative to suicide for the termi nally ill. We don't hoar much about those miracles any more. especially ones like this: "With no sign of recovery they decided to switch off the machines. That's when it happened. Within 35 minutes. the patient began to respond. Over the next few hours his vital signs gradually strength ened. Three miraculous days later, he walked out of the hospital under his own power.”! The Oregonian, Sept. 13. 1993) But lot's paint a different picture. Let's say this "mir acle" was happening under a different set of circum stances. Let’s say instead of the man's family members standing by to unplug his life support system. Dr. Death was standing by waiting to inject his lethal potion that will send the terminally ill into sleep that can never be disturbed. There doesn't really seem to be much differ ence. but society weighs heavily on the two: yet mira cles are still seen as an important factor. Though Dr. Death may at times seem to be a person that is not in soc.loty’fc best interest to be walking around with lotJisnl drugs, ho does stand for a cause that is very personal to uipny. A cause that Oregon voters are likely to face in the-next year. The right-to-die groups have begun drafting an ini tiative aimed for the 1994 ballot that goes beyond that of passive euthanasia by allowing doctors to participate in the suicides of terminally ill patients. There are many powerful arguments to this sensitive discussion. Euthanasia is a personal choice that under many cir cumstances is not loft up to the individual simply because he or she is in a state where a decision cannot be made. Whether wo agreo or not, surely Dr. Death's boliof and cause will influence society to the possibility that desired suicide is a very real alternative. It is the per son's life and not society's after all. With the option of going to the polls in 1994 there seems to be too person al of an issue to let society sway individual opinion. The issue should not be tagged suicide but instead an answer to a terminal illnoss whore there is no will to live. It is an ethical issue whore the ones deciding the outcome, if it is not their own. will have the responsi bility to shoulder for the rest of their lives. Oregon Daily PO ttO Emerald ji*,* f uGtut o«tu: The Onoon D+1) I mmrakj is publiahad daily Monday ihfotjgh f t*lay tiding the school ,««! »nd Tuesday and Thutaday during mo summei by tb# Oregon Daiy Emoratd PubliahiiM Co . Inc . a! the Umversity of Oregon | ugene. Oregon Th* I r'tntkl operate* independently of fbo University anth obrcee of Suite 300 of the f rti Mehxvlai Union and 4 a member 0* the Asvkaated Press The Emmua It private property The unlayyfiji removal or use of papers it prosecutable by Law Managing Editor Editorial Editor Graph lea Editor Fraalanca Editor Editor-In-Chief Jake Barg Caffoy Anderson Sports Editor David Thorn Editorial Editor Job Paslay Photo EdRor Jail Winters Supplements Editor Night Editor: Oava Cbarbonnsau Sieva Mms Joff Pickhardt Anihony Eomey Italy Solo Aaaoclata Edltora: Scot Clamant. Sfudanf Government Actnnf.es 0 abate a Merrill Community. Rivers Janasan. tegher fdlrcatxvVAiphin.sf’ahon Naan Suit. Dave Chartxmneau. Hear do Davxxi Mad Dedolph. Amy Davenport Maira f ,e«» Martin Fienar. Sarah Handaraon. Are Heasektthf. Edward Ktoptenatem Y* Lang leong Tints Norn, Eliaabalh Raanaliarna la Sakacoa. Scott Srmonaon. Slapbania Sitaon. Sotanne Statfana. .hike Srrenaan. Mrchaie Tbompaon Aguiar. Kavn Tripp, Amy Van Tuyt. Daniel West Ganarai Manager: Judy FUecS Advartlalng Director: Mark Waiter Production Manager: Mtheie Float Advarttaing Suba Dutta. Nicola lier/mark. Ter eat Isabella. Jan Marion. Jeremy Mason. Madiaei lyMane. Van V O'Bryan II, Rachael Trull. Ketaey Wake*. Angie W«dia"i Clatelfted Becky Merchant, Manager Victor Mapa. Sim Tra Tack Distribution: Braxton Andaraon, John long. Graham Simpeon Buainaaa: Kalhy Carbone Supervisor .tody Connolly Production: Dae McCobb. P'odbcbon Coonknalor Shawns Abeia. Greg Desmond, Tara Gaultrary. Brad Jots. Jannrlar (Wand. Naif Thanginyf dayton Yea Newsroom__J4E-M11 Olsplay Advarttaing->**-3711 Buainaaa Oiftca...J40-S512 Classified Advertising -M6-4M3 SuRfrEON GeNtRAlS warning "coot.' ANP oeCAPeNT IN THE PARLY YEAR’S OF CoU€6E CAN LEAD -TO A UECLoNS CfrU.€6e C/*r* ^ urtuurNw AptrttnON, eVCmV-ALLV CAO^lNCr A Pft/TA TU-Kfc PCATH. (rRy A TATTOO INSTEAD-) iiitiiiai Hello!?! (win anybody trai k down the lad in charge of layouts? For some odd reason. I've no! seen a crossword in the Emerald on a regular basis for the past cou ple of weeks In case it is not common knowledge. I have let - lures live tunes