Oregon Daily TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 16. 1993 EUGENE. OREGON VOLUME 95. ISSUE 55 GTF union ratifies insurance contract □ The contract will be the first in Oregon offering part-time employees health benefits By Julie S wen sen Oregon Daily [ merakl In a historic move, members of the Gradu ate Teaching Fellows Federation voted near ly unanimously last week to ratify a landmark union contract which will provide health insurance coverage for the first time. Ninety-nine percent of the members voted for ratification of the two-year contract, said Diane Rnu. a union representative for the federation. Graduate teaching fellows, or GTFs. share teaching responsibilities with faculty members as part of their graduate training programs. Bargaining teams will work out the tech nical details of the contract within the next few weeks so it can be submitted to the Ore gon State Board of Higher Education for offi cial approval. The contract — which will provide a .15 percent increase in employer contributions to health insurance coverage — will become the first such contract in the nation for graduate students lit addition, the federation will Ins nine the first public labor union in Oregon to win health insurance benefits for part-time employees. The contract is a result of the federation's 14-yenr struggle to get the University to pro vide health care for the more than 1,100 GTFs who teach here, most of whom are rep Turn to CONTRACT, Page 5 1 Students form group to support Kitzhaber □ Committee will aid candidate in gubernational race By David Brotherton For the Oregon Dartv fmerak) Democratic: gubernatorial can didate John Kitzhaber joined about 20 University students Monday to announce the formation of the University "Students for Kitzhaber" campaign committee. The group will assist Kitzhaber in his effort to defeat Oregon Gov. Barbara Roberts in the state demo cratic primary election May 19. "1 entered the race for governor out of personal concern over the direction Oregon is headed, Kitzhaber said at a news confer ence in the EMU. "The state is drifting. There is no common focus, no vision for the future " The former president ol the ()re gon Senate announced his candi dacy for governor Oct H> Kitzhaber, 40, holds a medical degree from Oregon Health S< i ences University and currently lives in Eugene "There are those who choose to view Oregon's i urrent economic situation as a threat, but I prefer to sis- it as a challenge," Kit/helier said "We now have the opportu nity to move beyond the reactive posture regarding Measure i that has gripped us for the last three years." Kitzhaber des< ribed his plans lor redirei ting the wav in which the state's economic decisions are made and uillod for an end to par Turn to KITZHABER. Pag*? 4 A I V >*