Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 15, 1993, Page 9, Image 9

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    Duck runners third at reqionals
By Dave Charbonneau
The Oregon mens and
women's cross country teams
marie up for poor showings .it the
Pacific-10 Conference Champi
onships by both finishing third
at the District VIII Champi
onships in Woodland, Wash. Sat
Although the top two teams at
district automatically qualify for
the NCAA Championships, the
Oregon women should have no
problem getting an at-large invi
tation because of the sue* ess they
have had in other meets this sea
son. The men, on the other hand,
are not as much of a shoe-in. but
also could get an at-large bid.
After failing to defend their
titles at the Pat -10 meet two
weeks Ago. both the men and the
women rebounded with strong
performam es
The women plat ed three run
ners m the top 10 and finished
only nine points behind second -
place Stanford. As has been the
rase all season, the women were
led bv freshman Milena Glusai .
who fought off a weeklong cold
to finish sixth in the rat e Melody
Fairchild finished ninth and was
followed hv lenna Carlson at No.
The Ducks* other two scorers
were Niamh Xwagormuu at 16th
and loni VVareham at No Ft
Arizona won the women's race
with 59 points, followed h\ the
(Cardinal with (i.r> and th<> Ducks
witli 74 UCLA's kart'll Uncos
won the individual title and
teammate Hath Barthomew i amt'
In right behind her for a Brum 1
2 finish
Thn men were led by Karl
Keska. who ran his best race of
the season to finish seventh Kick
Cantwell finished 12th and the
other three Oregon st orers. Jason
Humble. Tracv Hollister and John
Dimoff. took 18th. 19th and 20th.
respet tivelv
The Ducks finished with 7fi
points, just five points behind
second-place Washington Port
land easily won the men's team
title with 5fi points
Tired Ducks swept by Stanford, Cal
By Scott Simonson
Oregon Daily Emerald
Thu Oregon volleyball loam is tired tired phys
ically, tired emotionally and tired of losing
Oregon lost its 10th and 11th consecutive match
es this weekend, but Oregon head coach Gerry Gre
gory seems to lie Iteyond counting streaks or records
Gregory said this year’s team is "considerably
better" than last year's squad, which finished the
season 6-10, but the improvement hasn't meant
more victories
With one match remaining in the season — Fri
day's contest against Oregon State — Oregon's
record is 1-16 in the Pacific-10 Conference and 4
21 overall.
The toll of a long season and too many losses has
worn down the Docks
"They're exhausted,” Gregory said. "The coach
ing staff has pushed them and they have pushed
themselves. They want to he successful and they
want to be good, and they want to pay tin* price
to be good
Oregon lost l.Vfi, 15-8. 15-12 against Stiinford i'ri
dav night. A shakv start hv Oregon. coupled with a
strong performance hv tho sixth-ranked ( ardinnls.
doomed the Dor ks
"They were definitely on their game We got pro
gressivelv better as the matt h went on. vve didn't
score many points in the first game, hut we m ored
more in the second and in the third we actually had
a lead." Gregory said
Oregon lost 15-10. I5-u. 10 15, 15 10 against Gal
ifomia on Saturday night
Oregon again had a slow start, hurting themselves
with errors in ever ution against a more exponent ed
and consistent Gal team Ilandling ( al’s serves was
a major problem for Oregon
"I give Cal a lot of credit They're a gootl team
and they played a better match than we ditl I also
thought that our team struggled at some things I
would expect them to he better at right now. he
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