Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 15, 1993, Page 6, Image 6

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    2* J
431 W 13th. #2
PogUar Busmon Hour*
Tuos Ffi Vam ! [ *n .‘[/n 6pm
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Macintosh Rentals
and Services
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Hourly rentals of color Mar* in comfortable setting
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A computer lounge alternative.
It’s Time to Register...
Peer Health
EDPM 407 CRN 21192
Get experience in
V Coordinating events
y Public .speaking
V Writing articles for the Well Now
V Facilitating workshops
Call Joanne Frank or Annie Dochanhl
at M6-2728 lor an interview
appointment and to properly enroll.
Creating a Rape Free Environment
EDPM 407 CRN 21229
Wed 3:30pm - 5:30pm
Conflict Management Skills
EDPM 407 CRN 26243
MW 12:30-2:20pm
UO Student Health Center
Health Education Program
Helmet law still unpopular
By Alalna Baum
for Ow O#0CV> Oa-'t l
What is the No 1 reason for not
wearing a bicycle helmet?
"Vanity!" said Lincoln Shirley,
an employee of Paul's Bit yt le
"It's a hassle 1 hate helmets,
but I know I should wear one."
said Bart Beattie, a junior at the
l Iniversity
"They're kind of expensive."
said Ikayne Himnaka, a freshman
Whether it's a concern for neat
ly styled looks. a gently pressed
outfit, dwindling cash flow or
obsession with convenient e: the
fin t is that most people just aren't
wearing Ini vt le helmets even
though they know they should
Next July a mandatory bicvi le
helmet law for children lf> and
younger will go into effei t For
adults, helmets are still an option
I'm a lug fan of educating poo
ple to want to wear helmets,"
Shirley said, "but 1 think those
laws are dumb I don't want any
Imdy telling me I've got to wear
a helmet
I sen Diane Bishop, the bicy
cle and alternative modes i oor
dinator for Eugene, said she did
not initially support the helmet
law for children.
"It's not that I don't believe in
helmets." Bishop said Tin still
not sure that forcing or telling
people they have to is the way to
go "
Unless a compulsory helmet
law is passed for adult bii yde
riders, the many helmet-less bicy
cle riders that traverse the city
and campus streets will have to
Im> convinced to wear one
Although she lielieves bicycle
safety education is a key part of
the answer, "how to get to adults
— I've never figured that one
out." Bishop said with a laugh.
Bishop said that after explain
ing to adults the obvious benefits
of wearing one. "it seems logical
that they would take the next
step But somehow human nature
doesn't quite follow those lines
"I've been thinking about wear
ing my helmet — that's why it's
near me now it's progressing
closer and closer to inv head."
said Beattie, whose helmet stayed
prominently tethered to the out
side of his bat kpat k as he rode
I vis! the EMU.
Bishop said Br> bicycle acci
dents were reported to her in
1992. and last summer, an acci
dent in the evening between two
bikers without helmets or lights
resulted in a fatality. Yet she is
reluctant to use negative news
reports to persuade adults.
"But I don't know how to
make a helmet message posi
tive." said Bishop adding that
even a humorous slogan like
"Wear a helmet so you don't
become a vegetable" is still too
"It's very seldom that I see an
accident report that doesn't
involve an injury." said Bishop,
and although sometimes it's just
a few scrapes or bruises, "when
we fall ... we follow our heads
we’re going to land on them."
To the i usual rider that doesn’t
think it's worthwhile to invest in
a helmet. Bishop reminds them
that the cost of a helmet would
certainly outweigh the cost of an
emergent v room v isit.
"Cost is just another excuse."
Shirley said. "It's a small price to
pay for vour head."
• Tin? Springfield Public Fibrarv is sponsor
mg <in essay contest for anyone six \ears or old
Kssavs must focus on the impat t of libraries
to people's lives Fntries must he mailed or
brought to the library. 225 5th St .In Deo 31. A
Slut) pri/.e will lie awarded to winners in three
different age divisions For more information,
i all Judy Harold at 72f»-37fif>
• I'he lame County Hoard of Commissioners
is ji i epting apphiations from low-income res
idents for its Housing Policy Board.
The Housing Policy Hoard acts as a forum for
public input into community issues of home
lessness and affordable housing The hoard
reviews low-income housing needs and makes
policy and recommendations to Lane County
governments Applications are available at the
Board of Commissioner's office, 125 F Hth Ave
Deadline is Nov. 30 at 5 p in. For more infor
mation. call 6H7-3755.
• A Nordic Ski Fnire is sc hedulcd for Tues
day at the Fugene Unit Center
Visitors can see the latest in cross country ski
equipment, clothing and information about local
ski areas at the fair sponsored by the city of
Kugone Area ski merchants, clubs and resorts
will he at the fair with exhibits and equipment
displays. Registration for winter ski lessons and
trips will also be accepted at the fair.
The fair begins at 7 p in. and runs until ft p in.
For more information, call the River I louse Out
door Program, 687-5329.
• Womenspace invites women of all ages to
attend a free discussion titled "The Avenues
of Empowerment Through the Birthing Process"
The meeting is scheduled from 7 to 9 p in at
the junction City Medical Clinic. Mary Ilerlac
ki. a family nurse practitioner, and Ciarabeth
Kassel, a certified midwife will he at the meet
• The Sheldon Pool has announced a new fam
ily swim si heduled for Saturdays from 10:15 to
1115 a m Admission is $2 for adults, $1.75 for
children 17 and under and $5 for families.
High School
Stop by the
Erb Memorial Union Ballroom
between J.-00 ami 3.-00 p.m.
and let your former counselor know about your
transition to the university.
Schools Interviewing Former Students
Bandon High School Pleasant Hill High School
Crescent Valley High School Rex Putnam High School
Franklin High Schixil Roseburg High School
Gresham High Sehixil Scappoose High School
1 larrisburg I ligh Schixil Sherwood High Schixil
Milwaukie High Schixil South Albany High School
North Salem High Schixil Willamette High School
Oregon City Senior High School
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