155 BICYCLES Lotus Super Pro Circuit Bike i'. ex ponents (6urS Ac**' Heady-fO-ftace F tcintconfl S-350 W* _W3 _ Men's 1? speed S.» w • - 1'a<****■ model light m&Qht I *€«*>ervt conck tact'" S'" Must M»i *44 * }9C '•’Mew* Beeutiful Green Bridgestone MB-« SGSO 663 4 #V :• 6&0*4. let nng Jenny_ 16 Univega Aipma Pro »8 speed, srfver r\m> A voce* se*»f * cattfe Good condrtion S’€C Mans* 343-9B07 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Apple tte with • itended BO column image i Printer. Dual 0»sk Drhre. Orcvrt Bo* Software mckxiea Word Proces sc*. Manuals. Gamn* H*Hp t>3*s S3?S Morman, 686 3?»3__ Brother Portable W P $400 *n stores tr»s used mode* «n eveeftent shape S2?$ Can »4 ;9SS_ LASER PHlXTTJtS Postscript. |5M PC or Mac 1-600-607-7768 175 INSTRUMENTS Peevy •mpmlitr and speakers ra bies included Never used Esceflent condition S3 7b Dh.Hon ,'US 1?60 1940's Martin Bed tone Saiophone Thi® is a professional model Nee 1*22 horn $t?(XX)eO Skip 683-6633 190 SKI EQUIPMENT Lady* Alptnt Kacar s«i it (** A t**i Oh suits I tat at Si tweaw a pants IV* CXw lactd a pants Mato TSJ-X!3 iCotvafcsl 195 TRAVEL ?05 OPPORTUNITIES Oo you hava tool* to compart* in the • ■pending gtoOai (-06 market? If not com* to U of O I Study Abroad Fair’ Tuesday. November 16 CMU Cedar C A 0 _4 00-7 00 pm_ Cam cash stuffing i» a* N:m* A;s motor *aH provdad ‘>nr>d SASf to PQ tk » *95 < KS660S1 GHEEKX & CLVm PAtSC UP TO 11000 IN JUST 0W€ WCCK' P Rich ard /inbarg. Department of Psycholo gy, at 346-4554 __ _ Itt Price Special Curopaan expert anca on spectacular t>ogon Sooth Coast Sea Star BAB and Hostile Bandon (503) 34 7 9632 195 TRAVEL ■ WORK AND TRAVEL ABROAD W 1—B——wq Work Abroad Seminar 12:00 noon-1:00 pm Budget Travel Seminar 1:00 pm-2:30 pm Tuesday November 16th Erb Memorial Union Cedar Room E 210 HELP WANTED 210 HELP WANTED v<*> w * Tire You Heady For i k The UO Telephone Outreach Program is NOW hiring! 1 For applications stop bv 12-1 Agate Hall or call 346-3-133 EOF ' ?10 HELP WANTED 210 HELP WANTED Potential Six-Figure Income OLDK Discount is looking lor energetic people to start ,1 career in the brokerage business Requirements include: College IX'gree Genera! Market Knowledge, and Excellent Communication Skills Ol Dl otters 6 to 12 Month Extensive braining Program Competitive Salary and Commission Structure Relocation Possibilities C all Joe Rubin for more information: 1 800 937-0606 OLDE will also be recruiting on campus at University of Oregon on November 22nd - contact the* career center to set up an interview. jrfOLDE America's Full Service Discount Broker Member NYSf A MW <;tk position CARLTON & WILBKRTA SAVAOK VISI UNO PROFK.SSORSIIIP IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND l*KA( I! Ihc committee that selects dr distinguislrd t .itlhm Raymond ami Wilt«-iu Ripley Savage PrtrfosK in International Rclalmtis ami Peace is ple.cscd to announce an opening for a (ir.xiu.ilc I r.K Jung Itllo* (fiTV)t(lmill the 199) 94 (Kiilcssor. Nelly Atvrlo JIII line/ Arvelo Jnniir/ is currently senior aiidinpologist at tlic Insiihitn Vcnc/nlano De Investigarroncs CrcnlifRas, Venr/urlj t equivalent of the U.S.'s National Science li modal mo She has Iren active m ailvocacy few the rights of indigenous |x*oplr.s of I atm A me in a She holds a PhD fromComell University ami lias lecluieil widely dnuiigli out I atm AmeiK an ant) ilie I Irtilrd Suites Hie GH: will assist Aivelo Jmi7)no later dun ' 00 p m on Novcmlrr 30, 1993 l lio ll() is a KO/AA ADA instiltilioit conuitillrd Incullural diversif y. A 210 HELP WANTED ESCAPE Fieid Studies is looking • - students whc are interested m control bng the course of !h«»r future f SCAPt is the tusson between you and our com murnty Esm upper er B«g S»ster of Mid-Ofagon Earn upper dMs*on creckt while ckrvof oping vital sk-fts CaH /4/ 6632 Jour nail am Clark Part-time temporary poa*tion GancaPoftca support tor pub kSher Journalism background pro (erred Proof reading skills essential Must have your own transportation Sfi^hf M f i 5 pm Send resume, cov er letter. A day time phone to Person nai. P O Bo« i B Eugene. OH 97440 MONEY FOR COLLEGE Gat your student loan repaid. plus earn $300 p«» month Hy kjIMime students Work one weekend a month Oregon Army National Guard ha* money (or college students CaH 666 7920 SPRING BREAK ’•4-Crfy of Lake Mavfau. A/ * seeking responsible cam pus reps to promote large Spnng Break in the West Earn $$$ ♦ f ree tr>ps' Greg (503)251 1260 or (800)4HAVASU 210 HELP WANTED PooHKJo «v44l«t?W> I • atiM i $tud*rt Afte'a Coo'd* 4’, • Job <*»■ St rubber* ansi apf*-rs»bonf *’ Sutfo 4. {Ml! Do*? ^ Nov • > AAIv.it ADA PosUi Job* Available' Mjii-f po-US (Vt>4# Caj* t eoo-436 4 .w» {.)P ;cx» Th# Coltog* Gtovv S#nitrn>1 '■*•** i «** »v'-vl» A*W>?»V 1 V- U • VXt I'’ 4"<.1",VV'^ y»>K ofHw to Jsxfy ^cA'Vt'fc. P 0 Bn* 3< Cefatfr (Vova OR97-C4 M.' 33?* Tho ESCAPE ftokJ Studki* Program, A tlwcj*r*1 ptOQmm WfwCft proru>’»*» v\ : . »u iXCOpbrHJ APpAoabOTMl Hv CbortVtAHK pov? ..ns A?» *v'.?»r le»m t SCAPt ti a»>A i/kJivMs.a’i o»lb OotfcwsfH*, commvfMt^v and -»*' ■ • tatxy* **•'•-» App&cobotti -v« avarfaty*1 m i?'# I J>* Aft ..'M».c. roo«' Mill. {Ml! .Vi iV<* ? <* Now .'3 <'.* 346 4JV fV>1 r*n’fO -/’to AAI 0€ WanUXl 12 Um« Clf« Mana^or • &g {V otfv it* {Vj Suitor o* MuM fViTVO 4 tJO^rw v pftyCbbtOQy or 'OUtfOd ftold. e*pi*r *•-' o wnrl»wig *sth Mk.-* -Cu^U'Ai tvfc> ground preN9»''t»d Ca^ ’47 6&1** to# job dWMCrtpftoo* i*»Kj mtormaiion WINTER SKI RESORT JOBS S.XXX3* #y %&Mr\ A boootot Stow SnowwbrMvd instructor*. oporahvv wa4 staff chatet staff • otbo* posrfxwia Ovor 15.000 oponirvfl* Tor 1 '«!<«■ .., r *4 4f * «*• ,'•> • 2 Positions Availab4« for S»u<1o ? MoaSb Instance Conwnttoo Jab do stnpfcor>* arxi app<* Alron* ttvartoWo <* S«*o 4 { MU [Vu*S-.n«> Now 19 ASUO » AA/COC ADA 215 WORK STUDY Campus Coort*nalor urgantty naad •d lor fVj ftiiAtw# Br* fcrvg I *»! ot Otttweti Kt’68/ Bradford Rd p«t 0*trt> S.W5 • dap Cafl M>eooo 5+ Rooms. hoo'k'Y a.’ ¥tt f t?lh Stw dy m<»Mw «ri«3uYagad St200 * last » *acur>ty 6^3654 or 683 1634, msg 225 APTS DUPLEXES Campos-larg* furnithsd t A 2 bad room apis $305 $S2tVmo No M-. *>? ubtif«s pad 4«b 26*’ t fORCST VILLAGE APAlirMENIS 2 Bdrrn, 1 1/2 bains Bui lo campus Mountain* A j btw » n«.irt>y $6tf» l63-V»no 687 tt!» Iqt 0*C«r”tMt lovaly 2 A 3 Hadroom Apli A.4 ’> 345-24/1 250 DORM CONTRACTS Dwm contract for Mia Cfr' Jay.»«-U3 1964 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Reeponeible etudent >»ei hoo-w* 6oW 1 Wk to UO ;«r 3 roommate*) $300 • util $200 Onp lea&e t»86 '94/ Roommate wanted Prefer mat* easy gomty. non erodung Cool house w-t>«g porter SUVmo l/tft&Ofcve 686-6/44 290 CAMPUS EVENTS NORDIC SKI WEEK TiMKtay Nov It No*die Ski fmi 1 00 P*t. MUtT CENTER STUDIO I Rootfl* liom look six*?* o ,v»A9 t l»viiit Xunyed 0O0R WfS1 Sfxxwor**] tiy I 1‘art* «otl Ikec fkvo* HookH, anti UO CXiktotv Proof km 295 ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT ART CINEMAS 492 E I3lh • 686-2458 r InOWI «*• |4 1U4A Mm* IS % •»!< r M, l»*3BI—< w^ S Oft . lit ' to ING OF THE HIL^ CK U»CMJR AWW MUMUTCmNOM AM) W* A MUtt M*ONTX SAMI 4M(Ul ?.H »« LpAZED AND CONFUSED^ [FESTIVAlIS? ANIMATION BIJOU LATE NITE i ^ » w » omr - JAMES ADOCTWN. uTioww ftSnVAi Of AMMAHONJ 320 SERVICES Private h«lp from lr.«wwjs f ree irugnancy leafing (.vfy datecfeon Cdfl It! ttf«> M7-A651 - People who love Kidstuff & Clothes Horse ^\rc: nice lo small unitmifs. food con - nolsscurs. inifivMin^ con verso I lonolisl s uiui sveur belter unj more interesting Nothing. 5> ’ JOIN V1