CARDINAL Continued from Page 8 the defense tlinl showed up and did the Iwst job had the most chance of winning." Oregon head con< l> Ki« h Brooks said "Stanford's defense, particular!) early on. took it to our offense " Meanwhile. Stanford's offense woke up first and the ('.ordinal took n 17-3 halftime lead after scoring on its final three posses sions of the first half Stanford extended its lead to 38-lfi in the third quarter lieforo (logon's offense finally came alive The Ducks s< ored as many invitation to the | Grand. Opening MCAT LSAT GRE GMAT SAT KAPLAN. America's #1 test prep company hns oporteitc/ n n&w EEucjtine Ce>nt&r. You're nyt**<1 to .t>' open House • Free information about latest exam changes • Learn about Kaplan's course requirements • View classrooms and the Training Library • Meet our expert test prep specialists • Enjoy refreshments For information, call 3454420 K AJPLAN results. Advertise in the. ODE touchdowns and field goals ns Stanford, hut they missed one extra point and failed on three two-point conversion attempts. Oregon got within 3M-22 when O'Neil found wide rei eiver Crist in Mi Lemon* with ft i t left in the game The Ducks stopped Stanford on its next possession and got a big punt return bv Der rick Deadwtier to give them the ball on the Stanford 25 yard line The Ducks scored when O'Neil lobbed a pass to Doad wiler on fourth down from the three-yard line, but another missed conversion made the score 38-28 Stanford went looking for more points, hut it backfired when Oregon defensive end Romeo Handison blo< ked a field goal, giving Oregon the twill at its own 38-vard line Just over a minute later, O'Neil found PAC-10 STANDINGS use 6 10 7-4 0 UCLA Arizona 5 20 8 2 0 Bye UCLA 5 2 0 7 3 0 at USC Arizona State Washington 4 3 0 6 4 0 Bye Cali lorn 10 3 4 0 6 4 0 Stanford Oregon 2 5 0 5-5-0 Oregon St Stanford Oregon State 2 5 0 4 6-0 California 1 6 0 3-7 0 at Oregon 4 3 0 6 4 0 Washington St Washington State 3 -4 0 5 5-0 at Washington Mi Lemore for his third touch down of the game to get Oregon to within 38-34. but Stanford recovered Oregon's onside kick and ran out the dock The loss overshadowed a great day for Md.emore. who (.aught 11 passes, tying a school Right Here On Campus! Word Processing and Editing Graphics, Fax, and Resume Services FOOTNOTES emu room 34 346-2859 low cost student services record, and compiling 230 yards receiving, four yards short of the school rec ord set earlier this year by Deadwilor. In addition. McLemore's three touchdowns brought his season total to 10. tying another Oregon record. CHEESEBURGER Present this coupon & receive a Cheeseburger for only 3M< r limit 10 wuh coupon Not valid with either titters Expirw 12/ 15m CadfcJfc L Broadway and Hilyard J CALL 346-4343 BEFORE 1 p.m. TODA Y TO PUT US TO WORK FOR YOU TOMORROW' 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS (MEEKS. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO TURN IN YOUR ORDER ENVE LOPE FROM EACH WEEKEND'S PARTIES-DO IT NOW! LOVE WALLY U OF O SINOLSS 1 800 442 /080 ml 18/ Cad To* Tie* no LOST & FOUND Found: Mostly whit* tomato cat wttti biacfc markings naar iStfwHfyarci looks about l yaar o*d Cal 66/ 6149 Deadlines l ine Ads: 1 p m , one husinevstlay print i*»insertion. 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