Oregon Daily MONDAY. NOVEMBER 15. 1993 EUGENE. OREGON VOLUME 95. ISSUE 54 Jefteraon IMddla School Btudanta In Kappa Alpha Pal'a mentor program en/oy Saturday a Duck* game. The program bagan laat yaar. Fraternity sponsors program □ Members of Kappa Alpha Psi provide stability and support for young African-American males By Amy Columbo For me Daily Emerald Sixteen students from tho Jefferson Middle School spent Saturday afternoon with members of the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity as the first event of its mentor program this year. The students attended the Oregon football game, ate dinner and discussed future projects with tho fraternity Kappa Alpha Psi has sponsored the mentor program since last year ns a way to provide sta bility and support for young African-American males. The mentor program is one that "opens up a lot of opportunities to a community that is some times overlooked by other youth programs, member Trent Griffiih said. “There's not a lot of African-Americans in Eugene," said alumni fraternity member Jay Jones. "We let them know they have a support group in us." Fraternity members spoke of filling a void in many students' lives, interacting with them about their goals and their future, and teaching them that they can achieve in all aspects of their lives. "We channel kids in the right direction, that's all we can really do." graduate student Efrem Mehretab said. Griffith said a lot of the students' role models are people like Michael Jackson, idols who are untouchable, but he wants the students to be able to have "a role model that they can call." Many of the fraternity members develop personal rela tionships with the students, as many middle school students have returned to the program The middle school students agreed that they enjoyed the football game, the chance to shake hands with some of tho players, and the oppor tunity to be among friends. Seventh-grader Seth Revoal said it's fun when the frntornity is "hanging out and helping us when we need help, kind of like a big brother thing.” Campus problems will be main focus of Hate Free Week j Forums will include range of viewpoints By Jim Davis Patterns of hatred on i .iinpuv mii h .is racial tension, sexism and homosexual bias will !»• targeted lor disi ussion today at the 0|Mining of the sis ond anmiid Hate live Week A lot of people don't realize how i lose to home these problems really are. said Shannon Wall i Hate Free Week organizer Violence on this i attiptis is not talked tboul It s put on the hai k burner Hate is not always overt Sometimes it i nines in subtle forms, hut d is a reality Wall said. Mans of tie se problems will he featured in open forums at the I Ml’. and organizers say thev w ant to involve a broad ran id v iew points White straight males sometimes had ext hided Irom campus at tiv • ities like this.’ Wall said 'Hate Free Week is an opportunity where ever\l>udv can (10me together and learn from eu( li othei But the publisher of the conservative journal the Oregon Com mrntator, Owen Brennan Rounds, remains skeptii al If this Week brings members of the campus together to deal w ith eai h other on an intellectual basis devoid of threats and other intim illation tin tti s. then every day of the year should he Hate Free.” Brennan Rounds said "But if this is a met hanism for more politii ally correct dogma, then it s a w aste of everyone’s time, he said The Oregon Commentator. Brennan Rounds believes, is a cho< ks and balances system on the I (Diversity campus But no one from the Commentator was invited to this event, he said I he organizers have invited members of the Oregon Citizens Alliance for a forum Tuesday, and several other groups have been invited to participate in the event. A member of the Vietnamese Student Association, l.indn I'ham, has some reservations about Hale Free Week "You can’t just invite people to come.” Pham said on have to lie interested in what they have to say." Pham said she believes that Asian groups tend to he less vocal about their problems, and as a result problems among Asian groups tend to Im overlooked. Play ball MAf* Mr rvMfc/** l Junior Mark Miksis, in the dark cap, defends his teammate, junior Mike James, during a water polo team practice at Esshngcr Pool The Ducks will play against the Uni versity of Washington next weekend Turn to HATE. Page 7 Station K53EA lets viewers pick favorite videos □ Channel 53 is new affiliate of Video Jukebox Network By Jeff Winters OiOQcn Daily Bmetak! For nine months this year, the airwaves in Eugene were inhab ited by fish. With music from the Cowboy Junkies or James Taylor playing in the background, video tapes of aquarium life, mountain streams and rock climbers wore the sedate staples of television station K.13EA. The fish format is history Channel S3 is now an interactive musii video station, playing whatever videos are requested, when they are requested. Cist month. K53FA Inn .nine lie latest affiliate of the Video Juke box Network. Rather than send ing nut programming selected by Turn to VIDEOS, Page 7