Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 12, 1993, Page 7B, Image 22

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Continued from Page 6B
more touchdowns in n game on five occa
• So. don't ex pact Oregon's defense to
pitch a shutout. Oregon is nllowing its
opponents about 3H0 yards per game in
total offense. This places the Ducks in dan
gerous territory: Stanford is 3-1 in games
where it gains at least 400 yards.
On the other side of the ball, the Stan
ford defense has given up at least 400 yards
in all but one game. The Oregon offense
averages more than 400 yards per game.
Offensive players may be tackling each
other in the end zone more often than they
get hit by the defense.
• On the other hand. Stanford's offense
freouently shoots itself in the foot. Stan
ford averages .15 turnovers per game The
Cardinal is 0-6 in games where it has
turned the ball over more frequently than
its opponent has.
• Oregon's kicker has a 25-pound weight
advantage over Stanford's kicker. The
Ducks' Tommy Thompson also has a lit
tle more range and consistency than the
Cardinal's Erie Abrams.
Thompson has made all 10 of his field
goal attempts from inside the 40-yard line
lie's made three of seven attempts from
outside the 40 Abrnms has made six of
eight from inside the 40 and is thns1 of six
from long range.
• Stanford can't stand adversity It hasn't
won a game all season when its opponent
scores first or lends at halftime The ('.or
dinal also has a problem coming out after
halftime- It can find the field, but it has
trouble remembering what to do there
Stanford has been outscomd I 10-47 in
third quarters the season
This may Ire good news for a Due k team
that has a reputation for starting quickly
and fading at the finish Oregon has
ou I scored its opponents 71 J t in the first
quarter but has been outsi ored 125-89 in
second halves.
• A high-scoring game appears to favor
the Ducks Oregon is 3-1 in games when it
scores 24 or more points and 2-2 in games
when it allows 24 or more points Stan
ford is 3-3 in games when it scores 24 or
more points and is 0-3 when it allow s 24
or more.
• Against common opponents, the two
teams appear relatively equal. Oregon has
the onlv victory against a common oppo
nent, a 43- to win against Arizona State,
which defeated Stanford 38-30.
Both teams were beaten soundly by
Washington and t ’SC. and !>oth teams lost
to Arizona as well
Football Fans’ Restaoraot Guide
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