Ducks in the middle of cloudy bowl race By Dave Cbarbonneau cVpgon Ditty Em&aM It's time for Pacific-10 Confer ence teams to once again start thinking bowl bids. And. for the fourth time in five years. Oregon finds itself right in the thick of the hunt. Going into Saturday's games, it looks ns if UCLA and Arizona, barring a severe tumble, will be the locks at Nos. I and 2 in the conference, earning them spots in the Rose Bowl and a coalition bowl (likely the Fiesta Bowl). USC is currently tied with the Bruins and the Wildcats for first place in the conference, but UCLA and Arizona hold Rose Bowl tie-breaker rights over the Trojans. But what everyone wants to know, at least in these parts, is exactly how do the Ducks figure in r First of all, Oregon needs to win its final two games, against Stanford Saturday and Oregon State next weekend. Both games are at home for the Ducks, and they have the easiest schedule remaining of the teams still in the hunt for the No 4 position in the conference. Finishing third in the Pat -to earns a team an invitation to the Freedom Bowl, and the fourth place team goes to the Alamo Bowl. With that in mind, here are the possibilities for Oregon to get to a bowl game. Again, this assumes the Ducks win their remaining two games, finishing 4-4 in the conference. Freedom Bowl: This is a stretch for Oregon. First of all. if DSC wins or ties one of its remaining two games against Washington and UCLA, the Ducks have no chance. Howev er, if the Trojans lose both, they will be ineligible for postseason play because they will finish 6-6 overall. The NCAA rules state that Division 1 teams must have six victories over Division 1 opponents and a winning record. If USC loses its remaining two games against Washington and UCLA — not an outlandish pos sibility — Oregon then needs further help from Arizona State, California and the Freedom Bowl selection committee Now, assume USC loses it last two games and continue. The Sun Devils are t-3 in the conference, so if thev win their final two games at PCI.A ami at home against Arizona, they would go to the Freedom How I But defeating the two top teams in the f’ac-lt) in consecutive weeks is not likely. If thev win one game, then they would he tied with Oregon for third. Kven though the Pucks defeated Ari zona State earlier this season, it's still up to the Freedom How l selection committee to decide who gets the invitation. California could also tie for third by winning its remaining games The Golden Hears (2-4) have two conference games remaining at home against Ari zona and at Stanford. So the third-place spot could lie a three-way tie Again, the decision lies in the hands of the r rot;(loin nowt. If Oregon manage!; to gain a tie for third, it could have an upper hand because of the Ducks' 1990 appearance in the bowl when they brought along 15,000 fans to Anaheim. Alamo Bowl: If USC wins or ties one of its remaining games, Arizona State, California and Oregon have a chance at the Alamo Bowl. If the Sun Devils win their remaining two games, they would go automatically with a S it record. The best tin: Ducks and Golden Bears can finish is 4-4 Therefore, the three teams have to count on Arizona State losing at least one to either the Bruins or the Wildcats, a good possibility. If that happens, and Califor nia and Oregon win their remaining two conference games (California plays Hawaii in its final week), it would lie a three-way tie for fourth Oregon has the advantage here because Cal fias to plav at Arizona Saturday before a home game with Stanford. If the Bears upset the Wildcats, things could get interesting Independence Bow l: Oregon's home for two of its three recent IkiwI trips This bowl has no auto matic teams, but instead takes two at-large teams. Thus, if the Ducks win their final two games and are not selected by the f ree dom or Alamo Bowl, they could i>e spending another New Year's Eve in Shreveport, Izi BOWLING Olegonmurf*lnkfinal to garnet to quaky for a bowl game. Hem it whatabormef hogpen for Oregon to pfof In foe t-M—J L—i_. uKMny DQMK tk-i A a, n m n Ci * rmoom oom. /roono of mu* bee one of fe find fo© gam* and USC mu* lorn both of Is remaining gam*. Alamo Bod AraonoSt. must la* one of Is remaining gam* and Alamo Bod iep ieseniaS*s choose between CoWomia, Araono S*. and Oregon ■ Independence Bad Oregon mu* win Is final too gams and nol be selected for any other bod. 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