Oregon Daily Emerald Sports X-country prepares for regionals By Dave Charbonneau Oepon Da»V Immaki The Oregon men's and wom en's cross country teams will either redeem themselves or end their seasons at Saturday's Dis trict VII! Championships in Woodland. Wash Both teams were upset at the Pacific-10 Conference Cham pionships two weeks ago when the men finished third and the women took fourth. Both came into the meet as favorites and the women missed winning the title for only the second time in eight years. However, the Pai - It) meet was not nearly as important as Satur day's meet The Pat;-10 meet was mostly for bragging rights, hut a trip to the NCAA Champi onships is at stake in the Dtstrii! VIII meet. The top two teams from both the men's and the women's rai e will advance to the NCAA Both women's coach loin Heinonen and men’s coach Bill Dellinger believe their teams can bounce hack after the disappointing per formances two yveeks ago. "Our task is pretty i lear." Heinonen said "We hove to re turn to the level we've been in all of our previous rai es before the Pac-tn meet, and I think wi» rt» capable ol inai Dellinger said his team also needs to step it up. "Our team has yet to do what it's capable of," he said "This is their NCAA Championships, and they have to go about it with that attitude. If they do that, they're capable of qualifying." The ltith-ranked men's team has suffered greatly In the fact that no one has taken over .is the leader. In the Ducks’ four races, only John Dimoff and (hiss Lindsey have cracked the top 10, and they did it in the same race— the Willamette In vitational. Karl Keska and Tracy Hollis ' ROSES r '9.99*,, (oavrsiMl! I oil)«4ore cm i.md d> rm«%*ou» ui\ i i.ovm us vsix.ins nOUumbrrv K«pr»r, ik T40’ • 4AS Ol mt y m»> ► ipic, Or. v'ioi. «< iw: WORLDWIDE For plasma Increases rveryday. Comeh hclpj Mar tltologlrals tlasma Donor Center inert the world nerd wltli a plasma donation Earn S20 on your first donation Open Toes thru Sat Call 083 9430 1901 W. Hth Ave. Oregon's John Dimoft is one of fwo Duck runners to crack the top 10 at a men 's meet this year. Ii*r have been the most consis tent of the Ducks, but Kesko's highest finish was tilth at the i’m -10 meet and Hollister's best was With iit the Drouth Metnori iL Oregon's stillest competition will come from Portland, which crushed the Ducks at the Drouth race, and the Washington schools, whii h finished l-il at the Pac-tOs. "We need someone brave enough to set n goo<) pace lor the team and then dare people to run with him," Dellinger said " Finn are going to have to grind it out if the\ re going to (quality)." l or the women, the strength of the team hits been the perfor mance of Milena («lusa< this season. Glusac has finished in the top four in all of Oregon's meets this year. Melody Fairchild has also pleased Hemonen by progres siveh getting better this season hi the Pai - Ills, Fairchild ran her best race of the season, taking fifth The Ducks struggled at the conference meet bei ause the three, four and five scorers didn’t do as well as exported jonnu Carlson. who finished in the top eight in Oregon's three previous rat es, settled for iP