WEEKEND FEAST FOR FOUR 1R»*3ta °"*$1fl95 X w with 4 sodas X 0<>d Fnday, Saturday and Sunday | • upon per {«;:• i '• I mil . i:c I : [KirpiH--. 12/30/03 687-8600 Patagonia' / Capilene Underwear So nutter what you're doing, stay comfortable with Patagonia Capilene l nderwear. Available in tour weights. MCKENZIE OUTFITTERS Downtown • /9 W BfoaOwav • Eugene Valiev River Center • Eugene 485*5946 ALL WEIGHTS 0/V< SELECTED COLORS- NOW ZU Or r 343-2300 I'BUKfc 1 Sapphire colors eiciumo CiooOffwou^ iw« 10% OFF First Visit! Dc Arellano salon, owned by Samuel Arellano would like to ewend an invitation to the community, whether you are a local resident, from another state or country. Dc Arellano staff are highly professional, well trained. with innovative techniques, using the finest European products. Whatever your beauty needs are. let us take care of you. we specialize in custom perming, color weaving, Asian hair, color corrections, make-up applications! sculptured nails & wardrobe consulting. Come & visit! ft HAIR SALON 1669 WILLAMETTE 686-9907 686-9912 Hours: 8:30 - 7:30 Mon. - Sat. by Appointment WH.SON CMAHV* m# Gahan a la carte Depeche Moth's Dave Gahan literally took can ter stage during the band s show at Memorial Colllseum Monday night The show was visually stimulating. FLOATER Continued from Page 7 A This leads out) to wonder, then. why the three-piece band hits such a decent-sized follow ing — and sound so damn good — after onlv being together for a couple of months. Guitarist Dave Amador is the latest addition to Floater, com ing in after dorneil and VVvnia had three different sets of audi tions over 10 months that brought them tr> guitarists who wanted to plav in the hand. Amador's selling point. Cornett said, was the fact that the drummer and bass guitarist were look.mg for someone who would plav rhythm-based gui tar, rather than lead Cornett calls Floater a rhythm section-driven band, which is something rare in hard rockin' Eugene but is found among nationally popu lar groups Primus, Helmet and Rush, to name a few "We do it because Rob and I are semi-self* indulgent." Cornett joked The Inst time n Eugene rock band focused on being so rhythm-driven, it ended up moving to Portland and eventu ally getting an album out That was Jolly Mon. and tins is f loater for fans ol Jollv Mon. Floater's sound is jovfully digestible heavv, funkv, and sometimes even slow and moody !adore it comes up and bites you in the ass The former version of floater — minus Amador — came when Cornett answered an ad for another hand and then met Wynio. Six months after that meeting, the two left together to start what is now Floater. Nearly a year later, here they are. growing up faster than Paul Human did through his childhood. Even an a m starting time for the group didn't score off the 50-or-so fans drinking beer, smoking cigarettes or playing pool (or all of the above) at John Henry's last week The < heers and applause between each song made it apparent that the crowd came to see this hand, and not the two precious ones no matter how late it was. T\e been pretty shocked,'' ( ornett said of the band's early success. "It's a direction I didn't expec t to pull off. It's motivation to keep going.” domett sees the high turnout at Floater's shows also as good for Kugene music. The more people support the local music scene, the more the local music scene will support the people, he said. Floater and their fans are a good example. Floater will next play at John Henry ’s Nov. 2H. JUDGMENT Continued from Page 7 A employed by Cinemnrk theaters Cinemark theaters always nm an excrui iatingly long introduction star ring animated oats. I hate Front Row |oe and Pop corn Penny — and 1 love cats Anyone who makes me hate cats is Hellspawn and deserves a fitting resting pln< e.) Judgment Sight, starring Fmilio Fsteve/ and Denis Diary, is not a gixKi film There an- those who will argue, "But it has a good soundtrack Mv response is, so what? The acting is shoddy, the premise is cliched, and the plot is ludicrous On the verge of responsibility, Estevez, his broth er and two of his alinost-thirtv something friends from a carefree suburb, take off in an KV "cause the chicks dig it" to go watch a fight just like Grand Canyon, our protagonists take a "shortcut” in order to beat the traffic, hut wind up in a had part of town. Unfortunately for our pro tagonists, Danny Glover does not come to save them. Instead, the four witness a murder committed by a really mean guy (Denis Leary), who decides that he and his posse need to blow away these mid dle-class men who know too much. This begs the obvious question: Hey gangbanger, if you didn't want witnesses, why'd you kill someone in the mid dle of the street? Of course, this isn't Scorcese, and the movie goes on. Time and time again our heroes escape certain doom only to !>t* found again by Leary’s ( harai - !er The good guvs hide in a train car. while L^jarv goes straight to the train yard. They go to the pro jects. and I,nar\ smokes 'em out. They hide in the sewers, but hey. Denis "C.U.U.D." Leary ain’t fooled. The plot is tediously predictable It's a foregone com lusion tbnt one of the four will die, and it's equally obvious who it will be It's also dear that the script will give in to .1 classic cliche by hav ing l.eary's character kill one of his own men. 1 assume that the film was trying to teach us seri ous life lessons, such as violence is serious busi ness Yeah, well, so is film making. The unintentional lesson given is that the audience — including this reviewer - should know better than to pay good money to see this Him. This film didn't even have socially redeeming qualities normally associated with low-budget flicks. The violence was Iroring, and there was no unnecessary nudity (or even "necessary" nudity.) Leary's character is an annoying and dull cari cature, and Estevez just goes through the motions. Judgment Might seems destined to be placed on a shelf with Freejack, Men At Work and Wisdom, in what will probably end up being a vast film library of bad Emilio Estevez flicks. I was so ashamed for paying $5.50 to see this no brainer that I felt compelled to write a review in the Emerald because the paper will refund the tick et price. SPEND THIS WEEKEND AT EUGENE'S HOTTEST COUNTRY NIGHTCLUB ROCK ‘N’ RODEO 44 ■. r" 663-5160 SUNDERLAND I« veto f GAMES 5th STREET PUBLIC MARKET 683-8364 ;T r: ■!**«. j VIDEO ADVENTURE ^ Advertise in the ODE Classifieds today!