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E 16m a t 343 5991 250 DORM CONTRACTS 4 Free dorm contract* available Contact Nbco*» f at 346 fl?6A o» Marvk H al 3469906 leave m«**aye 3;s HEALTH i FITNESS Dieting? 24 people wonted to try revotufeonary. afl natural cfcet produtf 4e&-9&44 330 SERVICES B«c«um people cere f ree pregnen ey teetmo tarty detection Cad t*t Way 68/ _ TINTS? AH elm AH color* (keel tor Uifigtittfvg Great tor Fraternity A Soror rty parties Reserve now tor the lost 2 home games 9&4 3/41 Episcopal campus Ministries ‘Dturwisr F»tiiin([ Futiumi } M) Servue. I \2^ l l*»ih Supper jnd Jiuuttion group following twryoftr wrknmr <46 9972 CROSSWORD By Eugene Shqffer ACROSS 1 StybsH 5 ! he d > 8 Rwmpi* 12 Avis adjective 13 Simife center 14 Anom poison 13 On 18 Lee 17 Ellas style 18 league of Nations' home 20 Verd* heroine 22 Where meeti ngs aie m tents? 20 Stops m the kitchen 29 Malcolm X* director 30 Gunky stuff 31 Zounds** 32 Gridlock component 33 Dull impad sound 34(rode 35 Durante trademark 36 I Can t — Saiisfec ton* 37 W*w« lo find tom* twnna«eu 11 Col led on 19 It H get you Solution tlmt: 23 mint Vttltrday t tnswtr 11-11 moving 21 Danda# 23 Sludanl ol Soc»ata» 24 H may ba • pfOp#' •ub)*d 29 E ratwMa Maunfian 26 Road Runiuw t non# 27 *Oh. oh. oh. what 20 WattrfaB 32 Caul out 33 Bo# mg OondrtOftt 35 Aflrtuda abb# 36 W*lda baas! 30 U« to tha Buts 39 Affacl dr.i«U:.i>ty 42 Child t pljy 43 Clous wjva* 44 O'fninu hva sufha 45 Gaorga « b»oiha» 46 Baatmk s aa^oi'va 49 rciw lock