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First of all. they have this big dumb-looking center who is real ly slow, and really doesn't do anything all that neat lie kind of just stands there in the middle and looks stupid Then, the rust of the starters look like they haven't played Itns k etlta 11 for 10 years 1 really don't recognize these Blazers that some people an’ picking to win it all this season _£ Dave Charbonneai - Hart Frankenbegal Student Reply: To answer the first pari of your question. Hart, the new guy is Chris Dudley. Dudley came from New Jersey, and Port land spent the entire summer try ing to justify Dudley's contract, which will allow Dudley to raise his salary substantially after this season. When the Blazers eventually won the case, they made it sound as if they had signed the next Michael Jordan. After the BIaz i* i< i \ <. i i-1 i s / siii \ i) k i i i in mi \ i i \ \ i s i i \ <. IF YOU THOUGHT COLLEGE WAS EXPENSIVE, TRY PUTTING YOURSELF THROUGH RETIREMENT. Think about supportingyourscll lor twenty-five, thirty years or longer in retirement. It might he the greatest financial test you’ll ever lave. Fortunately, you have one valuable asset in your favor. Time. Time to take advantage ol tax-deferral. Time for your money to grow. But starting early is key. Consider this: if you begin saving just $too a month at age thirty, you can accumulate $154,031* by the time you reach age sixty-five. Wait ten years and you’d need to set aside Sat 1 a month to reach the same goal. At TIAA-CREF we not only under stand the value of starting early, we can help make it possible—with flexible retirement and tax-deferred annuity plans, a diverse portfolio of investment choices, and a record of personal service that spans 75years. Over a million people in education and research are already enrolled in America's largest retirement system. Find out how easy it is to join them. Call today and learn how simple it is to put yourself through retirement when you have time and TIAA-CREF on your side. Start plaMHityt your future. Call our Enrollment Hotline 1800 842-2888. S75 years of ensuring the future for those who shape it!" * '1^/Miuy 4* vUiriJi nHt 4/1 ,mklrJ !* TtAA Rturrm**! Ammmtftu T%%j n*t< u «W sAjr/y /.* /**•» /*»■ 44J 4t t *•**/*»•**A«y I^wrr m hfSrr mt*j mvmU /nftiLrv •T'l Affornt 'tjuIIj l *A£/ in walkers by now. You're right, a lot of people are picking the Blazers to win it all. a lot of stupid people. Every sea son. people say this is Portland’s last chant* to win a title, and this year was no exception. Two years ago, Portland had its last chance to win the title hut was crushed by the Bulls. Last season, the Blazers lost in the first round, and it was no accident Look for the Blazers to win just more than 40 games and lose in the first round again. Letter #2: I was watching the Oregon football team play Ari zona this weekend and missed what I heard was a really great light between two boxers. Why didn't anybody tell me about the fight? - Mr Van Driessen Professor. 1960s Education Reply: You may be ignorant, fnit you're not as dumb as the rest of us who made the decision to watch the Ducks rather than pay the $40 to see fhe Ridick Bowe Kvander Holyfield title fight, which started about the same time as the Ducks game. You have an excuse: At least you didn't know the fight was on. The rest of us knew about the fight, but opted to watch Oregon, thinking the Ducks would win and the fight would lie lame. Instead, the Ducks got pum meled and the Bowe-Holyfield matchup turned into one of the craziest fights in history. Three people (although neither of the boxers) got carted off on stretch ers, and some idiot parachuted into the ropes and got his butt kicked by the fans. That's enter tainment Meanwhile. Duck fans sat and watched Arizona build a 21-0 lead at halftime and then were forced by embarrassment to swit< h the channel and watch Full Housr and Saved tty The Hell The College Years until the Saturday night parties got going. .Vote If you have really stupid questions about sports, or even not so stupid questions, write to me and bring the letters to the Emerald office I'll trv to answer them occasionally in my column. It will be cool Dave Charbonneau is a sports reporter for the Emerald. GMAT 1 \jKTi I e.tillers Permanent ( inters Iota! Irammn Class begins November 21 Call 345-4420 KAPLAN The answer to the test question 720 East 13th. Eugene