105 PERSONALS uoromwin moo*« n»o«i is? Cud To* f'm 110 LOST 5 FOUND LOST’ Blu*. (on ptatttc con tad tons bag ccmtaw'iog •■■■pukmu* c* am! nognt-v** 6*B-0*?i Tnan* yov 115 TYPING SERVICES At M4-47M. ncmm <* orao schock APPPOVtD 20 yew theem/dMa back ground Term pap* a*n< u»* r IV-*; 344-4510 no FOR SALE MISC Bar. ell wood, custom built with sink glasses end miscellaneous Nice Christmas gift S425 QBO 746-667B SCUBA OlVINQ EQUIPMENT Poseidon Regulator. $260 Scuba Tank (K Valve) w. accessories. $200 UNI Dry Suit. $200 Scuba Pro F ins. $40 Full package. $600 Call Norman. 686-3293 Semi-recumbent exercise bike Model 815 Precor with computer $190 484 0944 THIGH CREAM As seen on Hard Copy & the News lo tion containing ammophythne shrinks women's thighs $29 95 484 6233 Yamaha 3 way speakers $200, Phase Linear Studio Monitors $'00. Dm mg table $30. Magnavot Stereo (w.-remote) $'50, and '0 speed 5*e $20 Call 484 Qi83 19 General EMetric color TV with re mote control & antenna 2 years old. $180 Cali 686 3492 145 CARS TRUCKS '79 VW But. Good mechanical corx* lion Some dents $1100080 4852128 83 Pontiac Trana Am. T tops, auto mat*. cru»a« control. a»r Runs & looks yea! $3200060 686 4577 88 White Yugo New togs A new tires AM/1 M cassette $1400/060 4654967 155 BICYCLES Bianchi Sguadra Racing Bike i? speed 19 1/2” frame Great condrtton S30PQ8Q 668-4577 Qirta 10-speed $40 4854957 _ Lotua Super Pro Circuit Bike. Com ponents (Dura Ace; Ready to Race X ient condition $360 686 3293 Men a 12-speed Schwinn Traveler model l ight weight ExceBent corx> t»on. $ 10(3*080 /44 1390 79 Honda Dvic-CVCC looks and runs excellent, but needs head gas*et Must sen now $760080 3410748 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Appl* It* with *it*nd*d SO column image I Prrnlar. Du* On* Drive, Orcurt Bo« Sottwwe include* Woid Piocee soi. Manuals. Gamas. Help Daks S3?6 Morman, 666-3293 _ IBM PUttO. Coky monitor, mousa LA* long guar an la* W.Panasonc prnttr S800 Mcrowav*. SlOO 144 8641 165 COMPUTERS ElECTRONiCS LA9UCX nurmam Postacrtpt t5M PC cm Mac 'JwKTjim __ 1$ Color Zenith TV Not pretty but function# $25 Crt» 344 ??34, tv*rv mgs unW t1 pm no SOUND SYSTEMS Numtroui car caesanarlunare, Car CDs Car amp* VCHft. TV* cal tar prices A types John /4?-6?U 205 OPPORTUNITIES Drug* Se« Decisions Do you T»«V* an 0*# project * rhoser ta» GIVE Scholar Ship AppfcC*lK>ne and information •variable from to* Office Of to* Dear of Students, 364 Oregon M*B .346 '■ 1 23 Gain valuable eipenence to Event Planning and Marketing with 1N TE RNSMIPS at toe toflowmg C4y of f ,*gen# Planning and Development Dept , Bring Recycling Ho« Inter national Childrens Services, Oregon Natural R# source* Council. Women* Resource Cantor, Eugene Qmc, logon* Otoera, GokJeo Temps* Bakery Dmcriptione and interview *tawing sites March o* Omes, Muscular Dstrophy Assooa bon, time A/ts Council. Western Rivers G*r1 Scout Council Y M C A Member ship Service*. Pomt Control. KVAL TV Descriptions and -ntennew sign ups tar COIP winter internships are available through Thursday. November It, m 24/ Hendrick ft For more information, call 34660H SUBJECTS NEEDED!” Decision making study $6 to $40 »o» 2 hours No background needed Caii 346-497$ Weekdays 9am-3pm 12 Price Special European experi ence on spectacuU* Oregon South Coast Sea Star BAB and Hostile Bandon ($03) 347 9632 2io HELP WANTED INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT Make up to $2000 $4000*/mo teaching bas*c English abroad Japan, Taiwan, and S Korea Many employers provide room A ooa/d ♦ other benefits No teaching background or Aa*an tan guages reQu«res Tor more information caH (206)632-11461 J6069 ART INSTRUCTORS WANTED •Watercotof •Basketry* •Cdof Photo" "Weaving" The EMU C«aH Cenlar it looking tor and craW instructors starting Jan 94 Classes run ona 3 nouf session per week lor 6 weeks Prior leaching e« penance required Cal* Judy a* tee EMU Oan Cenlei 3464361 lor an application poor lo Nov 12_ CIRCLE ME! I’m looking tor 6 motivated people with positive attitudes tor M & pad tuna po sitions at a growing environmental health 6 nutrition company CaH 346234 7 ant 606 'or an appointment MINUTES RECORDERS Hourly Rang* $6 90 - $11 SO City ot Eugene Records and tiantcntiet proceedings at meetings ol various City boards, commissions and agencies On cak f^jpro* tO-t5 hrs/wk) HasiOla nours CLOSING DATE NovamOar IB. 1963 Obtan application st Human Rasourca S Risk Sarvtcas. 777 Pearl St, Rm '01. Eugana. OB AA/fOE_ 10 help WANTED footnotes * accepfeng appfccafeon* ky NOTfTAKERS for a -anga 0* CtW Ml P'*** uppr 4 POCICE OfFKER (Recruit lateral) CITY Of f UOCNE Salary $2,390 $3,062 month Appetan*s must r* 2i ,twM o* age a U S erti/an. and pos-sess dean dr?v‘ng and cnm*nai 'accrete and no Nrtooy con actions Must poaaeas a h*gw school dkpfoyna or agu?vaa»nf and a« Nasi two rears of coftege covrsewor* and one year etpenenos or #<|u»vftient HVee year comt>nation Coui’Mmvy* should ha m cwntoaf au shea. sormi science or a 'abated f«a«d ( «pe»en<« shcjud t^vofva some .y ini o) the fodowtng working w*th the pob*«C '■'iV'-Jhrvg *t?a»aK/- OO dents, working in ftocu* or crw**n*J 03) 607 50’9 Tnj Gty of f ug«na value* diversity o ’* workforce and sneou* age* woman and people of coky to cons*}** this opportu nity f or know information Or an ftppA ca!*on packet. contact Oty of Cugane Human Resource and Risk Sary-. #** 777 Peart Street Room I0t. I. ugen*. OR 97401 or caH (503) 607 506’ ApC* cations must be *e«:©iv*n! h> ?* 00 pm .lar'-uary U f >34 A A t Of Lesbian. Gay, Biseiua* Alliance now accepting applications for f vents Co ordinate* 10-1S hrs/*4 Fi#*Jbl« hOuT» Mon Fn Ganaraf cJancat Vafed drtvar's • cans# raquaad Errands «n company we he* Brmgnwkjm* to 301 Mtmro* 1 ugsn* Out-going m*W person arth knead •Mg# of sports car vts andtor com*.-* for Stove opervng in Getaway Mw; l ikJmm imcooragad to apply Cat1 343 9006 t AND FUN* Do #My wort m a* ng e*t-a . £**/> m powttva oBtoa atmosprxw# 466 9644 Postal Jobs A wallab*a* Many po»4oA| ( W «H*f banaf.-ts Cat! t 600 4 )6 4366 l *t P 3309 Tha EMU Food Sanrlca has a pos* Den opanwork mg *4h a saver aly :>n afcdad parson Musi e*p**>«*nc«d WVJ avarUst*® baSwaan 0 X>ar 12 00pm. M f Apply *n parson. M Th. 3 6pm. t MU f ood S#rv* a ON a. I Mi Main Kttch«n 215 WORK STUDY WORD PROCESSOR EDITOR naad ] ad MWf moffwngi a! Footnotes Work j study only $6 (X> $6 SO*# I ypng and | prfr«a'jkng teats required Son | Wsyna, EMU am 34 _346£669 _ 220 HOUSES FOR RENT Coxy Cottaga F'replace stood floor* private yard. aim* std# wreasy accsss to campus S67Sftho. '■**«»*» No pats or smofcmg f. sC# ffi3Snx> 66/ ? 3 f B Haservmq tor TV*. «nt*» lovaly 2 13 Badroom Apts Av«: at*y m puma area of tugena Cable TV. srafnr. garbage* sewer pan.) Cov emJ psrtorg Starting si $660 461 Q1W Please take over my laasa BeauMui 1 Badroom Apartment on iftth K M CM 346 3662_ PROSPECT PARK (\mntry quiet in the city! 1. .* A 3 Badroom Apartments w*th private decks. v*m*. pool ten run courts, playground and more 1710 Northvfew Blvd. _484-6553_ Studio for laasa Older e>o**ng. up stairs good tight Near campus Cafl Shaley M at 666 9021 - . 1 TMK FAR SIDE By GARY I ARSON IV, ^ Oh. man1 The cotlee t cold1 They thought of #ve*yfh APTS DUPLEXES 1560 M*gb S» Si** icut A Omar* ’ BDHM A%afiat*a now Ooae to U o* O. Shoppy A flu*!*'* l.T6&'mc Jennings A Co. 4HI 1t» _W-2271 1 Bedroom Apt at 1Mb A Alder T aA* Over m.y «am Cafl Ki»«'y 4! >43 TftBO t Bedroom specious apartment \ Btoc* to campus No pats $J60nr>o CaS 345&?iD 1 Bedroom Apt A 3^6 2 bdrm |MO W.i* to U of 0 New carpet* pan* A (Kind* Nn * 46**' 2 Bedroom Apartment available De cember 12 S-tfaimo * wM»t *>* pad S.M 1 v l 14t*x 666 44&5 285 CLUB SPORTS SCUBA CLUB M.ANDA IORY l RIP Ml I TtNt i” November H. 4 OOpm CedW Mm E (IMD Bong you* 'C' Card 2W CAMPUS EVENTS Gay A Blseiuel Mao Part.■** n DISH (O*acu*&*ont In Se* A MnaAM Maia ftonahap*. ou'vntve* A --.tux community Nov 10. Century tt 7 9 30pm *YI ut> 3360 Sponsored by l < iHA ■ »Ml A 295 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT BARNDANCES & PARTIES! Wa r# Back' Nf X Production* Proteipworvsti D*ac Jock*y Service I* Now Boolurxg Mini** Part*’* BonxtarHre1* A vV‘n*er I orma!* Contact Seed # S03i 76B >4 ’ 0 l ROAD SCHOLAR 4 r Aeeai. 4 oanu ***** too ^ ►s»bbme^ GTT - JANTS A00CTWN. ^Ttsu*io at*atxvo uxxa ud *j Working band need* fre*b lalent Ma*s**f guitar**! vt« t«maJe voratat and poiwubfy drumm«f percutSiorval Ret)u*i mg personnel arourd «s!aW»*b*d promo bon and concept 2 MRS original matenai A PA Comrmtmenitlapanilabi^ty more important than 'aw talent Enc. 741 046f People who i love Kidstuff ft Clothes Horse ,-Vff: dfvrr. creative. smurl. attractive. ' eurthwlse. know where lo Huy (food bread. know whol movie is worth ll. have u sense of humor, and ore clothes snobs with heulthv saving habits, •NUN THfM AT Kiusivti t« w t.rni (tot hr* Mofur 72<) K i .Uh |fr*« forward rtMlr) rnii p/uuuw< 320 SERVICES Private halp 'tom h-rwKtn r 'On pregnancy \**%t*Q [ Mcfctecbon _cu m .v i. ggii TENTS' All »iie* All cok>rm Groat Great for irat«»rn«!y A StVOr tty parties Reserve now tor the Uial homo ^amrw 964 374t r lnva«l In your futuro with Oregon Dolly Cmorald iCUulllad Advortiolng h \ “ y 2W ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT The EMU Cult ural Forum presents Laura in a free performance TODAY from 1£S30 to lxSO In the EMU outside of tlic Fir RoomS CROSSWORD By Eugene Shtfjcr 1 Gd lag word 3 Mrii#u tor lamiaui ■ Ridcuia 12 Hakan biaad? tlVMp undw GUP 14 Granobfa Yiliwnd Pm lad WOfd 16 Doubt* adg*d •woid 16 Pau in ttM an 20 Buffalo * hocfcay Kim 21 *— Pop Ua' 23 Chan lyp* 24 T rtoal chid 26 Paiodc latila datum abbi 31 -—Gat By' 32 Impatuoua 34 AAApb 33 Jack and J.B» handful 37 Buflon wood 36 Incanaad r—w—w—n 41 On* ad\nt*d to cavaat 45 Gootxi 49 A lamoua rock quart*)? 51 f*o t*bt*t>. olt*n SI Haply ol und*r Handing 53 Ftd*r» cohort 54 Augury 55 Co«!n*r portrayal 59 0*ck» tor tO 57 Brtdg* positon DOWN 1 Sami 2 F fo*l 3 City naar Provo 4 Strong pap* 5 Cutting taath • WMta Houft* ncfcnama 7 History chapt ar» t African rtvar t imla Cupid tO frankan slam monstar t faar 11 Doclors dua 17 Kannal cry Solution tlma 28 mint Yaatarday's answer 15 —nr tost? 22 Cafatana Hack 24 Sampla tha Sautarna* 25 In tha •tyla oI 26 Quk* bofci 27 Tha onai that got away 26 Postal Craad word 30 Pay with plastic 33 Ponaii 36 Wood shop machmary 36 l aa 40 Come Dal uita 42 Gtomn acrai? 43 Erato if 44 Soma do it 46 Idrtarod tarmmut 47 Put! to work 46 Bivouac ttrudura SO Laftar aft ar pt I—till' rw"i