Emerald Sports Oregon Daily Ducks, ’Cats renew old friendship again By Steve Mims Dragon Q&ty l'rrv»axi Oregon head coach Kh It Brooks will look to become the winningest coach in school his tory on Saturday, but he will have to beat a good friend to do it. Brooks, m his 17th year at Oregon, has won H2 games, tying him with legendary coach I.en Casanova, the current ath letic director emeritus at Ore gon Brooks will get a chance for win number tit on Saturday when the Ducks play at Arizona in a regionally televised game beginning at f>:37 p in Brooks' adversary this week end is Arizona head coach Dick Torney. who i oai bed alongside Brooks when the two were assis tant coat.lies at UCLA in 197fi The following veer both received head coaching jobs, Brooks at Oregon and Tomes at Hawaii However, the two have retained their friendship off the field, "I'd hate to take away Dick's chant e to go to the Rose Bowl," Brooks said. "But I'd hate for him to take away our chant.e to go to any bowl. I wish I could settle it on the golf course I feel like I'd have a better chance to win there." For the last few years the golf course has been thepnly place Brooks and Torney have seen each other. Oregon and Arizona last met in 1990 when the Wild cats won 22-17 after tackling Oregon quarterback Bill Mus grave inches short of the end zone on fourth-and-goal at the end of the game. "We are not as familiar with them as we were when we played them before," Brooks said. "The last game was a tough, hard-fought loss. Their defense is different now, and they are more of a pro-style offense. They've changed since the last time we played them." Oregon (5-3, 2-3) and Arizona (7-1. 4-1) are coming off of oppo site results last weekend The Ducks got a big 4f>-23 win over Washington State last Saturday, giving them momentum and keeping their postseason hopes alive. Meanwhile, Arizona suf fered its first loss of the year, 37 17 to UCLA, knocking it out of the driver's seat for its first Rose Bowl berth ever. Arizona's defense has emerged as the nation's toughest unit over the last two years The Wildcats lead the nation in rush ing defense and total defense, and are on top of the Pacific-10 Conference in scoring defense and passing efficiency defense. Oregon wilt be hard-pressed to move th«» ball on the ground against the Wildiats with lead ing rusher Sean Burwoll not expected to plnv Kk ky Whittle looked good for the Ducks in their win over Washington State Inst weekend, rushing a season high lt> times and catching five passes "Kit kv Whittle is as healthy as he's been all year," Brooks said "He played well against Washington State He's so explo sive and a tough runner, with Sean Burwoll doubtful, we need a healthy Ricky Whittle " Arizona's biggest change has come in offense where they have forsaken the option offense ol years past for a pro-stvle offense The Wildcats hoped that Dan White, a foot a. 215-pound transfer from I’enn State, would run the passing offense, hut he has struggled White has completed less than half of his passes, and ranks hehind every Pot 10 start ing quarterbac k ext opt Oregon State's Rahim Muhammad in passing effic ionc v Both White and his backup Brady Batten were injured in Arizona's loss las! week at IIO.A, but both are probable for this weekend s game. The Pat-10's second-worst passing game is exactly what a heat up Ducks' secondary needs right now f ree safety Jeff Sher man is out this week and cor nerbuck Alex Molden is doubt ful. With oornerback Herman O'Berrv out for the year, the Ducks are only about two-deep at each defensive back field posi tion. Arizona's running gome is built around three main backs, with a fourth usually getting some action as well Ontiwaun Carter leads the Tails in rushing and ranks fifth in the conference with 4K7 yards. He could rank higher, but Arizona has three oilier backs with at least 50 car ries. The game could come down to big plays on special teams, which would appear to favor Arizona. The Wildcats have returned one punt for a touch down this year, blocked two field goal attempts, one punt and tackled the punter before a kick once this year. Since 1990, Arizona has blocked 15 punts or field goals. "We've spent a lot of time on punt blocking." Brooks said. "Our punt block and coverage has improved. My concern is very real about the Arizona spe cial teams because they have the ability to block punts." “31 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. -GERMAN - AUTO SERVICE, INC. Eugene, Oregon,97402 f Ilf Oregon punier kicker Tommy Thompson will lace a tough challenge from an Arizona special teams unit that has blocked 15 kicks over the past lour years Oregon golf on par The Oregon women's golf team finished eighth at the Pio neer Kleclric/Hruin Classic, m Iemei.ula. Calif . on Wednns dm Oregon opened the lournn nient with a 108 before slipping to n 122 in the second round on Tuesday Oregon shot H6 in the final round Wednesday to finish at 946 Oregon was paced by senior Cappy Mack, who shot 77 in the first round, followed bv suu.es sive 7H's to finish at 211. good 1 U C K NOTEBOOK for lflth place junior Shannon Hare opened the tournament with a 73 before shooting 7H-81 in the final two rounds. Meanwhile, the Oregon men's golf team shot a three-round total of 925 to finish tied for eighth at the Pioneer Elect rics/Hruin Classic Tuesday. Kandy McCracken led the Ducks and finished third overall with a six-over-par 222 The fin ish was the Eugene senior's best ever for Oregon. Host UCl.A won the title at 906 thanks in large part to Eddy Lee. who won medalist honors at 215. Oregon's Ted Suavely shot 2 I ,i, one shot better than team main Ands Scheidt Junior Paul Kigali fired a 237 and freshman |oel Stock shot 240 for I fie Dm k-. Until the women ami men's teams are now done with their fall season and will not play another tournament until Febru ary Dan Fouls, the Hall of Fame quarterback from the University of Oregon and the San Diego Uhargers. received tile Leo liar ris Award last Saturday a! half time of the Oregon Washington State football game The award is presented annually to an alumni letterman based on a< hiuvement and service in the last 20 years. A basketball coaches clinic: scheduled for Saturday, Nov. fi, at McArthur Court has Ikmii c an celed. the University of Oregon men’s basketball office announced today All those who were pro-regis tered will be refunded their money. It is hoped the clinic: caul lie rescheduled next fall. Contact the Oregon basketball office at 340-4.140 with any questions. The Malaysian Student Organization presents its CULTURAL NIGHT l Date: November 6 I _ Venue: Agate Hall y£3CT5 lime: 7:30 p.m. W Price: $5 Lots of food, entertainment and fun. lukrti auulaltlr al ihe t MV Mam Desk Come join us. MINI ^ CARS VI'IONS $2.49 \%>w ordm • Odom j cub Mr 1 I IWI II-. NS|H,I| Is { l