Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 03, 1993, Page 14, Image 22

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    in film
on screen this month
Robin William* rrrtvw the year of the woman. pUytn* a nanny In Hr*. Doubtfin
This month's st.u xclut U s .in i raxlung
into ilu-.Hers with everyone from
hast wood to I’acmo to Huston on
board I ook tot grand stale, preten
tious vamtx protests, scenery -ehexx mg
performances, .1 touplc o seipiels and .1
tew gems here .mil the!e
Mrv Doubtfire (Fox)
( H i-t the sears. Robin \\ tilt.ims Inis
plaxcd ex cr\ thing from .1 Russian eiretis
pertormer to ,t singing genie \ow,
tiled ot stifling Ills feminine suit. lie dix
guises himself .is .1 British n.mm m Mn
/)ntibllirt, the latest from Harne llutic
direetor ( liris ( nlumhux ( aught on
the heels of a naxts ilivoree from his
will Mil an da f Satis I icld), Daniel
1 Williams) will go to am extreme to
take tare of his children Win aren't
there an\ good female roles 111 movies
today 1 hex ’re all I vein g taken by men
A Perfect World (Warner Bros)
\i tor director ( lint I astwood lot
lows up Ins epit anti Western t n
xxith I l‘rtjtil llorU, directing
,in>t starling in
ittis a t f e 111 n g
iltaina ahmil
.in csi.ipi'il
tuiniit (Kfnii
( miner) who
develop*- .1 friendship will! his S year
old hostauc I astwood pl.ivs the I e\.is
lawman on his trail who must reconcile
his svmpatln for him and his rcsjionsi
lulnies as an officer Is there a screen
hip enough to hold the epos of these
two cultural icons
The Piano (Miramax)
In the ( aimes I iltn I estival, this
\ ictorian erj romame from New
Zealand director Jane ( ampion won the
coveted I’alme d't )r for best picture.
I l«ills I 1 timer (who also won Inst ,u tress
at ( annesl stars as \da, a mute whose
onlv means of self-expression is her
piano She travels with it into the New
Zealand bush tor an arranged marriage
with the distant Stewart (Sam Neill), hut
finds herself falling tor his neighbor
(llarvev Keitel) instead
Flesh and Bone (Paramount)
I’ r o s i n g
there's life .iti
cr /) O I .
rc.il life couple
Dennis Ouaid
.mil Meg Ks .in
arc* together again in this drama trout
Stice lvlovcs, director ot the acclaimed
I .ihulnin Hiili i lltiyi I he past is catching
up with \rlis Sweencx (Ouaid), a xend
ing machine repairman who tails tor the
loxelx and talented ha\ Davies (R\an).
Hut then romance is threatened li\
Sweencx s sinister lather (James ( aanl
Carlito's Way (Universal)
I echnieal wizard Brian l)e I’alma,
direi toi ot deliciousU trashx tltrillers
like < .mu and IheneJ / Hill, teams up
with M Pacino in this talc ot the New
Sulk underworld Pacino stars as
( arlito lirigailtc. a mohstei trying to go
clean alter serving time I cen with the
help ot a streetwise attorney (Sean
Penn) and a xoung dancer (Penelope
\nn Miller), iirigantc finds retorming
difficult lust when \ou thought it was
sale to gii lui k to the harrtos
The Three Musketeers (Disney)
\ 11- \ .1 n (I r c
I Juntas' v 1.1 ssH
sti ir\ metis the
M 1 V i>cner,i
lion in this
iluliioiislt con
cencil adaptation from the director of
Hill .md led l.\iellent . LI: future \ < mug
(inns ( harlic Sheen .mil Kilter
Stnln il.mil n .1111 up with Oliver I’l.itt
(hult\ ill I .;/) .is tin Musketeers who
.ire trving tn stop the king's adviser.
( .inlin.il Kiehelieti (Inn < urn, / "jilt'd
II i up >n I), trmn pulling .1 coup il ct.it
Promises tn lie the best Disncv live
action film since (ills, the ItelJ (ioal
hulmg Mule
Robot op III (Orion]
k o ii <> c o |>,
the metallic
product of .1
bleak futuristic
world, is back,
hotline to milk
.i tew more dollars from bloodthirsty
American audiences. Oh yeah, and he
fights crime too. Newcomer Robert
Iturkc stpiee/cs into the title role ot the
dam officer turned cvborg who, in this
sei|uel, must tr.uk down vicious youth
gangs t ailed Splatterpunks and armed
tommandos from the \ma/.on W ar
Remember "Stas out of trouble.
The Saint of Fori Washington (Warner Bros.)
Watt Dillon anti Damn (timer star in
what should he a moving drama from
Rr.'tr'i i Ji^i director I ini Hunter. In
the fort Washington \rtnory, a home
less shelter, two men develop an unlike
Iv friendship Jerrv ((ilover) is a
Vietnam veteran cast out of the com
forts of mithlIt i lavs life Matthew
(Dillon) is a schizophrenic who takes
pictures of the citv with a camera that
has no film in it Director Hunter
should give a potentiallv sapps story a
much needed edge,
Addoms Family Values (Paramount)
\o, rru v ri
ll i > t mi i to
I.iu!Kh .1 |><iliti
tal platform
lust to rash
their fit 111
ks vniclu.i Muslon and haul
lull.! uprise their roles as Murmu ami
(ionic/ \ddanis, the masochistu heads
of this post nuelear elan But this tune,
ihcv’ve spawned an addition to the lain
il\. a grisl\ child named I’tihert. I sped
heartwarming moments mixed with tor
lure ■ Sent I Tobias, I he Red and
Mail:, l . of (icorgia
on the set
video calendar
You're nearing college graduation without a job or
love and you feel doomed to obscurity But you have
company, at least on the screen, in Universal Pictures'
upcoming comedy/drama Reality Bites
Written by 23-year-old Helen Childress. Reality Bites
stars Winona Ryder (Age ot Innocence). Ethan Hawke
(Alive') and comedian Ben Stiller (The Ben Stiller Show)
Slated tor release in February. Reality Brtes is the story
of three colleae seniors caught in a love triangle
Stiller pulls double duty in front of and behind the camera in his directorial debut
"In a lot of ways, it's like surfing — you just ride the wave and hope you don't wipe
out." Stiller says "You keep control where you can. but when you have such talented
people to work with, you ride it as far as you can "
Ryder, who also starred in Dracula, gives her reasons for choosing the movie I
wanted to do a film that reflected people my age and the problems they go through."
she says "Plus m this film I wasn't being chained down and tortured — at least in the
conventional sense." ■ Frank San Miguel, The Dally Cougar, U. ol Houston
The Moppet Christmas Carol (Buena Vista) 11/2 Oetonator (New Line) 11/3.
Sliver (Paramount) 11/10. Blue Ice (HBO) 11/10, Cliflhanger (Columbia) 11/17;
Free Willy (Warner Bros.) 11/17. Lost in Yonkers (Columbia) 11/17; The Last
Days ot Chez Nous (New Line) 11/17 American Heart (LIVE) 11/17; The Plague
(LIVE) 11/17; Elvis in Hollywood (BMG) 11/23 Made in America (Warner Bros )
11/24 Splitting Heirs (MCA) 11/24 Adventures ol Huck Finn (Disney) 11/24 Lite
With Mikey (Touchstone) 11/24 Return ol the Musketeers (MCA) 11/24; Rising
Sun (Fox) 12/1
“I keep remembering I was a busboy in Belmont Calif. I was mostly stoned,
and mostly playing Risk.”
-Oaiu Carney. stmr of Waym t WtrtdH, on Me reete