I Ktcnse during the l ‘^6(K hut liecause ot the pro litcration lit newer, ninre powerful computers and software, the construction nt tin- intoriii.mon super highuav is nt! .iiul running. “People are lust starting to see the usefulness nt e mail lieeause the personal computer-is a common item m the hinisehold." sa\ s ( lu stei liullocL, a senior ai linhn Kill.lie \erntiautical l in \ri/oiia I mail tGltftt TICM allows me tn cominumeatc with friends .ill mcr the tounm and world for frit If universities .,nti without are going to ^ *;!'Z train us how mm.i u ,i mail s\ stem has " to operate i |u m, m anythin^ ”n ^nu ii,,niH,nnK “ "isn't eotlf ineil to more schools Ilu Mectmnu arivanrpd Nl"' w ' 1 " "ll aavancea uriul|) j, lsci) m than a deep- v 1 estimates that fat fryer, to ><> million they had '"utrLu',n.sI 1,1 J vv j| ks