Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 29, 1993, Page 5A, Image 5

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    New program to stress tourism
By Jim Davis
for (>**00^ CVi ?v f
The Halloween festival will l»»
showcased by University stu
dents at Kugene-area parks this
weekend, hut budget cuts by the
University may affect the annu
al events
A ghost train, a haunter) house
and a i nrnival will be produced
by iff) Ke< rention. Tourism Man
agement & Design students at
three Eugene parks for Hal
loween. hut. with wholesale
changes in the RTMD depart
ment. the annual tradition is in
"The curriculum of RTMD is
being changed in such a way
that courses like leadership and
programming that provide the
volunteer labor for these spei ia!
events mav not exist next year."
said Larry Neal, head of the
The department w ill become
an interdisciplinary program
under the Si bool of Architec
ture and Allied Arts next year.
The department is being
restructured, under the order of
the administration, to alleviate
budget cuts. Several depart
ments have been restructured
similarly or cut.
The emphasis of the new
RTMD program will probably
veer away from the services and
special events that the old
leisure studies department
"It is not the same program,
and it will not have the same
courses necessarily." said
Robert Melnick, professor and
head of the landscape architei -
ture department.
Currently. Melnick and a sev
en member faculty committee
are in the process of revising the
curriculum for the new program.
Courses for the new curricu
lum have not yet been decided,
but the new program will
emphasize research and practi
liiilrl W.li sp-usor «. ! . v;
that include* .1 vegetarian pot luck
tonight .it 6 at 1874 Emerald St Apt * l
For more in format ion. call 34 LH')20
Muslim Student l inon will < * t fur
election voting today from 5 to 7 30 p m
at Room 110 Willamette For more in for
mat ion.«all 346 1798
Student Health Insurant e < omrnittee
will meet today at 2 p m in the Student
Health < rotor Medical Library f or more
information, call 346 37u2.
( nstt Cubtlo .« pfivat* praclitt-roun
seior tn Eugene. will potent hidumcing
Our Body Image on Oct 30. from 10
d m to noon at Oregon West Fitness
1475 Franklin Blvd . in the aerobic* stu
International Student* Association
and Global Friend* will sponsor a
pumpkin 1 arving contest today during
coflee hour from 4 30 to b 30 p 111 m the
International Student Lounge For more
information. (all 146-4 387
(rermenu language* Dept will yon
•or a lecture sene* on 1 he Saint
(lapps). the Indigenous People of Scan
dinavia tonight at 7 in Room 115 Pat if
ic The series will continue Oct 30-31
from » a m to 3 30 p in For more infor
mat ion. call 146-4054 or 346 4051
Office of International Education *
Est hang* will sponsor Cultural Differ
enr.ee In the Classroom" today from 2 30
to 4 30 p m at the International College
650 F. 11th Ave For more information,
call 346-3206
Wallace Computer Servkoe will offer
a presentation today from 4 30 to 5.30
p m in EMli Century Room F
Walking Croup will meet today at 4
p m in front of the Student Health Cen
ter. F’or more information, call 346-2726
Deadlule for uibmittmg Et Alt to the
Emerald front desk 100 EMI’ it noon
the day Before publication The new*
editor does not have a time machine Et
Alt run the day of the event unleet the
event hike* place before noon
Notices of eventt with a donation or
admittion charge will not be accepted
Co input event* and those tcheduled
neorrtt the publication date will be giv
en priority The Emerald reserves the
right to edit for grammar and ttyle Et
Alt run on a tpace-avxnlable bam
:nl student involvement with
ho Pacific Northwest’s tourism
"Budget cuts wore ttit? impe
us for this programming
:hnnge.” Melnii k said, "hut
nidgot cuts were onlv partially
esponsible for the i hango
Phere has in-on an interest in our
ichool to develop into this area
or quite some tune "
Although the shift in pro
gramming is working well for
he architecture school, some of
he 130 majors in RTMD are
rustrated with the i hange
"I find that the transition is
,-ery frustrating." said Akira
Jrnehnra. n senior in RTMf).
You don’t know the courses
hat they are going to lie offering
text year, so we are rushing to
;et all of our classes in."
"I fee! that the change is good
or the school," said student
)ave Tisiot. "but at the same
inte I feel that I am getting
:< rewed I would rather take my
mil time in getting my require
nents in."
The i hange of focus in RTMD
will also affei! sei lions of the
community that benefited from
the department
"The students will sorely be
missed, if these changes < ome
about." said Mu hael lleRober
tis. recreation coordinator at the
Kiver Rond Pork in Kugene.
"These programs were a great
thing for the community and .1
great opportunity for the stu
dents "
The park programs will still
continue, and DoRobertis said
he would try to get voluntary
involvement from fraternities
and sororities Hut the labor that
the RTMIl students have sup
plied in the past vyas invaluable
These Halloween festivals
began 15 years ago when a Uni
versity professor offered the ser
vie es of her leisure studies pro
gramming course in .1
Halloween festival to local
parks The programming course
does a community service spe
cial event each term, such as a
Family ('.ame Hay lh.it was held
this summer in Salem
Easy clues in hunt lead
student to win first prize
By Rachel Kerman
University slue) fill Dan
Sweet was Him lared the win
hit of llif Homecoming Tree
sure Hunt after he found the
hidiltm plaque th.it entitled
him to a 27-inch Sony televi
sion Tuesday at noon
The Homecoming Treasure
Hunt began Monday "Appar
entl y. the i lues were so diffi
i ult that the hunt did not even
last three day s." joked Keith
Ku hard. University an hiv ist
and i o author of the i lues
( Hues appeared in the f iller
aid Monday and Tuesday The
clue Monday read. A dm k
yy ill not find me if he floats tiy
— hut if you go south far
enough, yyell and Tues
day s i lue read. "Nearby she
sits and rests, hut until she
moy es oil by . she yy ill not find
Sweet. a pre-journalism
major al the University. said
ha was surprised to have
found tlit' plaque, hut when lie
diil, lui immediately took tilt'
plaque to the president's offiie
Sweet then i tanned his new
television .1! Meier \ Frank
After tlie first day, 1 figured
someone had already found it
and mv 1 fiances of winning
were gone.'1 Sweet said "Hut
when l saw the second dnv’s
i lue. I decided to give it a
ijtili k look And there it was.
resting next to a stairwell
between l.erlinger anil the
I (owes er. this year's treasure
hunt prepared students for
next \ear's Iloniei timing hunt,
w fin h promises to lie more dif
ficult and 1 hallonging, said
( oust.mi e Weatherman, the
chairwoman ol the treasure
hunt committee
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