Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 29, 1993, Page 3A, Image 3

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Packwood affair
To thos.«< of us who follow the
Sen. Hob Packwood affair. the
latest (wist is decidedly inter
esting, and at the same time, not
a particularly veiled threat. Not
only has Oregon's esteemed sen
ator harassed many women, he
has tried to pawn it off on alco
hol. as the fault of the women
involved, and now. the piece de
resistance is a threat to his fel
low legislators: if thev bring him
down, he's not going alone
Not only will we Im- treated to
his real or imagined fantasies,
but in addition, we will be able
to hear and no doubt read Pack
wood's ( hronicle of the es
capades of his buddies over the
last 20-plus years. We asi iti/.ens
of Oregon could ask interesting
questions like. "Why is our sen
ator spending his time and our
munev snooping into the affairs
of other legislators'' Is it for per
sonal gain? An elfort. though
pitiful, to increase political mus
cle'' Or, is It something more
personally satisfy mg to have the
intimate details of the sexual
lives of those he worked with?"
After all. this is an issue !>e< atise
of his rather inept attempts to
have a personal life of his own
In am event. Boh Packwood is
an embarrassment to Oregon: it's
time for him to leave. Unlike
House members, we cannot
rei all Par kwood as he holds the
citizens of Oregon hostage I
hope his latest tai tic w ill prove
to his persevering supporters
that he is self-serving and
couldn't care a whit about Ore
Greg Hartlieb
I came to the University want
ing to major in biology and mi
nor in English, but because of
the increase in the number of
students who also want an Eng
lish minor, this is no longer pus
sihle. In response to an in
creased interest in an English
minor, the English department
decided to cut the program be
cause the\ do not have adequate
As college students, wo are
paying for our education, and if
we are pay ing for classics that are
contributing to a major or minor,
then we should bo allowed to
receive that degree. However,
tile iiioiicv we are paying is not
supporting the programs we
want to take We as students are
being ripped off. We are paying
the money, but we are not
receiving the education we
Everyone is aware that mon
ey is limited, but the primary
objective of the University
should still bo to educate the
students. It there is a strong in
terest in a particular area of
study, then the University
should reallocate money in or
The Oregon Daily timer
aid will attempt to print
all letters containing com
ments on topics of interest
to the University commu
Letters to the editor
must he limited to no
more than 250 words, leg
ible. signed and the identi
fication of the writer must
be verified when the letter
is submitted.
The Emerald reserves
the right to edit an\ letter
for length or style
dor In encourage * lit* pursuit of
an education rather than making
cuts and hindering it As paying
customers of the l Jniversity. «n
are entitled to an education, it
the University will not provide
us with that education, maybe
we should start asking for a
Angee Henderson
God's eye view
In two recent letters [OPE.
Oct 19, Oct 22). Damon Cole
introduc ex the Emerald readers
to "ohje< tivism," the philosophy
of Ayn Rand In many n*spe< ts.
Rand's beliefs are interesting
bee a use she plui ed a high value
on logic and reason Unfortu
nately. her faith in human ree
Mining powers was so strong
that it led her to plat e all prob
lems. including politics, eco
nomics. culture and art on ex
actly the same plane ns simple
Newtonian phvxu s
In these areas, the philosophy
of "oh jet tivism'' ac tually makes
real objectivity impossible The
objec I iv ist. con vim ed that rea
son has led to a sort of, "God's
esc view'' ol the truth, i an not
apprci iate the possibility that
Other people's viewpoints on
politii al and cultural issues may
he just as valid as his or her
Damon's letters are a < urica
ture of the worst aspects of
Rand's thinking processes lie
argues that anyone who dis
cusses potential problems with
genet11 engineering is advw fil
ing ugliness and death, and that
Nazism and fascism were moti
vated by altruism These argu
ments are so silly that I won't
waste SIMM e to refute them
Indeed, readers of Damon s
letters might he tempted to out
t lude that Hand and Iter fol
lowers are simply nuts and fruit
t .ikes Tins would he un
fortunate, heiause Kami was a
great novelist, and her words of
praise for the i realise potential
of individual human beings
have inspired millions. Howev
er. Kami was also a tragii figure
and her philosophy, evaluated
ohjei lively, has some verv serl
ous limitations
Jerry Russell
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